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Automatic iOS SDK

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Note: This SDK is in alpha. Please try it out and send us your feedback!

The Automatic SDK is the best way to build iOS apps powered by Automatic.

With the Automatic iOS SDK, your users can log in to your app with their Automatic accounts. Think Facebook or Twitter login—but rather than bringing a users' social graph, instead unlocking a wealth of automotive data that you can use to supercharge your app.

Log in with Automatic

> Pictured: your app's new login screen

Once a user approves your app's request to access their data, your app could:

  • Access your users' trips to analyze driving habits
  • Query your users' cars to provide up-to-date resale values estimates
  • Populate your users' profiles without a lengthy signup form
  • so much more

We can't wait to see what you build. Let's get to it!


1. Register your app with Automatic

  1. Register your app on the Automatic Developer site.
  2. Once your app is approved, make note of its Client ID and Client Secret. Make sure to use a redirect URL scheme that follows this pattern:

2. Integrating the Automatic iOS SDK

  1. Integrate the Automatic iOS SDK. We recommend using CocoaPods, which makes integration as easy as adding

    pod "AutomaticSDK", "0.0.1"

    to your Podfile.

  2. Configure your app to use the URL scheme you decided on earlier. You can do this by adding this to your Info.plist file. If your Client ID was for example 123abc, it would look like this:


3. Make Authorization requests and handle them

  1. Create an instance of AUTClient with your Client ID and Client Secret.

    AUTClient *client = [[AUTClient alloc] initWithClientID:@"CLIENT_ID" clientSecret:@"CLIENT_SECRET"];
  2. When you're ready to authorize your app with the Automatic API, call -[AUTClient authorizeWithScopes:success:failure:] to have the SDK open Safari for you:

        authorizeWithScopes:AUTClientScopesTrip | AUTClientScopesLocation
            NSLog(@"🎉 Your app is now authorized. 🎉");
        failure:^(NSError *error) {
            NSLog(@"Failed to log in with error: %@", error.localizedDescription);
  3. Implement -application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: to handle your custom URL scheme that Automatic will redirect to, once a user has given your app access:

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)URL sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
       if ([self.client handleOpenURL:URL]) {
           return YES;
       return NO;
  4. Once your client is authorized, you can store its credentials in the keychain using AFOAuthCredential:

    [AFOAuthCredential storeCredential:self.client.credential withIdentifier:@"credential"];

4. Make requests against the Automatic API

You can now make requests against the Automatic API on behalf of your user:

     fetchTripsForCurrentUserWithSuccess:^(NSDictionary *page){
         NSArray *trips = page[@"results"];
         // Do something cool with the trip data here.
     failure:^(NSError *error){
         NSLog(@"Something went wrong.");


The best way to build iOS apps powered by Automatic.







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  • Objective-C 95.6%
  • Ruby 4.4%