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Hamlet Deploy Docker Image

Ths repo contains the docker image build process for the Hamlet Deploy CI Container. The container includes the required dependencies for hamlet along with a CI build environment for common languages used in cloud native applications, Python, Ruby and NodeJS.

For more information on hamlet see

Image Variants


This is our base docker image which includes all the requirements for running hamlet and build tooling. This image can be used as a general purpose CI image The image also includes common application runtimes for application builds

  • python (pyenv for version management)
  • node (nodenv for version management)
  • java (jenv for version management)
  • ruby (rbenv for version management)

Pipeline Agents

The Pipeline agent images are extensions of the base images with support for running as a pipeline agent<version>-jenkins

This image extends the base image with the Jenkins JNLP based remoting agent installed and configured to run as the entrypoint. This is designed to work with container-based cloud agents.<version>-azpipeline

This image extends the base image with the Azure Pipelines agent, this allows for the use of container based agents for local builds


The versions of the docker image do not reflect the latest version of hamlet. The installation of the hamlet cli will be the latest at the time of build for the container. The cli then manages the installation of the engine parts of hamlet deploy. The image does include caches of the latest engine to get you up and running

The latest tag is the latest build of this repository and we will generate regular tagged updates this container with changes included in the CHANGELOG