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Quick Start

DSN or django-signal-notifier is a Django package to send message or notification based on the Django's signals triggering. You can select some backends for each signal(e.g., An In-Site notification app).


django-signal-notifier==0.2.1 is not compatible with django>=3.1 . We are solving the problem.

Concepts (Summary version)

DSN's architecture :

DSN Architecture

In a nutshell, we can say DSN is developed to send message :

  • When and Where ? : When a Trigger Triggered (The associated signal's send function is called, and the trigger's specs match).
  • What to send?: The message that is created to the message_template and other parameters like signal_kwargs.
  • Whom to send? : Send the message to the registered receivers in the subscription or the dynamic user that can be specified in the messenger.


You should pay attention to these 3 questions when you want to assign a new trigger to a signal.



  • Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7
  • Django 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0


django-signal-notifier==0.2.1 is not compatible with django>=3.1 . We are solving the problem.


1. Install django-signal-notifier by pip:

$ pip install django-signal-notifier

or use the source

$ git clone
$ cd django-signal-notifier
$ python sdist
$ pip install dist/django-signal-notifier*
  1. Add "django_signal_notifier" at the end of INSTALLED_APPS setting like this
  1. Migrate
  2. django-signal-notifier configure by admin panel by default(Can be configured by code, tough)
  3. Use python migrate for schema migration.


You may face with below error, To resolve it, 'migrate' first.
no such table: django_signal_notifier_trigger.
An error occurs when reconnecting trigger to the corresponding signals, Note: Make sure you migrate and migrations first


  1. Run the development server and visit To create a trigger(signal), backends(messenger and message_template), and subscription (you'll need the Admin app enabled).

  2. You can test it like this:

    5.1. Create a trigger (verb=pre_save and action_object=TestModel1)

    5.2. Create a backend (messenger=SimplePrintMessengerTemplateBased and message_template=SimplePrintMessageTemplate)

    5.3. Create a subscription that connects the trigger and the backend. Add admin to the receiver(user) list.

    5.4. Run this command in shell:

    from django_signal_notifier.models import *
    TestModel1_another_instance = TestModel1.objects.create(name="new_test_model2", extra_field="extra")

    Now you should see a message when you create TestModel1. By Creating new TestModel1, Django calls the pre_save signal's send method. Then this signal call associated trigger handler. In the Trigger handler, the associated backend is called. The message_template with some details are sent to the backend. In our case, a simple message is printed. You can provide your messengers and message_templates.