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#H2O 2.8 vs. H2O 3.0

H2O 3.0 is the next major release of H2O. We expect it to supersede H2O on May 15th, 2015.

The REST APIs are now versioned for stability. Full metadata for the API is available from the server, as are Java POJOs for external clients.

The following table evaluates what features, capabilities, and algorithms are supported in H2O in comparison to H2O-Dev.

  • For users who prefer a stable release suited for production environments, we recommend using H2O.
  • For users who prefer to experiment with the latest build for a testing environment, we recommend using H2O-Dev.
  • For Sparkling Water users, H2O-Dev is required.
  H2O 2.8 H2O 3.0
Languages JavaScript JavaScript, Coffeescript
APIs Support for REST APIs Support for REST and Python APIs, in-program REST API documentation in Flow
Clients Web UI, command-line, R Flow "notebook"-style interface, command-line, R, Python, Scala (for Sparkling Water), external REST API clients
Integration Hadoop Hadoop, Maven
Algorithms Cox PH, Deep Learning, GLM, GBM, K-Means, Naive Bayes, PCA, Random Forest (Big Data), DRF, Anomaly Detection K-Means, GLM, DRF, Naive Bayes, GBM, Deep Learning, Quantiles (eventually all H2O1 algos will be supported on H2O 3.0), Anomaly Detection
Reproducibility Export and predict on model using JSON Export and predict on model using JSON, save and export work as "flows," save tasks as "clips" for reuse, add explanatory Markdown or raw text to code
Assistance Tutorials, videos Interactive tutorials, in-program help (in Flow), Assist Me! button linking to common tasks Assist button
Troubleshooting Troubleshoot by checking Troubleshoot using or by checking
Sparkling Water No longer supported Supported
Web interface H2O Web UI H2O 3.0 Web UI