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Doctrine Migration Prunering


This example application is designed for demonstration, testing, and educational purposes. It showcases the functionality of the hackzilla/doctrine-migration-pruner-bundle, a tool for managing and pruning old Doctrine migration files.


  • Generates fake Doctrine migration files with random timestamps.
  • Demonstrates the automatic pruning of old migration files by the hackzilla/doctrine-migration-pruner-bundle.
  • Useful for understanding how the bundle operates in a real-world scenario.


  • Doctrine Migration Bundle v3.
  • MySQL or Sqlite

The system is currently configured for Sqlite.


Use composer to install the necessary dependencies:

composer install


To configure the hackzilla_doctrine_migration_pruner in your Symfony application, add the following to your config/packages/hackzilla_doctrine_migration_pruner.yaml file:

  remove_migrations_before: '2007-05-01'  # Can be null or a valid date-time


Generating Migrations

Run the custom Symfony command to generate migration files:

bin/console app:generate-migrations [numMigrations] [startYear] [endYear]
  • numMigrations: The number of migration files to generate.
  • startYear: The start year for random timestamp generation.
  • endYear: The end year for random timestamp generation.

To create 30 migrations between 2019 and 2025:

bin/console app:generate-migrations 30 2019 2025

Running Migrations

Execute your Doctrine migrations as usual:

bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

The pruning operation will automatically occur, removing old migration files and their corresponding database entries.


This application provides a hands-on way to test and observe the hackzilla/doctrine-migration-pruner-bundle in action.

Contributions and Issues

See all contributors on GitHub.

Please report issues using GitHub's issue tracker: GitHub Repo

Alertnatively, if have issues with the bundle, please report issues with the bundle issue tracker: GitHub Repo

If you find this project useful, consider buying me a coffee.


This application is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.