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Setting up a split testing experiment

One thing we like to do from time to time is test changes on specific groups of pages and see how they perform. We call this "split testing". In contrast to traditional A/B testing, where the change being tested is shown to a portion of the audience, in the case of split testing, the change is shown to everyone, but only on a subset of similar pages (e.g., a group of related Ask CFPB answers). We call this a subset of pages a "cluster".

So you've been asked to set up a split testing experiment

Good news! The infrastructure has been put in place for you to do it easily. It's set up so that the code being tested is isolated by a feature flag. If you're not familiar with how our flags are set up, read the concepts overview in the django-flags concepts.

The flag condition

In order to check whether or not a page is part of a split testing cluster, we registered a new flag condition in cfgov/core/

@conditions.register('in split testing cluster')
def in_split_testing_cluster(cluster_group, page, clusters=CLUSTERS, **kwargs):
    cluster_group = clusters[cluster_group]
    lookup_value = getattr(page, 'split_test_id',
    return lookup_value in chain(*cluster_group.values())

This condition takes the following arguments:

  • cluster_group: A string that identifies which group of clusters we want to check
  • page: An instance of a Wagtail page that we want to look for in the cluster group
  • clusters: A dictionary containing one or more named cluster_groups – by default, this points to a dictionary defined in our master cluster definition file (see "Defining clusters" below)

If the page's id property is found in the cluster_group, the condition returns True. If the page has a split_test_id property defined, it will check that instead of (More on that later.)

You do not need to modify anything in this file to set up a new experiment.

Defining clusters

To run a split test we first have to know what pages we're testing. Split testing clusters are typically defined in our master cluster definition file at cfgov/core/

Create a new dictionary with a meaningful name and add the page IDs for the pages in your cluster(s) to it. For example:

    18: [
        103, 160, 187, 337, 731, 767, 951, 1157, 1161, 1403, 1405, 1439, 1447,
        1567, 1695,
    34: [
        104, 105, 130, 205, 747, 841, 1423, 1791,
    38: [
        143, 184, 329, 331, 1165, 1637, 1787, 1789, 1797, 1921, 1923,
    49: [
        136, 161, 163, 164, 172, 176, 179, 180, 181, 188, 192, 336, 817, 1699,
        1983, 1989, 1995, 1997, 2001,
    93: [
        146, 226, 237, 318, 338, 545, 633, 811, 1215, 1463, 1507,

In the above example, there are five separate clusters, all of which will be part of the experiment. The number being used for the keys doesn't matter to Python, but it may be useful for internal tracking purposes.

As noted earlier, normally the page IDs inside the lists correspond to Wagtail's page ID (most easily findable in the edit URL for a page), but in this particular example, they are actually Ask CFPB answer IDs. For Ask CFPB answer pages, we use the answer ID, because that ID is frequently used in internal communications for shorthand references to Ask answers. All other page types use their Wagtail page ID value.

If you have cause to use something else for the lookup values, you can define the split_test_id property in a page class. For example:

# cfgov/ask_cfpb/models/

class AnswerPage(CFGOVPage):
    # Overrides the default of for comparing against split testing
    # clusters. See: core.feature_flags.in_split_testing_cluster
    def split_test_id(self):

If you do this, remember to add a simple test:

# cfgov/ask_cfpb/tests/models/

def test_answer_split_testing_id(self):
    """Confirm AnswerPage's split_testing_id is set to its,
    which is checked by the core.feature_flags.in_split_testing_cluster
    flag condition when doing split testing on Ask CFPB answer pages."""
    answer = self.answer1234
    page = answer.english_page

You will also need to add a reference to your new dictionary to the CLUSTERS dictionary at the bottom of the file:


Creating and using the flag

The new "in split testing cluster" condition described earlier can be added to flags and used like any other feature flag. For the example we started above, we first create the flag in our settings, giving it the default condition with a parameter corresponding to the cluster group name we created above:

# cfgov/settings/ Feature flags
# All feature flags must be listed here with a dict of any hard-coded
# conditions or an empty dict. If the conditions dict is empty the flag will
# only be enabled if database conditions are added.

    # Ask CFPB page titles as H1s instead of H2s
    'ASK_CFPB_H1': {
        'in split testing cluster': 'ASK_CFPB_H1'


And then in our template we check the flag, passing in the current page, and if the page's answer ID is found in a cluster, flag_enabled() is True, and we see the <h1> instead of the <h2>.

<!-- cfgov/jinja2/v1/ask-cfpb/answer-page.html -->


{% if flag_enabled('ASK_CFPB_H1', page=page) %}
    <h1>{{ page.question | striptags }}</h1>
{% else %}
    <h2>{{ page.question | striptags }}</h2>
{% endif %}


Setting the flag up with the default condition of in_split_testing_cluster means that as soon as the code is deployed, the flag is acting on pages in the cluster.

One the results of the test are known, you can set a new boolean flag condition in Wagtail to have the flag always be True, if the test was successful, or always be False, if the test was not successful. This will make (or not make) the change on all pages touched by that flag until you take the time to remove the flag entirely.