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114 lines (94 loc) · 4.84 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (94 loc) · 4.84 KB


globaltrends 0.0.14

  • Remove dependency on glue package, calls of glue::glue are replaced with paste and paste0
  • Remove dependency on ineq package, calls of ineq::ineq are replaced with internal functions
  • Use functions from DBI 1.1.0: dbCreateTable and dbAppendTable
  • Remove the function plot_map from the package:
    • The function proofed too inflexible, only world map was included
    • We point users to the functions from the packages maps and ggmap
    • Remove dependency on the maps package
  • Remove reference to non-existent table data_global in function remove_data

globaltrends 0.0.13

  • Set minimum dependency of stats and utils to version 3.5.0 in line with minimum R dependency
  • Store globaltrends logo in the vignettes folder
  • Add explanation of Google's data preparation methodology to vignette
  • Change wait intervals for status responses != 200 and add message about automatic retry of download
    • Status == 500: wait 1 second
    • All other responses: wait 60 seconds
  • Add function vacuum_data to free unused memory after remove_data
  • Remove all usage of .data to comply with tidyselect 1.2.0, this applies to calls of:
    • dplyr::rename
    • dplyr::select
    • purrr::map
    • purrr::walk
    • tidyr::nest
    • tidyr::pivot_longer
    • tidyr::pivot_wider
    • tidyr::unnest
  • As a consequence of the changes in tidyselect 1.2.0, several objects are defined as global variables (see globals.r for details)
  • Replace size with linewidth to comply with ggplot2 3.4.0
  • Add the argument multiple = "all" and multiple = "error" to comply with dplyr 1.1.0
  • Facilitate handling of location = "NA - Namibia", the function add_locations does automatically drop the location
  • Remove dependency on WDI package, references to WDI::WDI_data are replaced by data objects countries and countries_wdi

globaltrends 0.0.12

  • Stop direct exports from functions to .GlobalEnv
  • Exports of objects (e.g., SQL connections, keyword tables) are redirected to package environment gt.env
  • Add handle for Namibia ISO code

globaltrends 0.0.11

  • Add function plot_map()
  • Add automatic stringr::str_squish for keywords and synonyms
  • Add documentation on usage of search topics

globaltrends 0.0.10

  • Change indication and handling of synonyms (synonyms are now ignored in export_score and export_voi)

globaltrends 0.0.9

  • Fasten computation of search scores for data with synonyms
  • Fix bugs for control keywords that have a mean of 0 for their search volume time series

globaltrends 0.0.8

  • Adapt export_xxx for vector and list inputs
  • Optimize RAM usage of export_xxx
  • Check whether "db/globaltrends_db.sqlite" file exists in working directory
  • Inclusion of "workaround" plot functions that set class xxx automatically:
    • plot_xxx_box
    • plot_xxx_bar
    • plot_xxx_ts

globaltrends 0.0.7

  • Change waiting times for errors
    • Status Code != 200/Limit exceeded -> 60 seconds wait
    • Status Code == 500 -> 1 second wait

globaltrends 0.0.6

  • To distinguish them from the actual database tables, names of the example data object were adapted. Documentation is still available for the respective database table.
    • batch_keywords -> example_keywords
    • batch_time -> example_time
    • data_control -> example_control
    • data_doi -> example_doi
    • data_object -> example_object
    • data_score -> example_score
  • Waiting period between downloads reduced from 20-30 seconds to 5-10 seconds

globaltrends 0.0.5

  • Added classes for output from export_xxx
    • export_score -> class("exp_score")
    • export_voi -> class("exp_voi")
    • export_doi -> class("exp_doi")
  • export_xxx + get_abnorm_hist supersedes export_xxx_change
    • method for export_score -> class("exp_score")
    • method for export_voi -> class("exp_voi")
    • method for export_doi -> class("exp_doi")
  • plot_bar supersedes plot_score
    • method for export_score -> class("exp_score")
    • method for export_score -> get_abnorm_hist -> class("abnorm_score")
  • plot_ts supersedes plot_voi_ts and plot_doi_ts
    • method for export_score -> class("exp_score")
    • method for export_score -> get_abnorm_hist -> class("abnorm_score")
    • method for export_voi -> class("exp_voi")
    • method for export_voi -> get_abnorm_hist -> class("abnorm_voi")
    • method for export_doi -> class("exp_doi")
    • method for export_doi -> get_abnorm_hist -> class("abnorm_doi")
  • plot_box supersedes plot_voi_box and plot_doi_box
    • method for export_score -> class("exp_score")
    • method for export_score -> get_abnorm_hist -> class("abnorm_score")
    • method for export_voi -> class("exp_voi")
    • method for export_voi -> get_abnorm_hist -> class("abnorm_voi")
    • method for export_doi -> class("exp_doi")
    • method for export_doi -> get_abnorm_hist -> class("abnorm_doi")