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Releases: happo/


08 Jun 10:33
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This minor release adds a new CI script: happo-ci-github-actions. This script will simplify setting up a Happo test suite when using GitHub Actions. Here's how to use it:

First, add a happo-ci-github-actions entry in your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "happo-ci-github-actions": "happo-ci-github-actions"

Then modify your .github workflow config to use the new script (this is an example of a full workflow file, you'll have to adjust to match your setup):

name: Happo CI

    branches: [ master ]
    branches: [ master ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
      - name: install modules
        run: yarn install
      - name: happo
        run: yarn happo-ci-github-actions
          HAPPO_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.HAPPO_API_KEY }}
          HAPPO_API_SECRET: ${{ secrets.HAPPO_API_SECRET }}


03 Jun 12:16
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This patch release contains a fix for people using compareThreshold with non-public image access on their Happo accounts.


03 Jun 09:30
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This patch release fixes resolving component names for files that end in *.happo.suffix, e.g ./src/components/Button.happo.tsx. This fix applies to Happo Examples integrations only.


27 Apr 08:13
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This minor release introduces a small but important change in how we pre-render Happo Examples. Before, we would pre-render all targets at the same time. With this release, we're pre-rendering serially. This may sound like it would be less performant, but pre-rendering is mostly cpu-bound which means things were happening serially anyway. By making it explicitly serial, we should theoretically use less memory in the pre-rendering phase which will lead to better performance in large happo installments.


16 Apr 09:44
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This patch release has a fix to make full-page integrations simpler by loosening the dependency on webpack.


16 Apr 07:42
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This minor release introduces a change in behavior when you have no examples for a target. Before, we would throw an error and essentially cancel the happo run. After this change, the command won't fail. Instead, there will be a warning logged to the console. This change only affects people using the Happo Examples integration.


23 Mar 13:30
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This minor release adds support for running reports and comparisons asynchronously. By default, the happo-ci command will wait for all screenshots to be done before it finishes. By using a HAPPO_IS_ASYNC=true environment variable you can change the behavior to instead finish as soon as possible.

Using HAPPO_IS_ASYNC is only possible if you have a working GitHub integration configured. Since CI jobs finish early, you'll have to rely on statuses posted from the Happo server to your GitHub pull requests.


28 Feb 14:04
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If we fail to read a PNG via a stream, we now fall back to reading the image data into memory, then parsing it as a PNG.


27 Feb 12:41
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  • Include more information when failing to fetch png image in deep-comparison mode
  • Batch logs even further when deep-comparing


14 Jan 11:08
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Two bug fixes in this release to hopefully help resolve issues with large diffs being compared using the compareThreshold value/

  • Re-throw error instead of exiting on unhandledRejection events. The process will most likely exit anyway but in a more graceful way.
  • Log less when comparing diffs.