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Update README with install instructions and recent changes
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hadley committed Jun 22, 2011
1 parent 14d102a commit 49b1480
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 18 deletions.
69 changes: 51 additions & 18 deletions
@@ -1,38 +1,73 @@
# devtools

The aim of devtools is to make your life as a package developer easy.
The aim of `devtools` is to make your life as a package developer easy. It does this by providing tools to:

It does this by providing tools to:

* simulate `R CMD install` during development (IN PROGRESS)
* interactively run some parts of `R CMD check`
* build documentation, run tests and benchmarking your code
* simulate `R CMD install` during development
* build documentation (using roxygen), run tests (using testthat)
* run `R CMD check` from within R
* help you release your package

These tools are described in more detail below.

To use all features of devtools, you also need to install `RCurl`. To get it:

* On windows, run
`install.packages("RCurl", repos = "")`
* On everything else, run

I also recommend that you use my fork of roxygen, rather than the official CRAN version. Once you've installed and loaded `devtools`, you can install this direct from my github account by running `install_github("roxygen")`.

## Installation

There are two ways to reload the package from disk:

* `load_all("pkg")` will package dependencies described in `DESCRIPTION`, R
code in `R/`, compiled shared objects in `src/`, data files in `data/`. It
* `load_all("pkg")` will load package dependencies described in `DESCRIPTION`,
R code in `R/`, compiled shared objects in `src/`, data files in `data/`. It
keeps your global workspace clean by loading all objects into a package
environment, and works efficiently by only reloading files that have
changed. During development you usually want to access all functions (even
if not exported), so `load_all` ignores the package `NAMESPACE`.

During development you usually want to access all functions (even if not
exported), so `load_all` ignores the package `NAMESPACE`.

* Alternatively, you can run `install("pkg")`. This will reinstall the package
using `R CMD install`, detach the package and its namespace and then reload
it using `library`. Reloading a package is not guaranteed to work: see the
documentation to `reload` for caveats.

Non-internal functions will not be available and `install` is somewhat
slower than `load_all`, so this option is more suitable as you get closer to

## Check and release

* Alternatively, you can run `install("pkg"); reload()`. This will
reinstall the package using `R CMD install`, detach the package namespace
and the then reload the package using `library`. Non-internal functions will
not be available, so this slower option is more suitable as you get closer
to release.
* `document()` will re-roxygenise all your source files.

* `test()` will run `testthat` tests in your package.

* `check()` will update the documentation, then build and check the package.

* `run_examples()` will run all examples in your package. The second parameter
specifies which file to start with. `document()` is automatically run
prior to running examples.

* `release()` will make sure everything is ok with your package (including
asking you a number of questions to verify that everything is ok), then
build and upload to CRAN. It will also draft an email to let the CRAN
maintainer know that you've uploaded a new package.

## Development mode

Calling `dev_mode()` will switch your version of R into "development mode". In this mode, R will install packages to `~/R-dev`. This is useful to avoid clobbering existing versions of CRAN packages. Calling `dev_mode()` again will turn development mode off, and return you to your default library set up.

## Referring to a package

All `devtools` functions accept either a path or a name. If you're only developing a small number of packages, the easiest way to use devtools is ensure that your working directory is set to the directory in which you package lives.

If you are developing many packges, it may be more convenient to refer to packages by name. In this case, `devtools` will `~/.Rpackages`, and try the path given by the default function, if it's not there, it will look up the package name in the list and use that path. For example, a small section of my `~/.Rpackages` looks like this:
If you don't specify a package, all `devtools` commands automatically use the last package you referred to.

If you are developing many packages, it may be more convenient to refer to packages by name. In this case, `devtools` will `~/.Rpackages`, and try the path given by the default function, if it's not there, it will look up the package name in the list and use that path. For example, a small section of my `~/.Rpackages` looks like this:

default = function(x) {
Expand All @@ -44,5 +79,3 @@ If you are developing many packges, it may be more convenient to refer to packag
"mutatr" = "~/documents/oo/mutatr"

If you don't specify a package, `devtools` will use the last package you referred to.

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