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45 lines (31 loc) · 1.29 KB


File metadata and controls

45 lines (31 loc) · 1.29 KB


The functions in this sub-module are considered to be "internal" and not useful for day-to-day work with datatable module.

compiler_version() Compiler used when building datatable.
frame_column_data_r() C pointer to column's data
frame_columns_virtual() Indicators of which columns in the frame are virtual.
frame_integrity_check() Run checks on whether the frame's state is corrupted.
get_thread_ids() Get ids of threads spawned by datatable.
in_debug_mode() Was datatable built in debug mode?
regex_supported() Was datatable built with support for regular expressions?

compiler_version() <internal/compiler_version> frame_column_data_r() <internal/frame_column_data_r> frame_columns_virtual() <internal/frame_columns_virtual> frame_integrity_check() <internal/frame_integrity_check> get_thread_ids() <internal/get_thread_ids> in_debug_mode() <internal/in_debug_mode> regex_supported() <internal/regex_supported>