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Csaransh for cascadesDB

Anuvikar : Analysis and Validation

The software uses gcc

Dependencies and Requirements:

  • gcc 5.3 or later or equivalent c++14 compiler.
  • cmake
  • Python 3.x or Python 2.7 or above, can be added with miniconda or conda.

Building C++:

  1. Go to anuvikar directory.
  2. Make a new directory _build.
  3. Go to this directory and run cmake .. and then cmake --build .

The executable anuvikar can be found in the _build directory. You can run the tests from the anuvikar directory by running the anuvikar_test application that gets built in the _build directory, the command would look like ./_build/anuvikar_test.

Python dependencies installation:

You will need to install required python packages to run it on your system. For that,

  1. Go to anuvikar directory.
  2. run conda env create -f environment.yml and conda activate csaransh if you are using conda, or you can use pip install -r requirements.txt.

Csaransh web-app

This is a node.js application. The server uses express.js and client is react.js.


  • Node.js 16 or above which can be installed using nvm.
  • From the csaransh directory run "npm install" or "yarn".
  • From the csaransh/client directory run "npm install" or "yarn".

Validating and Adding to CsaranshDB web-app

  • Go to anuvikar directory.
  • Switch to csaransh conda environment if using conda with: conda activate csaransh.

Basic Validation:


  • python $pathToXyzArchiveDir $pathToOutputDir ...pathToXmlMetafiles.
  • The first argument is a path to the directory that has arhived xyz files as downloaded / stored in CascadesDB. The directory can have many archives but only the ones that correspond to the metafiles given in argument three onwards will be analysed.
  • The second argument is path to the output directory. Archives will be extracted to this directory. Also, the processed files anuvikar.json, anuvikar.db and log.txt will be stored here. Since the output files have same name, please take care that outputs are not overwritten by multiple runs.
  • The third argument onwards can be multiple Xml metafiles to process. These can by given as pathToMetaFileDir/*.xml.
  • This command may take some time, you can ignore the warnings and runtimewarnings on the output console. There can be errors like corrupt archive, unable to unzip etc.
  • Go through log.txt in the output directory. Search for errors and warnings. Files with errors are not analysed. These can be looked upon and discussed with the author before adding to Cdb.


  • An example run command: python avi_validate_cdb /data/W/newEntries/ /data/W/newEntries /data/W/newEntries/*xml. Here we have archives and xml files in the same directory and we want output files to be written in the same directory.
  • Another example run command: python avi_validate_cdb /data/W/allArchives/ /data/W/newEntries /data/W/newEntries/*xml. Here we have storing all the old and new archives in the same directory allArchives. Directory for new xml files and output files to be written are the same.

Adding to Database

  • Run python $new_output_dir $destination_db_path $existing_database_path:
  • First argument: Provide the output directory of the which has anuvikar.json and anuvikar.db files for the cascades that you wish to add to the database.
  • Second argument: File path for the output db.
  • Third argument: File path for the existing db if exists.
  • The destination db path (second argument) is the database file that can be copied to $csaransh_dir$/src/db/dev.csaransh.db to view the updated database.
  • The command generates another file which is destination_db_path+_tree.pickle which needs to be kept with the db file. This will be used by while further adding more data (when passing this new db as the third argument).

Examples and Use Cases

  1. Fresh database:
  • Run avi_validate_cdb for the archives and corrensponding meta files. Provide the output directory of this command to avi_add_cdb. For example:
    • python avi_validate_cdb /data/W/newEntries/ /data/W/newEntries /data/W/newEntries/*xml
    • python avi_add_cdb /data/W/newEntries/ /data/W/newEntries/csaransh.db
    • cp /data/W/newEntries/csaransh.db ./src/db/dev.csaransh.db
    • Now you can open the webpage (directions given later in this readme) to view your new entries on csaransh-webapp.
  1. Adding new data to the earlier processed db:
  • Let us say that you want to add new data to the db we created in the last step.
  • python avi_validate_cdb /data/W/newerEntries/ /data/W/newerEntries /data/W/newerEntries/*xml
  • python avi_add_cdb /data/W/newerData/ /data/W/newerData/csaransh.db /data/W/newEntries/csaransh.db
  • cp /data/W/newerEntries/csaransh.db ./src/db/dev.csaransh.db
  • Now you can open the webpage (directions given later in this readme) to view your newer entries along with the new entries added earlier.

Starting the development server for the web-app

  • From csaransh directory run:
    • PORT=3001 npm run start dev or PORT=3001 yarn run start dev
  • From client sub-directory of csaransh directory run:
    • npm run start or yarn start

Starting the production server for the web-app

  • From client sub-directory of csaransh directory run:
    • npm run build or yarn build
  • From csaransh directory run:
    • npm run start
    • This will start the server at port 3000.
    • One can use pm2.js or any other process manager to start the npm server as a daemon whenever system starts.

Using the Web-app