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Install xenomai 3.0.8 on rpi3B+ with kernel 4.9

Table of contents


This installation is based on the installation:


and on the documentation how to build kernel for raspbian:

Note for rpi1 and rpi zero

Note that this image also works on all other rpi3's and rpi2's (Cortex-A7/ARMv7 and Cortex-A53/ARMv8 cpu's are compatible). But not on the rpi1 and rpi zero because they have a different type of ARM processor (ARM1176JZF-S/ARMv6Z).

However using a different default config for the kernel build we can also easily build an image for rpi1 and rpi zero. We can then put both images on the sd-card and on boot the bootloader will automatically load the right kernel for the specific raspbian hardware board. For more details see: => describes default configs to use in bulid

Installation recipe

These instructions only describe how to build the linux kernel with the xenomai's cobalt co-kernel, and how to build the Xenomai user-space libraries and tools.

The instructions how to customize the raspbian image for convenient lab usage you can find at:


  • xenomai-3.0.8
  • raspbian Raspbian Stretch Lite - with kernel 4.9.y (full version rpi-4.9.80)
  • ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.fixedforrasbian-4.9.80.patch (originally for version 4.9.51, made compatible for rpi-4.9.80)
  • pinctrl-bcm2835.c.rpi-4.9.patch

For how we found out we needed specifically these ingredients take a look at: Appendix B: New versions of ingredients needed


0. prepare

export BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/rpi3bplus
# build kernel with NUMCORES
export NUMCORES=4

mkdir $BUILDDIR   # place where download and build everything  
mkdir  $BUILDDIR/dist  # for ready to install files

1. get ingredients

# 1a. get raspbian linux 4.9.y
git clone
cd  linux/
git checkout  rpi-4.9.y

# just verify kernelversion with a make command:
make kernelversion
# which gives 4.9.80 which is full version -> number also used for directory for in /lib/modules/

cd ..
# 1b. get xenomai source (effects only linux kernel)
tar -xjvf xenomai-3.0.8.tar.bz2
# 1c. get ipipe  patch  (effects both kernel and some drivers(using interrupts))

# 1d. we derived a new patch for pinctrl-bcm2835.c for raspbian 4.9 kernel : pinctrl-bcm2835.c.rpi-4.9.patch
#     In the file  how_pinctrl-bcm2835_patch_is_derived/__README__.txt we describe how we derived this file. 

2. apply kernel patches ( xenomai+ipipe, bcm( arch/arm/mach-bcm2709/.. and linux/drivers/pinctrl/bcm/pinctrl-bcm2835.c )

# 2a. apply xenomai (and ipipe) patch to kernel
# first check if the ipipe patch applies well: (because little bit different kernel)
cd linux
patch  --dry-run  -p1  <  ../ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.patch
# The argument --dry-run of the above execution allowed to verify if the patch is applied correctly without making changes.
#  If the file to be patched has changed slightly since the patch was created, but the specific section 
# remained the same, patch can detect that and apply the patch appropriately.
# A hunk  message  means the file was successfully patched, but the first section that was patched was X lines earlier/later
# than was originally specified.

echo $?   # if it doesn't gives 0 as answer then dry-run of patch failed!
# in our case we got 1, so we need to fix the patch!!  => look at FAILED messages in patch output!!
# so we manually patched the patch file which gives us the new patch file:
#   ../ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.fixedforrasbian-4.9.80.patch
# you can download this fixed patch with the command :


# note: in this fixed patch we removed all patches for drivers/pinctrl/bcm/pinctrl-bcm2835.c because 
#       as already described above the raspbian patch is better for this file then the ipipe-4.9.y version.

# so dry running the ../ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.fixedforrasbian-4.9.80.patch  patch succeeds ($?==0)
# thus we can apply the patch:

cd  ..
# finally really apply both xenomai and ipipe patch to kernel

   edit xenomai-3.0.8/scripts/ 
   and change the 'ln -sf' command into a 'cp' command
   => instead of soft linking the xenomai files in the linux src tree
      we now copy them!!  
   => this is needed for 'make deb-pkg' in the linux kernel source tree
      which otherwise makes packages with broken links!! (see linux headers below)

xenomai-3.0.8/scripts/  --linux=linux/  --arch=arm  --ipipe=ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.fixedforrasbian-4.9.80.patch
# `-> xenomai script which does patch               `-> kernel source where patch applied     `-> ipipe patch file for kernel source

# 2b. apply a patch for pinctrl-bcm2835.c  :  pinctrl-bcm2835.c.patch  (see above how we get this)
       $ cd linux/drivers/pinctrl/bcm/
       $ patch   -p1  <  ../../../../pinctrl-bcm2835.c.rpi-4.9.patch
       patching file pinctrl-bcm2835.c
       Hunk #3 succeeded at 412 (offset -3 lines).
       Hunk #4 succeeded at 440 (offset -3 lines).
       Hunk #5 succeeded at 496 (offset -3 lines).
       Hunk #6 succeeded at 511 (offset -3 lines).
       Hunk #7 succeeded at 619 (offset -3 lines).
       Hunk #8 succeeded at 631 with fuzz 2 (offset -3 lines).
       Hunk #9 succeeded at 644 (offset -3 lines).
       Hunk #10 succeeded at 685 (offset -3 lines).
       Hunk #11 succeeded at 1097 (offset 7 lines).
       Hunk #12 succeeded at 1115 (offset 7 lines).
       Hunk #13 succeeded at 1127 with fuzz 2 (offset 7 lines).

       => patch successfull 

       cd ../../../..

3. configure linux kernel/module option

cd linux

# create default config for bcm2709
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- bcm2709_defconfig
# a default configuration for bcm2709 written to .config
# specialize config for xenomai
# install package needed for menuconfig :  apt-get  install libncurses5-dev
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- menuconfig

    CPU Power Management  --->
      CPU Frequency scaling  --->
        [ ] CPU Frequency scaling
      CPU idle  --->
        [ ] CPU idle PM support
    Kernel Features  --->
        [ ] Contiguous Memory Allocator
        [ ] Allow for memory compaction
    Kernel Hacking  --->
        [ ] KGDB: kernel debugger
    Boot options  --->
        Kernel command line type --->
            [X] Extend bootloader kernel arguments

    Xenomai Cobalt --->
         Drivers  --->
                 Real-time GPIO drivers  --->
                    <M> GPIO controller                          => with " [*] GPIO controller  " instead it builds directly in kernel, then no need to load module anymore!
                    [*]   Support for BCM2835 GPIOs                 `-> however we stick to default and just build it as module and load it at boot in /etc/rc.local
                    [ ]   Enable GPIO core debugging features

    note: in above  [ ]  means disable,  [X]  means enable

cd ..

4. build kernel and modules in linux dir => cross compile

cd linux/ 
# build
time make -j $NUMCORES ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- zImage modules dtbs
# -> real    6m45.452s

    real    12m8.649s
    user    28m1.124s
    sys     1m45.176s

# install in ../dist/ dir 
time make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../dist modules_install

cd ..
 # EXTRA: install linux headers with Makefiles to build kernel modules on the pi itself    => cross compile
 #        note: 
 #          'make headers_install' installs only the headers, the Makefiles needed to build a kernel module are not there
 #          however with 'make deb-pkg' next to binary kernel packages it builds also a  linux-headers package
 #          which contains both headers and makefiles needed to build kernel modules. So we build this package 
 #          and copy it to the pi, and install it as a debian package on the pi

 cd linux/
 export NUMCORES=4 
 export KBUILD_DEBARCH=armhf 
 make ARCH=arm -j $NUMCORES  CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-  deb-pkg

 # result: dpkg-deb: building package `linux-firmware-image-4.9.80-v7+' in `../linux-firmware-image-4.9.80-v7+_4.9.80-v7+-2_armhf.deb'.

 # copy the file  'linux-headers-4.9.80-v7+_4.9.80-v7+-2_armhf.deb'  to the pi 
 # then on the pi run :

    dpkg -i linux-headers-4.9.80-v7+_4.9.80-v7+-2_armhf.deb   

    # it seems that the scripts in the linux headers itself are not cross-compiled to arm, (intel instead)
    # so to use them to build kernel modules we first need to compile them as arm binaries, to
    # do this we can call 'make modules_prepare' which calls 'make scripts' . 
    cd /usr/src/linux-headers-4.9.80-v7+/
    # run following make command, which can give some errors, which should be ignored be giving it the -i option
    make -i modules_prepare   
    # building kernel modules should work fine now!  

 cd ..

5. built Xenomai user space part ( kernel part is built with kernel above) => cross compile

## you need to have installed autoconf and libtool :
# sudo apt-get install autoconf
# sudo apt-get install libtool

# configure details see :

cd xenomai-3.0.8
./configure CFLAGS="-march=armv7-a  -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon -ffast-math" --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf --enable-smp --with-core=cobalt 

# note :
#          –enable-smp
#              Turns on SMP support for Xenomai libraries.
#              Caution
#                  SMP support must be enabled in Xenomai libraries when the client
#                  applications are running over a SMP-capable kernel.

mkdir ../dist/xenomai
export DESTDIR=`realpath ../dist/xenomai`  # realpath because must be absolute path
make  DESTDIR="$DESTDIR"  install

6. copy build stuff in dist/ to raspbian sdcard

# 0. install raspbian on sd card;  os x instructions : 

      note: diskutil is os x program!!  => do on mac!!

        diskutil list
            identify the disk (not partition) of your SD card. e.g. disk4 (not disk4s1)
        diskutil unmountDisk /dev/<disk# from diskutil>
            e.g. diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk4
        sudo dd bs=1m if=<your image file>.img of=/dev/<disk# from diskutil>
            e.g. sudo dd bs=1m if=2014-09-09-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/disk4
            (This will take a few minutes)

# 1. mount sdcard
#  become root otherwise you cannot access sdcard

sudo su -  

export BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/rpi3bplus
export SDCARD=/dev/sdb
export MOUNTPOINT=/media/sdcard

mount ${SDCARD}1 ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot


# 2. copy Xenomai user space files to sd card
cd dist/xenomai
chown -R root:root *
cp -a * ${MOUNTPOINT}/
cd ../..

# 3. copy kernel and modules 
# 3a. cp kernel and device tree files from linux/ dir  to /boot/ directory on image
cd linux/
cp arch/arm/boot/zImage ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/
cp arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm27*.dtb ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/
rm -rf ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/overlays/*
cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/*.dtb* ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/overlays/

# 3b. cp modules from dist/lib/modules to sd card
cd ../
cp -r dist/lib/modules/* ${MOUNTPOINT}/lib/modules

# if you just rename the just installed file '/boot/zImage' to '/boot/kernel7.img'  then you don't need to edit
#  /boot/config.txt because the bootscript on the raspberry pi finds out it is running on pi2 or pi3 and the
#  automatically boots '/boot/kernel7' .    Note: on pi0 or pi1 it boots '/boot/kernel' instead!

mkdir -p ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/orig_kernels
mv ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/kernel* ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/orig_kernels/
mv  ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/zImage ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/kernel7.img

# note: instead of renaming kernel7.img you can also specify manually in /boot/config.txt what kernel 
#       image you want to boot:
#          # update config for new kernel and device tree
#          # at end of /boot/config.txt add :
#          kernel=zImage
#          # for pi2
#          device_tree=bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb
#          # for pi3
#          #device_tree=bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb

umount ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot ${MOUNTPOINT}/

# 4. test installation

see test_xenomai_installation_and_test_gpio_pins_are_working_correct.txt


Appendix A: upgrading old image doesn't work

This installation is based on the installation:


for which we already build an image.


My old xenomai image was build for debian jessie for the rpi3b, but not for the rpi3b+ 
which has newer hardware. So the idea is just upgrade only the kernel and xenomai 
in our debian jessie installation for xenomai 3.05 which to also let is support rpi3b+ 


Cannot be done  because rpi3b+ board needs a new stretch debian release because 
jessie doesn't support the new hardware. Also the device tree for the rpi3b+ 
was not available then yet! (hardware of 3b+ was made later!)

      The firmware in Jessie was released before the 3B+ even existed. 
      It does not know how to boot it up properly. So you need the latest firmware.

      The 3B+ also has different peripherals (USB, Ethernet, Wifi...) so it also 
      needs new kernel drivers that  are not present in Jessie. Jessie is no longer supported.
              `-> new hardware only suppored in stretch, not in jessie!
      You are probably much better to address any issues you have with Stretch, rather than trying to get Jessie working on a 3B+.

      => it also needs new kernel drivers,  so upgrading my old system to new system, with old kernel and its modules 
         won't work because misses the new hardware drivers

      => so solution: recompile old kernel on new system won't work because lack of new device driver code!

Appendix B: New versions of ingredients needed

So we need to upgrade to debian stretch to support rpi3b+.


We use the latest xenomai version: xenomai 3.0.8 (april 2019)

Raspbian OS/Image

On the sd card install a lite raspbian version so that image becomes small

Raspbian Stretch Lite
Minimal image based on Debian Stretch
Version: April 2019
Release date: 2019-04-08
Kernel version: 4.14


First choose xenomai/ipipe version to patch xenomai on raspbian kernel

[TXT] ipipe-core-4.14.110-arm-7.patch 2019-04-03 19:24  595K   ==> to recent patches are applied -> can contain still a bug
[TXT] ipipe-core-4.14.36-arm-1.patch  2018-06-12 19:12  587K  
[TXT] ipipe-core-4.14.62-arm-2.patch  2018-09-13 14:57  591K  
[TXT] ipipe-core-4.14.71-arm-3.patch  2018-09-24 15:04  594K  
[TXT] ipipe-core-4.14.71-arm-4.patch  2018-10-13 15:59  594K  
[TXT] ipipe-core-4.14.85-arm-5.patch  2018-12-06 12:40  594K  
[TXT] ipipe-core-4.14.85-arm-6.patch  2018-12-19 20:44  594K  
[TXT] ipipe-core-4.19.33-arm-1.patch  2019-04-04 10:53  593K   
[TXT] ipipe-core-4.4.71-arm-9.patch   2017-10-03 12:35  672K  
[TXT] ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.patch   2018-03-26 09:16  700K   ==> seems to be stable!!!! 

 => choose ipipe version which seems the stables =
     -  take   ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.patch

Raspbian kernel

Then match that on the raspbian version. For raspbian versions we look at , and that gives us that we need to use the raspbian branch 'rpi 4.9.y'

Note in xenomai308_image_virtualbox.txt we installed the vanilla( kernel 4.9.144 with '4.9.144-3.1-debian' debian specific kernel patches applied to the vanilla kernel.

However for the rpi we use raspbian kernel source!!

We use raspbian kernel and not the vanilla kernel from because that kernel has better gpio and device_tree support then the vanilla kernel for the raspberry pi. => see vanilla_kernel_or_raspbian_kernel.txt

If we clone rasbian kernel source for kernel 4.9 and we run make kernelversion it gives the full version 4.9.80

However the latest ipipe for the 4.9 kernel we have is so kernel versions do not entirely match : 4.9.80 vs 4.9.51 Also the ipipe patch is for the vanilla( kernel and not for the rpi-4.9 kernel. The rpi-4.9 kernel is based on the vanilla kernel, but has extra specific changes for the raspberry pi.

However probably the patch will just work, we just try it!

Compared to installation describe in


We have need NEW ingredients for a rasbian stretch distribution with kernel 4.9 and xenomai-3.0.8.

collected ingredients for 4.9 kernel are

  a) xenomai-3.0.8  
  b) raspbian Raspbian Stretch Lite - with kernel 4.9.y   (full version 4.9.80)           \ ,-> all 4.9 !
  c) ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.patch                        (for  version 4.9.51)           /
  d) pinctrl-bcm2835.c  from rpi specific branch 'vendors/raspberry/ipipe-4.1'      => for 4.1 \,-> still works??
  e) patch-xenomai-3-on-bcm-2709.patch   extra raspberry pi specific patch -> worked on 4.1    /     

however unclear if all ingredients are ok for the 4.9 kernel.

ad e)

The patch-xenomai-3-on-bcm-2709.patch is not needed anymore because the specific kernel source code the patch is applied on is removed from the rpi-4.9 kernel (also for the 4.9 vanilla kernel).

Note that before 4.8 the linux kernel used to have two different drivers for the gpio chip, however since the 4.8 kernel we only have a single driver "pinctrl-bcm2835" with config PINCTRL_BCM2835 for all raspbian hardware boards!!

Src: ../gpio/raspberry_pi__gpio_chip__two_drivers.txt

ad d)

We have a xenomai/ipipe patched pinctrl-bcm2835.c from xenomai/ipipe's rpi specific branch 'vendors/raspberry/ipipe-4.1'
which you can download at

However this was for the rpi-4.1 kernel and didn't work anymore for the rpi-4.9 kernel. The ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.patch has some new patches for the vanilla 4.9 kernel, but this misses the raspbian specific enhancements. So with some work I derived a new ipipe/xenomai patch file for pinctrl-bcm2835.c in the rpi-4.9 kernel source. This patch 'pinctrl-bcm2835.c.rpi-4.9.patch' must be applied to pinctrl-bcm2835.c in the rpi-4.9 kernel source and we should remove the
ipipe/xenomai patches for pinctrl-bcm2835.c from the ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.patch.

For details how derived this patch see: how_pinctrl-bcm2835_patch_for_rpi-4.9_is_derived/__README__.txt

ad c)

   we need to patch the ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.patch a little so that it also worked
   on the raspbian 4.9.80 kernel. We also removed all patches for 'pinctrl-bcm2835.c' because
   we already have a specific patch for that. So we get finally a new patch:

New ingredients

 a) xenomai-3.0.8
 b) raspbian Raspbian Stretch Lite - with kernel 4.9.y   (full version rpi-4.9.80)          
 c) ipipe-core-4.9.51-arm-4.fixedforrasbian-4.9.80.patch (originally for  version 4.9.51, made compatible for rpi-4.9.80)           
 d) pinctrl-bcm2835.c.rpi-4.9.patch

Appendix C: which defconfig to use?

also see: ../notes/raspberrypi/raspberry_pi_BCM2708_or_BCM2835.txt

$ ls -1 ./arch/arm/configs/bcm*


 - bcm2835_defconfig  -> default config added by             
 - bcmrpi_defconfig   -> added by raspbian  for rpi1   => used in my rpi1 build 
 - bcm2709_defconfig  -> added by raspbian  for rpi2/3 => used in my rpi2/3 build

    For all models of Raspberry Pi 1 (includes Compute Module and Pi Zero):

        $ KERNEL=kernel
        $ make bcmrpi_defconfig

    If you're cross-compiling, the second line should be:

        make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- bcmrpi_defconfig

    For all models of Raspberry Pi 2/3 (includes Pi 3+ and Compute Module 3):

        $ KERNEL=kernel7
        $ make bcm2709_defconfig

    If you're cross-compiling, the second line should be:

        make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- bcm2709_defconfig

  On the page explaining how to build the RPi kernel, 
  there's still mentioned bcm2709_defconfig but I was wondering if we should not start using bcm2835_defconfig since 
  the latest kernels put BCM2835 as hardware name with revision a01041 when running cat /proc/cpuinfo.

    bcm2835_defconfig is the upstream defconfig.          => original authors; meaning's kernel source

    bcm2709_defconfig is the one supported by Pi Towers.  => specific for rasperry pi ( pi towers)

  => so use : bcm2709_defconfig   (note: there is no bcm2710_defconfig)

  => note: also see vanilla_kernel_or_raspbian_kernel.txt that for vanilla kernel we don't have this 
           config file, because it is special for the raspbian kernel!
official documentation:
   => says to use bcmrpi_defconfig for rpi1 and  bcm2709_defconfig  for rpi2 and rpi3        

Appendix D: No kernel config patching needed

This installation is based on the installation:


Compared to that installation(4.1 kernel) there is in this installation(4.9 kernel) NO patching of drivers/xenomai/gpio/Kconfig needed:

  for 4.1 we had to fix xenomai Kconfig for xenomai gpio   =>  in xenomai source!!   => report to xenomai!
    in drivers/xenomai/gpio/Kconfig

        config XENO_DRIVERS_GPIO_BCM2835
            depends on MACH_BCM2708             => for pi1 , pi2 (and p3) has  MACH_BCM2709
         || change into

       config XENO_DRIVERS_GPIO_BCM2835      
         depends on MACH_BCM2708 || MACH_BCM2709    => xenomai source then applies for both pi1 and p2/p3

 for 4.9 we have :

        config XENO_DRIVERS_GPIO_BCM2835
            depends on MACH_BCM2708 || ARCH_BCM2835
            tristate "Support for BCM2835 GPIOs"

            Enables support for the GPIO controller available from
            Broadcom's BCM2835 SoC.

     => ARCH_BCM2835 required  => ok, because ARCH_BCM2835 replaced MACH_BCM2708 MACH_BCM2709

             see: notes/raspberrypi/raspberry_pi_BCM2708_or_BCM2835.txt 
                  which states MACH_BCM2708 is old and removed code for bcm chip in favor of new compatible ARCH_BCM2835

     => so NO patching of drivers/xenomai/gpio/Kconfig needed!