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Development Documentation

Development can be done either by using the official development docker image, or via a normal nodejs installation.


All branches should undergo manual testing as specified in the Testing document. If someone is well versed in unit automation tests for browser front ends, please educate me! For now do it manually before making a pull request.

Quick Start (Docker)

  • docker run -p 443:443 -p 3000:3000 -v "$(pwd)"/data:/data

A full browser based vscode development environment will be found at http://<your-ip>:3000/?tkn=<your authentication token>. The authentication token will be printed in your docker logs, and must be included in the URL.

You can set a custom authentication token using the $CONNECTION_TOKEN environment variable

Once started, the development environment can be found at /data/headscale-ui inside vscode. The development server (including hot reloading) will be found at port 443. The running npm run dev process can be accessed within tmux, accessed with tmux a in the vscode terminal.

Remapping port 443

You may wish to remap port 443 to something else (like 9443). You cannot remap via docker directly (IE: docker run -p 9443:443): doing so breaks the hot-reload mechanism. Instead, you must change the port the server runs on, and map it correctly (IE: docker run -p 9443:9443). You can change the server port under package.json once the container is loaded (see below gif for details):

If you wish to do the same with the npm run stage mechanism, you can edit the included Caddyfile to run on the correct port, changing :443 to the appropriate port.

Additional Docker Commands

Variable Description Example
AUTOINITIALZE On first load, will automatically initialise and clone the repository true
USE_CONNECTION_TOKEN sets a connection token for VSCode Server. true
CONNECTION_TOKEN Set to a secret to have some measure of protection for vscode. Randomized if left blank my_secret_token
PROJECT_NAME name of the project you are cloning in headscale-ui
PROJECT_URL url of the project you are cloning in
AUTOSTART will automatically run the headscale server on container load within tmux true
DEV_COMMAND sets the autostart command npm run dev

Quick Start (npm)

Clone the repository with git clone, navigate to the project directory, and install with npm install.

Development environment can be ran with npm run dev. Static site can be generated with npm run build. Testing (and potentially even production) can be ran with npm run stage if caddy is installed in your distribution (red hat/fedora can install with sudo dnf install caddy).