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There are seven vector types in R:

  • Logical (LGLSXP), contains Rboolean.

  • Integer (INTSXP), contains int.

  • Double (REALSXP), contains double.

  • Complex (CPLXSXP), contains Rcomplex.

  • String (STRSXP), contains CHARSXP.

  • Lists (VECSXP), contains any other sexp. Beware: Lists are VECSXPs not LISTSXPs. This is because early implementations of lists were Lisp-like linked lists, which are now called as "pairlists".

  • Raw (RAWSXP), contains Rbyte.

  • Expression (EXPRSXP), contains LANGSXP, SYMSXP or a vector (except for a list).

Three of those vectors are built on top of simple types defined by R:

typedef unsigned char Rbyte;

typedef enum { 
  FALSE = 0, 
} Rboolean;

typedef struct {
  double r;
  double i;
} Rcomplex;


After the SEXPTYPE, the most important property of a vector is it's length. Historically, R vectors were limited to length $2 ^ {31} - 1$. Still most vectors are shorter than this, so you can use an int based interface:

typedef int R_len_t;
// Get the length of a vector
R_len_t Rf_length(SEXP x);
// Set the length of a vector by creating a new vector of extended length
// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_lengthgets(SEXP x, R_len_t n);

As of R 3.0.0, R vectors can have length up to $2 ^ {64} - 1$. If you want your code to be as general as possible, you should instead use the R_xlen_tbased interface:

// ptrdiff_t is the type of the result of subtracting two pointers, and
// is usually 8 bytes (like a double)
typedef ptrdiff_t R_xlen_t;
R_xlen_t Rf_xlength(SEXP x);
SEXP Rf_xlengthgets(SEXP x, R_xlen_t n);

These functions also have uppercase variants - in base R code these are implemented as macros for efficiency.

int  LENGTH(SEXP x);
void SETLENGTH(SEXP x, int v);
R_xlen_t XLENGTH(SEXP x);


The most common way to create a new vector is with Rf_allocVector():

// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_allocVector(SEXPTYPE type, R_xlen_t n);

If you want to create a vector of length 1 from the corresponding C type, use:

// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_ScalarLogical(int x);

// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_ScalarInteger(int x);

// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_ScalarReal(double x);

// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_ScalarComplex(Rcomplex x);

// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_ScalarRaw(Rbyte x);

// Makes STRSXP from CHARSXP
// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_ScalarString(SEXP);
// Makes STRSXP from C string
// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_mkString(const char*);

(Note, as with all SEXP creation functions you must Rf_protect() the result of any of these calls unless you're immediately assigning it into an already protected object)

Alternatively you can coerce from an existing vector:

// [[SEXP creator]]
// Error: if can't coerce between TYPEOF(x) and newtype.
SEXP Rf_coerceVector(SEXP x, SEXPTYPE newtype);

To create a named vector, use Rf_mkNamed():

// Given a null-terminated array of const char*'s, create an element
// of that length, and initialise a character vector of names
// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_mkNamed(SEXPTYPE type, const char ** names);

For example, this template creates a list holding two objects x and y named xname and yname:

  // array of names; note the null string
  const char *names[] = {"xname", "yname", ""};
  SEXP list = PROTECT(Rf_mkNamed(VECSXP, names));  // creates a list of length 2
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(list, 0, x); // x and y are arbitrary SEXPs
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(list, 1, y);

Finally, you can use a custom allocator:

// Create a vector with a custom memory allocator
typedef void *(*custom_alloc_t)(R_allocator_t *allocator, size_t);
typedef void  (*custom_free_t)(R_allocator_t *allocator, void *);
typedef struct R_allocator {
    custom_alloc_t mem_alloc; /* malloc equivalent */
    custom_free_t  mem_free;  /* free equivalent */
    void *res;                /* reserved (maybe for copy) - must be NULL */
    void *data;               /* custom data for the allocator implementation */
} R_allocator_t;
// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_allocVector3(SEXPTYPE type, R_xlen_t type, R_allocator_t* allocator);

Get and set values

The simple types are wrappers around an array of C values, so you get and set by using a helper that returns a pointer:

int*      LOGICAL(SEXP x);
int*      INTEGER(SEXP x);
double*   REAL(SEXP x);
Rcomplex* COMPLEX(SEXP x);
Rbyte*    RAW(SEXP x);

NB: these functions are all upper case and don't start with Rf_.

When working with longer vectors, there's typically a performance advantage to saving the index and reusing. For example, instead of:

for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  INTEGER(x)[i] = INTEGER(x)[i] * 2;


int* px = INTEGER(x);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  px[i] = px[i] * 2;

Strings and lists don't map to simple C structs, so instead have a pair of functions to get and set values.

// Returns a CHARSXP
SEXP STRING_ELT(SEXP x, R_xlen_t i);
void SET_STRING_ELT(SEXP x, R_xlen_t i, SEXP v);

// Returns potentially any SEXPTYPE
SEXP VECTOR_ELT(SEXP x, R_xlen_t i);

(There is STRING_PTR() which is used in a handful of places in the R source; VECTOR_PTR() is a deprecated interface that now throws an error.)


There are a few helpers that extract the first value, coercing the vector as necessary:

int Rf_asLogical(SEXP x);
int Rf_asInteger(SEXP x);
double Rf_asReal(SEXP x);
Rcomplex Rf_asComplex(SEXP x);

Special values

Integer, logical, and character vectors have special sentinels for missing values:

#define NA_LOGICAL	R_NaInt
#define NA_INTEGER	R_NaInt
#define NA_STRING	R_NaString
int	 R_NaInt;	    /* NA_INTEGER:= INT_MIN currently */

Missing values are somewhat more complicated for REALSXP because there is an existing protocol for missing values defined by the floating point standard (IEEE 754). In doubles, an NA is NaN with a special bit pattern (the lowest word is 1954, the year Ross Ihaka was born), and there are other special values for positive and negative infinity. Use ISNA(), ISNAN(), and !R_FINITE() macros to check for missing, NaN, or non-finite values. Use the constants NA_REAL, R_NaN, R_PosInf, and R_NegInf to set those values.

// Provided for cross-platform safety
double R_NaN;
double R_PosInf;
double R_NegInf;

double R_NaReal; // NaN used to represent NA in R
#define NA_REAL		R_NaReal

int R_IsNA(double);
int R_IsNaN(double);
int R_finite(double);	 // not NA, NaN, Inf, or -Inf


A number of helpers let you test if an SEXP is of the given type:

Rboolean Rf_isLogical(SEXP s);
Rboolean Rf_isInteger(SEXP);
Rboolean Rf_isReal(SEXP s);
Rboolean Rf_isComplex(SEXP s);
Rboolean Rf_isString(SEXP s);
Rboolean Rf_isExpression(SEXP s);

NB: there's no function to test for RAWSXP or VECSXP; you use must use TYPEOF(x) == RAWSXP, or TYPEOF(x) == VECSXP. isList() tests if the object is a pairlist.

A handful of functions test for frequently used combinations of variable types:

Rboolean Rf_isNewList(SEXP); // NILSXP, VECSXP
Rboolean Rf_isVectorList(SEXP); // LISTSXP, EXPRSXP
Rboolean Rf_isVector(SEXP); // isVectorAtomic(x) || isVectorList()
Rboolean Rf_isNumber(SEXP); // INTSXP (but not factor), LGLSXP, REALSXP, CPLXSXP
Rboolean Rf_isNumeric(SEXP); // INTSXP (but not factor), REALSXP, CPLXSXP

NB: these are not always consistent with their R equivalents. For example, Rf_isVectorAtomic(R_NilValue) is false, but is.atomic(NULL) is true; Rf_isNewList(R_NilValue) is true; but is.list(NULL) is false. Because of this confusion, I recommend writing your own wrapper around TYPEOF(x).

NB: Be careful when checking whether whether an R object is an integer vector. Internally, factors are also INTSXPs so TYPEOF(x) == INTSXP would accept both vanilla integer vectors and factors. (Prefer using Rf_isInteger() and Rf_isFactor() for these cases.)

NB: It is somewhat strange that Rf_isNewList() returns TRUE for R_NilValue, given that R_NilValue is just an empty pairlist (ie, NULL and pairlist() are identical).


The R API provides some support for the various data structures built on top of vectors.


Arrays are vectors with a dim attribute:

Rboolean Rf_isArray(SEXP x);

SEXP Rf_alloc3DArray(SEXPTYPE type, int, int, int);
SEXP Rf_allocArray(SEXPTYPE type, SEXP);

SEXP Rf_GetArrayDimnames(SEXP);
// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_dimgets(SEXP, SEXP);
// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_dimnamesgets(SEXP, SEXP);

SEXP Rf_DropDims(SEXP);

SEXP Rf_arraySubscript(int, SEXP, SEXP, SEXP (*)(SEXP,SEXP),SEXP (*)(S EXP, int), SEXP);


Matrices are a special case of arrays; those with 2 dimensions:

SEXP Rf_allocMatrix(SEXPTYPE type, int nrow, int ncol);
Rboolean Rf_isMatrix(SEXP);

SEXP Rf_GetColNames(SEXP dimnames);
SEXP Rf_GetRowNames(SEXP dimnames);

// rl, cl are output parameters: row and col names as sexps
// rownames and colnames are output parameters 
void Rf_GetMatrixDimnames(SEXP x, SEXP* rl, SEXP* cl, 
  const char** rownames, const char** colnames);

int Rf_ncols(SEXP x);
int Rf_nrows(SEXP x);

void Rf_copyMatrix(SEXP source, SEXP target, Rboolean byrow);
void Rf_copyListMatrix(SEXP source, SEXP target, Rboolean byrow);


Rboolean Rf_isFactor(SEXP);
int	 Rf_nlevels(SEXP);
Rboolean Rf_isOrdered(SEXP);
Rboolean Rf_isUnordered(SEXP);

// Coerce into character vector
SEXP Rf_asCharacterFactor(SEXP x);

Data frame

Rboolean Rf_isFrame(SEXP);

Miscellaneous helpers

// Copies from source to target, recylcing as necessary.
void Rf_copyVector(SEXP source, SEXP target);
// use Rf_duplicate if you simply want to duplicate a vector

// Extract tail of a STRSXP
// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_stringSuffix(SEXP string, int fromIndex);

A couple of macros aid in testing if an object is a "scalar" (a vector of length 1):

#define IS_SCALAR(x, type) (TYPEOF(x) == (type) && XLENGTH(x) == 1)
#define IS_SIMPLE_SCALAR(x, type) (IS_SCALAR(x, type) && ATTRIB(x) == R_NilValue)

// Checks to see if a list can be converted into a vector, i.e. each element
// of a list or pairlist is a vector of length 0 or 1
Rboolean Rf_isVectorizable(SEXP);

// returns LGLSXP same length as x
// [[SEXP creator]]
SEXP Rf_duplicated(SEXP x, Rboolean from_last);