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Following the task and deliverables, I decided to add in 2 additional things:

  1. Upgradeable contracts through the use of transparent proxy pattern -- This will allow me to add improvements or fix bugs on the contract if it's already deployed. This is a personal standard of mine when developing smart contracts.
  2. Unit testing through the use of Mocha -- so that I won't have to repeatedly deploy the contracts onto testnet to check if it's working properly or not

Proxy contract: 0x88AC22Acd4a3660De305B24F8ad82F42E1313292

Implementation contract: 0x5096F78e51a2c399A6E7FefEf16c8e1ddD2C9be1


  1. Get some MATIC for Mumbai testnet:
  2. Head over to the proxy contract to check out the transactions or mint a NFT -- You won't be able to do so since the contract has been paused.
  3. Or if you would like to test the contract locally (.env variables are not included. Please use your own):
  4. Clone the project and install the npm packages
  5. Execute "npx hardhat test" to see a local test run of the tasks.
  6. Execute "npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js --network mumbai" to deploy both the proxy and implementation contract on Polygon Mumbai
  7. Execute "npx hardhat verify --network mumbai " -- The implementation contract address will be displayed in the terminal
  8. Head over to proxy contract on polygonscan testnet: Contract > Code > More Options > Is this a proxy? > Verify > Enter implementation contract address. This is to ensure that the chain explorer is able to distinguish between a proxy/implementation contract.


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