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Detecting XQuery injection with

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Detecting XQuery injection with CodeQL


In this article, I will introduce how to use CodeQL to detect XQuery injection.

First, I will introduce XQuery injection. Second, I will use examples to illustrate the hazards of Xquery injection and how to prevent it. Finally, I will introduce how to write ql to detect XQuery injection.

XQuery injection

XQuery is a functional language that can retrieve information stored in XML format, including elements and attributes in XML documents, and is often used to extract information from web services. Similar to XPath injection, XQuery injection attacks take advantage of the looseness of the XQuery parser Input and fault tolerance features can load malicious code in URLs and forms to enter programs. When information containing malicious code participates in the dynamic construction of XQuery query expressions, it will cause XQuery injection. Attackers can use vulnerabilities to obtain sensitive information and gain system permissions. For a detailed description of the defect, please refer to CWE-652: Improper Neutralization of Data within XQuery Expressions ('XQuery Injection').

The harm of XQuery injection


String name = request.getParameter("name");

XQDataSource ds = new SaxonXQDataSource();

XQConnection conn = ds.getConnection();

String query = "for $user in doc(\"users.xml\")/Users/User[name='" + name

        + "'] return $user/password";

XQPreparedExpression xqpe = conn.prepareExpression(query);

XQResultSequence result = xqpe.executeQuery();

while ( {



The above code is to obtain the user name from the request and then splice it into the expression to be queried, and finally output the user password. Since the user name can be controlled by the user, when the user enters the user name admin' or''=', we the query expression is:

for $user in doc(\"users.xml\")/Users/User[name='admin' or ''=''] return $user/password

According to the query expression, we know that this query will always be true and will eventually return the passwords of all users, which causes XQuery injection.

Fix code

XQDataSource xqds = new SaxonXQDataSource();

XQConnection conn;

try {

    String name = request.getParameter("name");

    String query = "declare variable $name as xs:string external;"

            + " for $user in doc(\"users.xml\")/Users/User[name=$name] return $user/password";

    conn = xqds.getConnection();

    XQExpression expr = conn.createExpression();

    expr.bindString(new QName("name"), name,


    XQResultSequence result = expr.executeQuery(query);

    while ( {



} catch (XQException e) {



In the above repair code, declare the string variable name by using the declare syntax. Then use the bindString() method of the XQExpression object to bind the variable to the query. Similar to the placeholder in the SQL query , Here use declaration variables to simulate parameterized queries.

Detecting XQuery injection with CodeQL

CodeQL is an industry-leading semantic code analysis engine, we can use it to find vulnerabilities in the entire code base. In addition, it is also a free research and open source software.

We can define the source and sink, and then let CodeQL help us with global taint tracking and data flow analysis.In XQuery injection:

  • The source is user remote input, and the library in CodeQL has helped us define the remote input source RemoteFlowSource, which is very convenient.
  • The receiver is the XQPreparedExpression object in XQPreparedExpression.executeQuery().
  • But this is not enough, RemoteFlowSource and XQPreparedExpression are not the same data, we need to define the isAdditionalTaintStep predicate to tell the CodeQL engine other pollution propagation steps.

According to our ideas, a ql was written.


 * @name XQuery query built from user-controlled sources

 * @description Building an XQuery query from user-controlled sources is vulnerable to insertion of

 *              malicious XQuery code by the user.

 * @kind path-problem

 * @problem.severity error

 * @precision high

 * @id java/xquery-injection

 * @tags security

 *       external/cwe/cwe-652


import java


import XQueryInjectionLib

import DataFlow::PathGraph

class XQueryPreparedExecuteCall extends MethodAccess {

  XQueryPreparedExecuteCall() {

    exists(Method m |

      this.getMethod() = m and

      m.hasName("executeQuery") and



          .hasQualifiedName("javax.xml.xquery", "XQPreparedExpression")



  /** Return this prepared expression. */

  Expr getPreparedExpression() { result = this.getQualifier() }


class XQueryInjectionConfig extends TaintTracking::Configuration {

  XQueryInjectionConfig() { this = "XQueryInjectionConfig" }

  override predicate isSource(DataFlow::Node source) { source instanceof RemoteFlowSource }

  override predicate isSink(DataFlow::Node sink) {

    sink.asExpr() = any(XQueryPreparedExecuteCall xpec).getPreparedExpression()


  override predicate isAdditionalTaintStep(DataFlow::Node pred, DataFlow::Node succ) {

    exists(XQueryParserCall parser | pred.asExpr() = parser.getInput() and succ.asExpr() = parser)



from DataFlow::PathNode source, DataFlow::PathNode sink, XQueryInjectionConfig conf

where conf.hasFlowPath(source, sink)

select sink.getNode(), source, sink, "XQuery query might include code from $@.", source.getNode(),

  "this user input"

This ql mainly contains several parts:

  • isSource() defines the source, usually remote user input, just use the standard RemoteFlowSource class directly.
  • isSink() defines the sink.
  • isAdditionalTaintStep() defines an additional taint propagation step.

In order for our query results to show the entire taint tracking and data flow, we need to add @kind path-problem to ql. Then our query is written. But this is not enough, because we need to correct XQuery Inject to study carefully and find other code calls that may have security issues.



Writing CodeQL queries