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1043 lines (746 loc) · 23.1 KB


The Basics

This includes:

  • Creating mesh nodes with basic configuration.
  • Creating modules to run as components in the mesh.
  • Creating an endpoint connecting one mesh node to another.
  • Calling a method on a remote node.
  • Emitting events.
  • Subscribing to events with browser client.
  • Sundry other stuff to make charts in browser.

Here is the result of this walkthrough: happner-demo#01-the-basics.


Create a demo project

mkdir happner-demo
cd happner-demo
npm init # and fill with defaults

npm install happner --save

Create the Master node module

This creates the mesh module that will run as the monitoring service's master node.

Note: Master is it's own node_module! This simplifies the configurations.

mkdir node_modules/master
cd node_modules/master/
npm init    # keep index.js as entry point

vi index.js # see content below
cd ../../   # cd -

Content of ./node_modules/master/index.js

module.exports = Master;

 * Master class (runs as mesh component)
 * @api public
 * @constructor

function Master() {
  console.log('new master');

Create config for the Master node

The config is module.exported from a javascript file.

mkdir config
vi config/master.js

Content of ./config/master.js

module.exports = {

  // This name will be used when attaching other nodes to this one.
  name: 'MasterNode',

  // Datalayer and network layer are the same thing.
  datalayer: {
    // host: '',
    port: 50505,    // Listening port
    persist: false, // Persist data across restarts? (later)
    secure: false,  // Secure? (later)

  // // modules only necessary upon deviation from default
  // //
  // modules: {
  //   'master': {
  //     path: 'to/alternative/location'
  //   }
  // },

  // Include master as component
  // It assumes that 'master' is an installed node_module which exports 1 class
  components: {
    'master': {


Create bin runner for the Master node

This is the "executable" that runs the Master node.

mkdir bin
touch bin/master
chmod +x bin/master
vi bin/master

Content of ./bin/master

#!/usr/bin/env node

var Happner = require('happner');
var Config  = require('../config/master');

// Call create() factory which returns the promise of a mesh or error


.then(function(mesh) {
  // got running mesh

.catch(function(error) {
  console.error(error.stack || error.toString())

At this point it should be possible to start the bin/master process and ^c to stop it

Use env file for stage config

Install env file loader and create env file

npm install dotenv --save
vi .env

Content of ./.env

# change to ip accessable from remote

Update ./config/master.js

// insert at start of file

// and modify datalayer in config
  datalayer: {
    host: process.env.MASTER_IP,
    port: process.env.MASTER_PORT,
    persist: false, // Persist data across restarts? (later)
    secure: false,  // Secure? (later)

Important: Both bin/master and bin/agent expect to find .env file in the current diretctory, so don't cd into bin/ to run them.

Create the Agent node module

This agent is installed into a mesh node running at each host to be monitored. It connects an endpoint to the master to report metrics.

Note: Agent is it's own node_module! This simplifies the configurations.

mkdir node_modules/agent
cd node_modules/agent/
npm init    # keep index.js as entry point

vi index.js # see content below
cd -        # cd ../../

Content of ./node_modules/agent/index.js

module.exports = Agent;

 * Agent class (runs as mesh component)
 * @api public
 * @constructor

function Agent() {
  console.log('new agent');

Create the Agent mesh runner and config

Same as Master, create config and bin files for Agent.

Note: Agent config includes an endpoint connecting to the Master

Content of ./config/agent.js


module.exports = {

  // Allow default name
  // name: 'agent',

  datalayer: {
    port: 0,         // Listen at random port (allows more than one agent instance per host)
    persist: false,  // No storage
    secure: false,   // Secure? (later)

  // Connect endpoint to MasterNode

  endpoints: {
    'MasterNode': {
      config: {
        host: process.env.MASTER_IP,
        port: process.env.MASTER_PORT,
        // // Secure? (later)
        // username: '',
        // password: '',

  // Include agent as component

  components: {
    'agent': {


Content of ./bin/agent

#!/usr/bin/env node

var Happner = require('happner');
var Config  = require('../config/agent');

// Call create() factory which returns the promise of a mesh or error


.then(function(mesh) {
  // got running mesh

.catch(function(error) {
  console.error(error.stack || error.toString())

Remember to make agent executable:

chmod +x bin/agent

At this point is should be possible to start both bin/master and bin/agent.

Create Start and Stop methods on Master and Agent components

Start and Stop methods are used to assemble and tear down the component runtime. Additionally the $happn service can optionally be injected to perform any necessary interactions with the mesh.

Update ./node_modules/master/index.js

// Add these functions after constructor

 * Start method (called at mesh start(), if configured)
 * @api public
 * @param {ComponentInstance} $happn - injected by the mesh when it calls this function
 * @param {Function} callback

Master.prototype.start = function($happn, callback) {
  $'starting master component');

 * Stop method (called at mesh stop(), if configured)
 * @api public
 * @param {ComponentInstance} $happn - injected by the mesh when it calls this function
 * @param {Function} callback

Master.prototype.stop = function($happn, callback) {
  $'stopping master component');

Update ./config/master.js

// Modify component declaration to include start and stop methods

  components: {
    // 'agent': {
    'master': {
      startMethod: 'start',
      stopMethod: 'stop',

ALSO Do the same for ./node_modules/agent/index.js and ./config/agent.js

Create report function on Master

This is a function defined on the master that will be repetatively called by the agents to report their metrics.

Note: A more elegant design might be for the agent to emit metrics and the master to be subscribed. But this would require an endpoint connection from master pointing to every agent. ie. The existing endpoint from agent to master is not bi-directional

Update ./node_modules/master/index.js

// Add after start and stop functions

 * Metric object
 * @typedef Metric
 * @type {object}
 * @property {Number} ts - utc timestamp
 * @property {String} key
 * @property {Number} val

 * Report metric method (called by remote agents across the exchange)
 * @api public
 * @param {ComponentInstance} $happn - injected by the mesh when it calls this function
 * @param {String} hostname - of the agent
 * @param {Metric} metric
 * @param {Function} callback

Master.prototype.reportMetric = function($happn, hostname, metric, callback) {

  $"metric from '%s': %j", hostname, metric);

  callback(null, {thank: 'u'});

Call report function from Agent

Functions on the master (being an endpoint) become available on the Agent via the exchange.

Reminder: ./configs/agent.js specifies startMethod and stopMethod in components/agent/.

Using the Agent's start method, set up an interval that calls reportMetric() on the Master

Update ./node_modules/agent/index.js

// up top
var os = require('os');

// update start and stop methods:

 * Start method (called at mesh start(), if configured)
 * @api public
 * @param {ComponentInstance} $happn - injected by the mesh when it calls this function
 * @param {Function} callback

Agent.prototype.start = function($happn, callback) {
  $'starting agent component');

  var hostname = os.hostname();

  this.interval = setInterval(function() {

    var metric = {
      key: 'test/metric',
      val: 1,

    // call remote function exchange.<endpoint>.<component>.<method>

    $, metric, function(err, res) {
      // callback as called by master.reportMetric
      if (err) return $happn.log.error('from reportMetric', err);
      $'result from reportMetric: %j', res);

  }, 1000);


 * Stop method (called at mesh stop(), if configured)
 * @api public
 * @param {ComponentInstance} $happn - injected by the mesh when it calls this function
 * @param {Function} callback

Agent.prototype.stop = function($happn, callback) {
  $'stopping agent component');

  // stop the interval running when component is stopped


Note: The stop method explicitly undoes what the start method did (clearInterval) - this allows for components to be dynamically added and removed from the mesh without leaving things behind.

Add configurable list of inspectors for Agent

Because the config is a javascript file it is possible to pass functions as config.

Add custom item onto component config for agent inspector functions (keyed on metric name)

Update ./configs/agent.js

// modify component config to include list of inspectors
  components: {
    'agent': {
      startMethod: 'start',
      stopMethod: 'stop',
      inspectors: {

        // keeping these inspectors as selfcontained "lambdas" 
        // means they could conceivably be configured on the
        // master, and dynamically propagated on change to 
        // all agents (with eval on the agent (unfortunately?)) 

        'load/average-1': {
          interval: 1000,
          fn: function(callback) {
            var os = require('os');
            callback(null, os.loadavg()[0]);
        // 'load/average-5': {
        //   interval: 1000,
        //   fn: function(callback) {
        //     var os = require('os');
        //     callback(null, os.loadavg()[1]);
        //   }
        // },
        // 'load/average-15': {
        //   interval: 1000,
        //   fn: function(callback) {
        //     var os = require('os');
        //     callback(null, os.loadavg()[2]);
        //   }
        // },
        'memory/percent-free': {
          interval: 1000,
          fn: function(callback) {
            var os = require('os');
            var total = os.totalmem();
            var free = os.freemem();
            var percent = Math.round(free / total * 100 * 1000) / 1000; // to 3 decimal places
            callback(null, percent);

And update the Agent module (start() and stop() functions) to use this new config.

Update ./node_modules/agent/index.js

 * Start method (called at mesh start(), if configured)
 * @api public
 * @param {ComponentInstance} $happn - injected by the mesh when it calls this function
 * @param {Function} callback

Agent.prototype.start = function($happn, callback) {
  $'starting agent component');

  var hostname = os.hostname();
  var inspectors = $happn.config.inspectors;

  Object.keys(inspectors).forEach(function(key) {

    var interval = inspectors[key].interval || 10000;
    var inspect = inspectors[key].fn;

    // run multiple inspectors each in separate interval

    inspectors[key].runner = setInterval(function() {

      // TODO: properly deal with inspector taking longer than interval
      inspect(function(error, result) {

        if (error) return $happn.log.error("inspector at key: '%s' failed", key, error);

        // submit inspect result to master

        var metric = {
          key: key,
          val: result

        $, metric, function(error, result) {
          // callback as called by master.reportMetric
          if (error) return $happn.log.error('from reportMetric', error);
          // $'result from reportMetric: %j', result);


    }, interval);



 * Stop method (called at mesh stop(), if configured)
 * @api public
 * @param {ComponentInstance} $happn - injected by the mesh when it calls this function
 * @param {Function} callback

Agent.prototype.stop = function($happn, callback) {
  $'stopping agent component');

  // stop all inspector intervals
  var inspectors = $happn.config.inspectors;
  Object.keys(inspectors).forEach(function(key) {

Update Master to emit event with each received metric

A browser in the client will be subscribing to these events

Update reportMetric() in ./node_modules/master/index.js

 * Report metric method (called by remote agents across the exchange)
 * @api public
 * @param {ComponentInstance} $happn - injected by the mesh when it calls this function
 * @param {String} hostname - of the agent
 * @param {Metric} metric
 * @param {Function} callback

Master.prototype.reportMetric = function($happn, hostname, metric, callback) {

  var eventKey = 'metrics/' + hostname + '/' + metric.key;
  var eventData = metric;

  $happn.log.debug("emitting '%s': '%j'", eventKey, eventData);

  $happn.emit(eventKey, eventData);


Note: The debug log message will not be seen unless util.logLevel is set to 'debug' or the process is started LOG_LEVEL environment variable


LOG_LEVEL=debug bin/master
LOG_COMPONENTS=master,another LOG_LEVEL=debug bin/master

Serve browser content from Master

Create a directory for static content containing index.html

mkdir node_modules/master/app
touch node_modules/master/app/index.html

Add web route to static content in Master component config.

Update ./configs/master.js

  components: {
    'master': {
      startMethod: 'start',
      stopMethod: 'stop',

      web: {
        routes: {
          // serves static content in node_modules/master/app at http://.../master/app
          'app': 'static'

Create login script

This script is used to connect to the mesh.

Content of ./node_modules/master/app/login.js

(function(context) {

  // defaults to page address
  var options = {
    // host: '',
    // port: 80

  // unnecessary: secure not set true in mesh/datalayer config
  var credentials = {
    // username: '',
    // password: '',

  var client = new MeshClient(options);

  client.login(credentials); // .then(...

  client.on('login/deny', function(error) {

  client.on('login/error', function(error) {

  // run client on login success

  client.on('login/allow', function() {


Create client script and style

This script is called after successfull login with the connected client. It subscribes to metrics/* and accordingly builds graphs into the browser.

Content of ./node_modules/master/app/client.js

(function(context) {
  context.runClient = function(client) {

    var hosts = {};

    client.event.master.on('metrics/*', function(data, meta) {

      // extract hostname/chart/item from event path
      var pathPart = meta.path.match(/metrics\/(.*)$/)[1];
      var keys = pathPart.split('/');
      var hostname  = keys.shift();
      var chartname = keys.shift();
      var itemname  = keys.join('/');

      var metric = data;

      updateMetric(hostname, chartname, itemname, metric);

    var updateMetric = function(hostname, chartname, itemname, metric) {
      ensureHostChart(hostname, chartname);
      ensureHostChartItem(hostname, chartname, itemname);

      updateHostChartItem(hostname, chartname, itemname, metric);

    // ensure host element in document
    var ensureHost = function(hostname) {
      if (typeof hosts[hostname] !== 'undefined') return;

      var host = document.createElement("div"); = 'host-' + hostname;
      host.className = 'host';

      var heading = document.createElement("div");
      heading.className = 'host-heading';
      heading.innerHTML = hostname;

      var content = document.createElement("div");
      content.className = 'host-content';

      hosts[hostname] = {
        root: host,
        content: content,
        charts: {},

    // ensure chart element in host element in document
    var ensureHostChart = function(hostname, chartname) {
      if (typeof hosts[hostname].charts[chartname] !== 'undefined') return;

      var container = document.createElement("div");
      container.className = 'chart';

      var heading = document.createElement("div");
      heading.className = 'chart-heading';
      heading.innerHTML = chartname;

      var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); = 'canvas-' + hostname + '-' + chartname;
      canvas.className = 'chart-canvas';
      canvas.width = 500;
      canvas.height = 100;

      var host = hosts[hostname];

      var options = {
        maxValueScale: 1.02,
        minValueScale: 1.02,
        labels: {
          fillStyle: '#aaaaaa'
      var chart = new SmoothieChart(options);

      host.charts[chartname] = {
        // canvas: canvas,
        heading: heading,
        chart: chart,
        items: {}

    // ensure item (line) in host/chart
    var ensureHostChartItem = function(hostname, chartname, itemname) {
      if (typeof hosts[hostname].charts[chartname].items[itemname] !== 'undefined') return;
      var host = hosts[hostname];
      var chart = host.charts[chartname];

      var series = new TimeSeries();
      var options = {strokeStyle: 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)', fillStyle: 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.15)', lineWidth: 1};
      chart.chart.addTimeSeries(series, options);

      chart.items[itemname] = {
        series: series

      var heading = chartname + " (" + Object.keys(chart.items).join(', ') + ")";
      chart.heading.innerHTML = heading;

    // update item
    var updateHostChartItem = function(hostname, chartname, itemname, metric) {
      var host = hosts[hostname];
      var chart = host.charts[chartname];
      var item = chart.items[itemname];

      item.series.append(metric.ts, metric.val);
      host.lastWrite =;

    // watch for hosts being removed
    setInterval(function() {
      var now =;
      Object.keys(hosts).forEach(function(hostname) {
        var host = hosts[hostname];
        if (now - host.lastWrite < 7000) return;
        delete hosts[hostname];
    }, 1000);


Content of ./node_modules/master/app/client.css

body {
    background-color: black;

.host {
    border: 1px solid grey;
    width: 520px;
    padding-bottom: 20px;
    margin-bottom: 4px;

.host-heading {
    color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
    font-size: 1.2em;
    font-family: courier;
    text-align: center;

.chart-heading {
    padding-top: 7px;
    color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);
    width: 500px;
    font-family: courier;
    font-size: 1em;
    text-align: center;

.chart {
  position: relative;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  margin-left: -250px;

Install smoothie charts

Using smoothie charts to graph streaming data.

Install into master app directory

cd node_modules/master/app
cd - # cd ../../../

Load scripts into browser

Content of ./node_modules/master/app/index.html

      get built-in api client script from mesh 
      this defines MeshClient class
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/api/client"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/master/app/smoothie.js"></script>

      load app client
      this defines window.runClient()
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/master/app/client.js"></script>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='/master/app/client.css'></link>

      connect to mesh
      this calls window.runClient() with the connected client instance
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/master/app/login.js"></script>

Start bin/master and bin/agent.

And connect to http://MASTER_IP:MASTER_PORT/master/app