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File metadata and controls

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Using datatable

This section describes common functionality and commands that you can run in datatable.

Create Frame

You can create a Frame from a variety of sources, including numpy arrays, pandas DataFrames, raw Python objects, etc:

import datatable as dt
import numpy as np

0,1.62435 1,-0.611756 2,-0.528172 3,-1.07297 4,0.865408 5,-2.30154 6,1.74481 7,-0.761207 8,0.319039 9,-0.24937 ... 999995,0.0595784 999996,0.140349 999997,-0.596161 999998,1.18604 999999,0.313398

import pandas as pd
pf = pd.DataFrame({"A": range(1000)})

0,0 1,1 2,2 3,3 4,4 5,5 6,6 7,7 8,8 9,9 ... 995,995 996,996 997,997 998,998 999,999

dt.Frame({"n": [1, 3], "s": ["foo", "bar"]})

0,1,"foo" 1,3,"bar"

Convert a Frame

Convert an existing Frame into a numpy array, a pandas DataFrame, or a pure Python object:

nparr = df1.to_numpy()
pddfr = df1.to_pandas()
pyobj = df1.to_list()

Parse Text (csv) Files

datatable provides fast and convenient parsing of text (csv) files:

df = dt.fread("train.csv")

The datatable parser

  • Automatically detects separators, headers, column types, quoting rules, etc.
  • Reads from file, URL, shell, raw text, archives, glob
  • Provides multi-threaded file reading for maximum speed
  • Includes a progress indicator when reading large files
  • Reads both RFC4180-compliant and non-compliant files

Write the Frame

Write the Frame's content into a csv file (also multi-threaded):


Save a Frame

Save a Frame into a binary format on disk, then open it later instantly, regardless of the data size:

df2 ="out.jay")

Basic Frame Properties

Basic Frame properties include:

print(df.shape)   # (nrows, ncols)
print(df.names)   # column names
print(df.stypes)  # column types

Compute Per-Column Summary Stats

Compute per-column summary stats using:


Select Subsets of Rows/Columns

Select subsets of rows and/or columns using:

df[:, "A"]         # select 1 column
df[:10, :]         # first 10 rows
df[::-1, "A":"D"]  # reverse rows order, columns from A to D
df[27, 3]          # single element in row 27, column 3 (0-based)

Delete Rows/Columns

Delete rows and or columns using:

del df[:, "D"]     # delete column D
del df[f.A < 0, :] # delete rows where column A has negative values

Filter Rows

Filter rows via an expression using the following. In this example, mean, sd, f are all symbols imported from datatable.

df[(f.x > mean(f.y) + 2.5 * sd(f.y)) | (f.x < -mean(f.y) - sd(f.y)), :]

Compute Columnar Expressions

Compute columnar expressions using:

df[:, {"x": f.x, "y": f.y, "x+y": f.x + f.y, "x-y": f.x - f.y}]

Sort Columns

Sort columns using:

df[:, :, sort(f.A)]

Perform Groupby Calculations

Perform groupby calculations using:

df[:, mean(f.x), by("y")]

Append Rows/Columns

Append rows / columns to a Frame using:

df1.cbind(df2, df3)
df1.rbind(df4, force=True)