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MCP-Net: Inter-frame Motion Correction with Patlak Regularization for Whole-body Dynamic PET

Early acceptance (top ~13%) in MICCAI 2022, Singapore. [Paper]

Poster #T096, in Poster 6: Image Segmentation, Registration & Reconstruction II, Sept 20th, 2022, 17:00-18:00.

We propose an inter-frame Motion Correction framework with Patlak regularization (MCP-Net) to directly optimize the Patlak fitting error and further improve model performance.

The MCP-Net contains three modules: a motion estimation module consisting of a multiple-frame 3-D U-Net with a convolutional long short-term memory layer combined at the bottleneck; an image warping module that performs spatial transformation; and an analytical Patlak module that estimates Patlak fitting with the motion-corrected frames and the individual input function. A Patlak loss penalization term using mean squared percentage fitting error is introduced to the loss function in addition to image similarity measurement and displacement gradient loss.

keywords: Inter-frame motion correction, Parametric imaging, Tracer kinetics regularization, Whole-body dynamic PET



If you would like to train your own model, you will likely need to customize some of the data loading code in voxelmorph/ for your own datasets and data formats. However, it is possible to run many of the example scripts out-of-the-box, assuming that you have a directory containing training data files in npz (numpy) format. It's assumed that each npz file in your data folder has a vol parameter, which points to the numpy image data to be registered. It's also assumed that the shape of all image data in a directory is consistent.

For a given /path/to/training/data, the following script will train the MCP-Net. Model weights will be saved to a path specified by the --model-dir flag.

./scripts/tf/cv/ /path/to/training/data --cvfold 1 --model-dir /path/to/models/output --gpu 0 --image-loss 'ncc' --lambda 0.1 --patlak-lambda 0.1 --log-dir /path/to/log/output --temptype 'convLSTM' --epochs 500 --batch-size 5 


To correct motion of all the frames, we could run:

./scripts/tf/ --batchsize 5 --moving /path/to/moving/frames --infun /path/to/infun --fixedID 11 --moved /path/to/moved/frames --model /path/to/models/output --warp /path/to/warps --gpu 0

Parameter choices

For our data, we found lambda=0.1 and patlak-lambda=0.1 with NCC loss to work best.


If you use MCP-Net or some part of the code, please cite:

  title={MCP-Net: Inter-frame Motion Correction with Patlak Regularization for Whole-body Dynamic PET},
  author={Guo, Xueqi and Zhou, Bo and Chen, Xiongchao and Liu, Chi and Dvornek, Nicha C},
  booktitle={International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention},

Notes on Data

We originally used an internal dataset at Yale PET Center. If you would like to access the data, please contact

We encourage users to download and process their own data.


For any problems or questions please open an issue or contact


The code was heavily borrowed from Voxelmorph (


Balakrishnan, G., Zhao, A., Sabuncu, M.R., Guttag, J., Dalca, A.V.: Voxelmorph: a learning framework for deformable medical image registration. IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38(8), 1788–1800 (2019)


Inter-frame Motion Correction with Patlak Regularization for Whole-body Dynamic PET







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