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A dead simple OpenGraph Tags parser for Kotlin, built using Coroutines and Jsoup.


The API is exposed through suspending extension functions.

// In a coroutine scope, or inside runBlocking

val url = URL("")
val tags = url.getOpenGraphTags()

Title: ${tags.title}
Description: ${tags.description}
Locale: ${tags.getProperty("locale")}

The getOpenGraphTags() method returns a Tags class which only acts as a wrapper around the underlying Map<String, List<String>> object.

Tags is an inline class, and Inline classes are currently experimental, so make sure you're okay with that before using this library.


The library currently only supports the og: namespace.


Please feel free to open issues or contribute new features through pull requests.


The library is published on Jitpack. Make sure to add it as a repository to your build.gradle file:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

And then add the library dependency:

dependencies {
  implementation "com.github.haroldadmin:opengraphKt:(latest-version)"

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