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Compilation using CMake

It is possible to configure and build HANDE using CMake. At least version 3.6 of CMake is required. You can get CMake either via your package manager or by downloading an executable tarball from here Unpacking and adding to your PATH will do the trick:

$ curl -L | tar -xz
$ export PATH=$HOME/Software/cmake-3.10.2-Linux-x86_64/bin${PATH:+:$PATH}

where we have assumed the tarball was downloaded in the $HOME/Software directory.

Once dependencies are installed, you can configure HANDE either by running the cmake executable directly:

$ cmake -H. -Bbuild

or by using the frontend Python script

$ ./ build

The result of using the two methods is exactly the same: a subdirectory build will be created containing the build system. Using the frontend script however results in more compact configure lines.

Configuration options

Building of HANDE can be tweaked in various ways passing options to the frontend script (or CMake directly). The help menu for the script shows the available options:

  ./ [options] [<builddir>]
  ./ (-h | --help)

  --fc=<FC>                              Fortran compiler [default: gfortran].
  --extra-fc-flags=<EXTRA_FCFLAGS>       Extra Fortran compiler flags [default: ''].
  --cc=<CC>                              C compiler [default: gcc].
  --extra-cc-flags=<EXTRA_CFLAGS>        Extra C compiler flags [default: ''].
  --python=<PYTHON_INTERPRETER>          The Python interpreter (development version) to use. [default: ''].
  --add-definitions=<STRING>             Add preprocesor definitions [default: ''].
  --lua=<LUA_ROOT>                       Specify the path to the Lua installation to use [default: ''].
  --mpi                                  Enable MPI parallelization [default: False].
  --mpi-with-scalapack                   Enable ScaLAPACK usage with MPI [default: False].
  --omp                                  Enable OpenMP parallelization [default: False].
  --blas=<BLAS>                          Detect and link BLAS library (auto or off) [default: auto].
  --lapack=<LAPACK>                      Detect and link LAPACK library (auto or off) [default: auto].
  --mkl=<MKL>                            Pass MKL flag to the Intel compiler and linker and skip BLAS/LAPACK detection (sequential, parallel, cluster, or off) [default: off].
  --scalapack=<SCALAPACK_LIBRARIES>      Link line for ScaLAPACK libraries [default: '']
  --blacs=<BLACS_IMPLEMENTATION>         Implementation of BLACS for MKL ScaLAPACK (openmpi, intelmpi, sgimpt) [default: openmpi]
  --explicit-libs=<EXPLICIT_LIBS>        Explicit linker options for extra libraries to be linked in [default: ''].
  --dsfmt-mexp=<HANDE_DSFMT_MEXP>        An integer among 521, 1279, 2203, 4253, 11213, 19937, 44497, 86243, 1322049, 216091 [default: 19937].
  --det-size=<HANDE_DET_SIZE>            An integer among 32 or 64 [default: 32].
  --pop-size=<HANDE_POP_SIZE>            An integer among 32 or 64 [default: 32].
  --exe-name=<HANDE_EXE_NAME>            [default: "hande.cmake.x"].
  --hdf5=<HDF5_ROOT>                     Specify the path to the HDF5 installation to use [default: ''].
  --uuid=<UUID>                          Whether to activate UUID generation [default: True].
  --lanczos=<TRLan_LIBRARIES>            Set TRLan libraries to be linked in [default: ''].
  --single                               Enable usage of single precision, where appropriate [default: False].
  --backtrace                            Enable backtrace functionality [default: False].
  --popcnt                               Enable use of intrinsic popcnt [default: False].
  --type=<TYPE>                          Set the CMake build type (debug, release, relwithdebinfo, minsizerel) [default: release].
  --generator=<STRING>                   Set the CMake build system generator [default: Unix Makefiles].
  --show                                 Show CMake command and exit.
  --cmake-executable=<CMAKE_EXECUTABLE>  Set the CMake executable [default: cmake].
  --cmake-options=<STRING>               Define options to CMake [default: ''].
  --prefix=<PATH>                        Set the install path for make install.
  <builddir>                             Build directory.
  -h --help                              Show this screen.

These options are translated to CMake native options. For more detailed information on HANDE-specific compile-time settings, see :ref:`compilation-settings`. The following list is a translation guide between the frontend script and "bare" CMake:

  • --fc=FC/-DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=FC. To set the Fortran compiler. Default is gfortran.

  • --extra-fc-flags="list-of-flags"/-DEXTRA_FCFLAGS="list-of-flags". To set additional flags for the Fortran compiler.

  • --cc=CC/-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=CC. To set the C compiler. Default is gcc.

  • --extra-cc-flags="list-of-flags"/-DEXTRA_CFLAGS="list-of-flags". To set additional flags for the C compiler.

  • --python=INTERP/-DPYTHON_INTERPRETER=INTERP. To set the Python interpreter. The default is empty, so that CMake will attempt to find a suitable version.

  • --lua=LUA/-DLUA_ROOT=LUA. To set the Lua installation to use. Minimum required version of Lua is 5.3. The default is empty, so that CMake will attempt to find a suitable version. See below for Lua detection issues.


    CMake will not pick up Lua from a nonstandard location, even though it is on path (any or all of CPATH, LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH)

  • --mpi/-DENABLE_MPI=ON. Enables MPI parallelization. CMake will attempt to find a suitable implementation of MPI and set the compilers accordingly.


    To use a specific MPI implementation, pass the appropriate MPI compiler wrappers as arguments to --fc (-DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER) and --cc (-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER) For example, for the Intel MPI compiler wrappers mpiifort and mpiicc use ./ --mpi --fc=mpiifort --cc=mpiicc.

  • --mpi-with-scalapack/-DENABLE_SCALAPACK=OFF. Enables linking to ScaLAPACK. This requires that MPI is enabled and that a ScaLAPACK implementation is available.

  • --omp/-DENABLE_OPENMP=ON. Enables OpenMP parallelization. CMake will check which flags are supported by your choice of compilers and add them to the compiler flags.

  • --blas=auto/-DENABLE_BLAS=auto. Triggers autodetection of BLAS libraries. See below for math libraries detection issues.

  • --lapack=auto/-DENABLE_LAPACK=auto. Triggers autodetection of BLAS libraries. See below for math libraries detection issues.

  • --mkl=VALUE/-DMKL_FLAG=VALUE. Sets the -mkl=VALUE flag for the Intel compiler and linker. Valid values are sequential, parallel, cluster, or off, with off being the default.


    Passing this option overrides automatic detection of math libraries

  • --scalapack="link-line"/-DSCALAPACK_LIBRARIES="link-line". Link line for ScaLAPACK libraries. If using Intel MKL, CMake will be able to correctly locate and set these for you. Use this option in case you run into trouble with detecting ScaLAPACK and prefer setting the link line explicitly.

  • --blacs=openmpi/-DBLACS_IMPLEMENTATION=openmpi. Sets the implementation of BLACS for the Intel MKL ScaLAPACK libraries. Valid values are openmpi, intelmpi and sgimpt, with openmpi being the default.

  • --explicit-libs="link-line"/-DEXPLICIT_LIBS="link-line". Sets explicit linker options for extra libraries to be linked in. See below for math libraries detection issues.

  • --dsfmt-mexp=VALUE/-DHANDE_DSFMT_MEXP=VALUE. Set exponent for the period of the Mersenne Twister (MT) random number generator (RNG). Valid values are 521, 1279, 2203, 4253, 11213, 19937, 44497, 86243, 1322049, and 216091. with 19937 being the default.

  • --det-size=VALUE/-DHANDE_DET_SIZE=VALUE. Set the integer length for representing Slater determinants as bit strings. Valid values are 32 and 64, with 32 being the default.

  • --pop-size=VALUE/-DHANDE_POP_SIZE=VALUE. Set the integer length for storing walker populations. Valid values are 32 and 64, with 32 being the default.

  • --exe-name=NAME/-DHANDE_EXE_NAME=NAME. Set the name for the generated HANDE executable. The default is hande.cmake.x. The executable is copied to the bin directory in the root of the project and symlinked to hande.x. Passing the executable name will let you preserve executables generated with different configuration settings.

  • --hdf5=<HDF5>/-DENABLE_HDF5=<ON/OFF> -DHDF5_ROOT=<HDF5>. Enables use of HDF5 and specifies the path to the HDF5 installation to use. By default, use of HDF5 is turned on. At least HDF5 1.8.15 is required and with Fortran 2003 bindings enabled. CMake will search for a suitable version of HDF5 and check that all necessary components are available. In addition, CMake will check the compatibility of the chosen HDF5 implementation and Fortran compiler. See below for HDF5 detection issues.

  • --uuid=<ON/OFF>/-DENABLE_UUID=<ON/OFF>. Enables use of the UUID library. By default, this is turned on.

  • --lanczos="link-line"/-DTRLan_LIBRARIES="link-line". Set the TRLan libraries to be linked in. By default empty, thus disabling use of TRLan.

  • --single/-DENABLE_SINGLE_PRECISION=ON. Enables use of single precision, where appropriate.

  • --backtrace/-DENABLE_BACKTRACE=ON. Enables backtrace functionality.

  • --popcnt/-DENABLE_INTRINSIC_POPCNT=ON. Enables usage of popcnt intrinsic (requires hardware support)

  • --type=debug/-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug. Switches build type. Valid values are debug, release, releasewithdebinfo and minsizerel. The default is a debug build.

  • --cmake-options="-DTHIS -DTHAT". Sets options to be forwarded as-is to CMake.


It is possible to install HANDE either running outside the build directory:

$ cmake --build build --target install

or from within the build directory:

$ make install

By default, CMake will set the install prefix to /usr/local and you might hence not have permissions to successfully install. The install prefix can be set via the --prefix option to the frontend script or, equivalently, passing the desired path to CMake via the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable. The HANDE executable and static library will be installed to the bin and lib (lib64 on 64-bit systems) subdirectories of the install prefix.


It might be advisable to install pyhande to the same prefix as the HANDE executable. Refer to pyhande's README for detailed instructions.

Assuming the install prefix to have been set to $HOME/Software/hande, the install tree will thus look as follows:

├── bin
│   └── hande.cmake.x
└── lib64
    └── libhande.a

The `DESTDIR mechanism <>`_ can be used to adjust the install location:

$ env DESTDIR=/tmp/local make install

will result in the following install tree:

├── bin
│   └── hande.cmake.x
└── lib64
    └── libhande.a

CMake compilation issues

When dependencies are not in standard search paths, CMake needs to be nudged and pointed in the right direction. This can be done directly using either cmake or; the equivalent commands for both are given below but only one should be used.

  • Detection of math libraries is usually the trickiest part. The CMake math detection scripts shipped with HANDE rely on the MATH_ROOT environment variable being set to point to the root of the math libraries installation you want to use. The detection scripts will attempt to provide a link line for math libraries based on the search order in the CMake variable MATH_LIB_SEARCH_ORDER. By default, Intel MKL is searched for first, using the MKLROOT environment variable. If math detection fails, libraries can be set manually:

    $ ./ --blas=off --lapack=off --explicit-libs="-L/usr/lib -lblas -llapack"
    $ cmake -H. -DENABLE_BLAS=OFF -DENABLE_LAPACK=OFF -DEXPLICIT_LIBS="-L/usr/lib -lblas -llapack"
  • Lua in a non-standard directory. Exporting the root directory of the Lua installation as LUA_ROOT (or LUA_DIR) or directly passing it as an option:

    $ ./ --lua=/install/dir/for/Lua build
    $ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DLUA_ROOT=/install/dir/for/Lua
  • HDF5 in a non-standard directory. Exporting the root directory of the HDF5 installation as HDF5_ROOT os directly passing it as an option:

    $ ./ --hdf5=/install/dir/for/HDF5 build
    $ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DENABLE_HDF5=ON -DHDF5_ROOT=/install/dir/for/HDF5

    CMake will check that the chosen HDF5 library and Fortran compiler are compatible. If this test fails, configuration will abort. The output from the compatibility file will be saved to the log file HDF5_HAS_Fortran2003-test.log in the build directory. Note that is is possible to completely deactivate usage of HDF5:

    $ ./ --hdf5=False
    $ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DENABLE_HDF5=OFF

For compiler- and library-specific issues, see :ref:`compiler-issues`.

Compiling with MPI

To compile with MPI it is necessary to pass both the --mpi option and the correct compiler wrappers with the --cc and --fc:

$ ./ --mpi --fc=mpif90 --cc=mpicc
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpif90 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=mpicc -DENABLE_MPI=ON

CMake can in fact botch the identification of the compiler wrappers and MPI libraries, a mismatch that will result in linker errors. Here are some examples of configuration lines. In all cases, remember to set the MATH_ROOT variable to point to the location of the math libraries:

  • OpenMPI with GNU compilers.

    $ ./ --mpi --fc=mpif90 --cc=mpicc
    $ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpif90 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=mpicc -DENABLE_MPI=ON
  • OpenMPI with Intel compilers.

    $ ./ --mpi --fc=mpif90 --cc=mpicc
    $ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpif90 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=mpicc -DENABLE_MPI=ON
  • IntelMPI with Intel compiler.

    $ ./ --mpi --fc=mpiifort --cc=mpiicc
    $ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpiifort -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=mpiicc -DENABLE_MPI=ON
  • OpenMPI with GNU compilers and OpenBLAS ScaLAPACK.

    $ ./ --mpi --fc=mpif90 --cc=mpicc --mpi-with-scalapack --scalapack="-L/location/of/scalapack -lscalapack"
    $ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpif90 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=mpicc -DENABLE_MPI=ON -DENABLE_SCALAPACK=ON -DSCALAPACK_LIBRARIES="-L/location/of/scalapack -lscalapack"
  • OpenMPI with Intel compilers and MKL ScaLAPACK. The math detection script will use the OpenMPI implementation of BLACS by default.

    $ ./ --mpi --fc=mpif90 --cc=mpicc --mpi-with-scalapack
  • IntelMPI with Intel compiler and MKL ScaLAPACK. In this case we need to tell CMake what BLACS implementation to use with ScaLAPACK.

    $ ./ --mpi --fc=mpiifort --cc=mpiicc --mpi-with-scalapack --blacs=intelmpi
    $ cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpiifort