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95 lines (75 loc) · 3.59 KB


Raspberry PI Zero W Camera and a simple http server with stream and some weather-data for outdoor bunnys (Edgar and Puffy):

Simple webpage with live-stream


  • Board: RASP PI ZERO W Raspberry Pi Zero W (Reichelt)
  • Camera: RPIZ CAM 5MP 170 Raspberry Pi Zero (Reichelt)
  • Sensor: AM2302 / DH / DEBO DHT 22 WIRE (Reichelt)
  • And also:
    • SD-Card for the raspberry
    • powersupply or powerbank
    • a cable with micro-usb for power to the raspberry


Connect all the parts:

  • Camera to the raspberry
  • Sensor to the raspberry (black = any ground pin, red = any 3,3v pin, data = pin GPIO 4), see raspberry pi zero pinout
  • Build a or use a nice housing for the componets. I used a cardboard and some hotglue for development and testing: Cardboard and hotglue


  1. Setup Raspberry PI Zero w with current raspian and login via ssh.

  2. First, get updates:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get dist-update
    sudo apt-get autoremove
    sudo apt-get autoclean 
  3. Reboot: sudo reboot

  4. Open system settings with sudo raspi-config and change...

    • Enable camera
    • Change password
    • Set hostname
    • Set timezone
    • Set WLAN country
    • Expand filesystem
  5. Reboot: sudo reboot

  6. Install tools:

    sudo apt-get install fish mc git python-picamera python3-picamera python3-pip libgpiod2
    sudo pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
    pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-dht 
  7. Clone git repository to home folder:

    cd ~
    git clone

    Maybe you need to first create new ssh key with ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "" and add it to your github account.

  8. Setup bunnycam webserver and logging als systemd deamons:

    sudo cp /home/pi/bunnycam/bunnycamlog.service /etc/systemd/system
    sudo cp /home/pi/bunnycam/bunnycamwww.service /etc/systemd/system 
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable bunnycamwww
    sudo systemctl enable bunnycamlog
  9. Get crontab to grab updates...

    Open crontab with sudo crontab -e and insert 1 line:

    0 4 * * * date >> /var/log/bunnycamsys.log && vcgencmd measure_temp >>  /var/log/bunnycamsys.log  && apt-get update -yq >>  /var/log/bunnycamsys.log && apt-get upgrade -yq >>  /var/log/bunnycamsys.log  && apt-get dist-upgrade -yq >>  /var/log/bunnycamsys.log

    So it will check for system update every day at 04:00.

  10. Try to open the stream: Open your browser and type http:// in the adressfield, followed by the hostname or ip of your raspberry and the port :8080. I my case the hostname was "bunnycam", so the url was: http://bunnycam:8080


  • Build better caseing.
  • Add WLAN antenna.
  • Update pip3 with crontab.
  • Self check if network / system is running. Reboot if not.
  • Send logs / status via email.
  • Save some of the images (for timelaps?).
  • Add a led stripe and control via http.