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Text Block Example

Text block or so called multi lines String got support in Java 13 as a preview feature.

You should append --enable-preview parameter to java compiler or Jshell to activate this feature, see Pattern Matching

Before Java 13 you could have to write a multi-lines String like this.

String hello="Hello,\nJava 13\n";

or concatenate multi character sequence into a string with one or more + operators.

String hello="Hello,\n"
    +"Java 13\n";

In Java 13, this can be replaced by text block.

String hello="""
    Java 13

Obviously, the text block form improves readability. It is very helpful to build some long character sequence but keep its structure, such as HTML, Hibernate HQL or JPQL, scripting codes, etc.

The following is a HTML string written in a text block form.

 String tbhtml = """
                	<p>Hello, Java 13</p>

Another example, In Java 13, a JPQL string could be written like this:

String query = """
        select firstName, lastName, email
        	from User
        	where id= ?

Embedding Javascript snippets and evaluating it in Java ScirptEngine is a piece of cake:

ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("js");
Object result = engine.eval("""
                            function hello(name) {
                                return "Hello, " + name;
                            hello("Java 13");""");
System.out.println("function add result is:" + result);

The following is how text block described in JEP355.

A text block consists of zero or more content characters, enclosed by opening and closing delimiters.

The opening delimiter is a sequence of three double quote characters (""") followed by zero or more white spaces followed by a line terminator. The content begins at the first character after the line terminator of the opening delimiter.

The following are ill-formed text block.

String a = """""";   // no line terminator after opening delimiter
String b = """ """;  // no line terminator after opening delimiter

The closing delimiter is a sequence of three double quote characters. The content ends at the last character before the first double quote of the closing delimiter.

The following text block is incorrect.

String c = """
           ";        // no closing delimiter (text block continues to EOF)

The content may include double quote characters directly, unlike the characters in a string literal. The use of \" in a text block is permitted, but not necessary or recommended. Fat delimiters (""") were chosen so that " characters could appear unescaped, and also to visually distinguish a text block from a string literal.

But if a three quote marks (""") occurs in a text block, you should prepend a "" to escape it, for example.

String escapes = """
            Hello, \""" Java 13
System.out.println("Escaped string:\n" + escapes);

When run this code snippets, it should print Hello, """ Java 13 in the output console .

A text block is processed by Java compiler at compile time, there are three steps, details are described in JEP355.

A text block is a constant expression of type String, just like a string literal. However, unlike a string literal, the content of a text block is processed by the Java compiler in three distinct steps:

  1. Line terminators in the content are translated to LF (\u000A). The purpose of this translation is to follow the principle of least surprise when moving Java source code across platforms.

  2. Incidental white space surrounding the content, introduced to match the indentation of Java source code, is removed.

  3. Escape sequences in the content are interpreted. Performing interpretation as the final step means developers can write escape sequences such as \n without them being modified or deleted by earlier steps.

Let's have a look at how incidental white space is removed at compile time.

String hello = """
            Java 13

To make it clear, let's replace an incidental white space with a dot.

String hello = """
............Java 13

After it's processed by Java compiler, the content of the string should be truncated as:

Java 13
<new line delimiter> 

Another example , we change the position of the closing delimiter,

String hello2 = """
            Java 13

Similarly, replace the incidental white spaces with dots.

String hello2 = """
........    Hello,
........    Java 13

Finally the text block should be processed like:

    Java 13
<new line delimiter> 

Let's move to the third example , the closing delimiter is located at the end of the content, not placed in a new line.

String hello3 = """
            Java 13""";

Similarly, using dots to visualize the spaces .

String hello3 = """
............Java 13""";

And finally the the compiled hello3 should be :

Java 13

The hello, hello2 and hello3 are similar, but they are different strings.

If the closing delimiter takes up a new line, the white spaces before it will be taken in account when calculating incidental white spaces.

Calling stripIntent on the above text blocks does not effect the content.

    Hello, // it does not remove white spaces.
    Java 13
<new line delimiter> 

Let's have a look at the javadoc of String#stripIndent.

Returns a string whose value is this string, with incidental white space removed from the beginning and end of every line.

Then, the minimum indentation (min) is determined as follows. For each non-blank line (as defined by isBlank()), the leading white space characters are counted. The leading white space characters on the last line are also counted even if blank. The min value is the smallest of these counts.

For each non-blank line, min leading white space characters are removed, and any trailing white space characters are removed. Blank lines are replaced with the empty string.

String#stripIndent gives developers access to a Java version of the re-indentation algorithm used by the compiler.

The re-indentation algorithm will be normative in The Java Language Specification. Developers will have access to it via String::stripIndent, a new instance method.

The string represented by a text block is not the literal sequence of characters in the content. Instead, the string represented by a text block is the result of applying the following transformations to the content, in order:

  1. Line terminators are normalized to the ASCII LF character (...)
  2. Incidental white space is removed, as if by execution of String::stripIndent on the characters in the content.
  3. Escape sequences are interpreted, as in a string literal.

More about stripIntent , see this question on stackoverflow.

Besides stripIntent, there are a formatted and translateEscapes method added in String class.

The following is an example of formatted.

String product = """
    """.formatted("Java 8 in action", 39.3444);

System.out.println("product formatted: \n " + product);

The output result looks like:

product formatted: 
   "name":"Java 8 in action",

You can also use String.format to format it like the string literal.

An example calling stripIntent and translateEscapes on String.

String s = "  there are 2 spaces in the front of line one\n    the second line begins with 4 spaces and ends with an escaped new line\\n      the third line has 6 spaces at the beginning";
System.out.println("original string :\n" + s);
System.out.println("original string after stripIntent :\n" + s.stripIndent());
System.out.println("original string after translateEscapes :\n" + s.translateEscapes());
System.out.println("original string after stripIntent and translateEscapes :\n" + s.stripIndent().translateEscapes());
System.out.println("original string after translateEscapes and stripIntent:\n" + s.translateEscapes().stripIndent());

The following is the output result, the white spaces are visualized by dots.

original string :
..there are 2 spaces in the front of line one 
....the second line begins with 4 spaces and ends with an escaped new line\n      the third line has 6 spaces at the beginning
original string after stripIntent :
there are 2 spaces in the front of line one
..the second line begins with 4 spaces and ends with an escaped new line\n      the third line has 6 spaces at the beginning
original string after translateEscapes :
..there are 2 spaces in the front of line one
....the second line begins with 4 spaces and ends with an escaped new line
......the third line has 6 spaces at the beginning
original string after stripIntent and translateEscapes :
there are 2 spaces in the front of line one
..the second line begins with 4 spaces and ends with an escaped new line
......the third line has 6 spaces at the beginning //there are 6 white spaces at the beginning
original string after translateEscapes and stripIntent:      
there are 2 spaces in the front of line one
..the second line begins with 4 spaces and ends with an escaped new line
....the third line has 6 spaces at the beginning  //there are 4 white spaces at the beginning