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File metadata and controls

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Magic Login is a service that allows you to send transactional e-mails with templates and support for authentication tokens built-in.

What that means is that you can send e-mails that contain a button (that is a link to a URL), and based on the token in this URL you can verify that it was in fact this e-mail's owner that clicked the link.

That's exactly what you need for:

  • Passwordless login
  • User sign up (and associated e-mail verification)
  • E-mail confirmation for actions (e.g. deleting their account, or making other dangerous changes)
  • Password reset e-mails
  • E-mail sharing or account invites (e.g. click link in e-mail to get access to this document).

{% hint style="info" %} To make use of Magic Login you will need an account. There is a free trial ****that doesn't require payment details, use that to try it out. {% endhint %}

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