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Create GKE Cluster with Terraform and CI/CD Github Actions

This is a simple Flask application with a request counter using Redis. Requests must contain an authorization token and its value is defined through the environment variable AUTH_TOKEN.

Tools / providers

  • Google cloud
  • ISTIO service mesh
  • Terraform cloud


To use the project, follow the 4 step below:

1. Google cloud*

  • Make sure you have a valid provider account.
  • Create a project.
  • Select the project from the top menu.
  • Copy the project ID to a safe area, we will use it in the next steps.

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  • Go to the menu on the right IAM e ADMIN > Service Account and create a service account for the project with the roles:

    • Kubernetes Engine Admin
    • Compute Storage Admin
    • Service Account User
    • Compute Network Admin
    • Service Usage Admin
    • Compute Admin
  • After the service account created, on the same screen go to actions > Manage keys

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  • Then go to ADD KEY > CREATE NEW KEY > JSON generate a new key and download it - Keep it in a safe place, we will use it in the next steps.

2. Terraform Cloud*

Terraform Cloud is being used for versioning the tfstate.

  • Make sure you have a valid account on Terraform Cloud

  • Create a organization.

  • Create a workspace with the name you want with the type API-Driver Workflow.

  • Click on Variables and Environment Variables add the secrets:

  • TF_VAR_project -> project id GCP

  • TF_VAR_google_sa_key -> service account key .json (Donwload made in the GCP step, open the file, copy and paste the content)

    • PS: If you have trouble adding ess secret in terraform cloud, as it is JSON, use the command tr -d '\n' < file.json to convert from multi line to single line.
    • Mark as sensitive.
  • TF_VAR_cluster_name -> Name you want for your cluster (this name will also be used in GH Actions)(*)

  • Then we will generate the token for use in Github Actions

    • Click on settings in the top menu > API Tokensin the left side menu > click on create a user API token. Captura de Tela 2021-09-29 às 13 39 55

    • Copy the token to a safe place (after closing the modal it will not be possible to see it again)

3. Github Actions*

  • Github Actions is being used for CI and CD. It is necessary to create the environment variables.
  • In your repository, go to settings > secrets > New repository secret then create the following secrets like Actions secrets:
- DOCKER_USER      -> Docker hub user
- DOCKER_PWD       -> Docker hub password
- TF_API_TOKEN     -> Token copied from Terraform Cloud
- GKE_CLUSTER_NAME -> Name you want (same name placed in terraform cloud)
- GKE_ZONE         -> us-central1-c
- GKE_PROJECT      -> project id GCP
- GKE_SA_KEY       -> service account key .json from GCP
- AUTH_TOKEN       -> 123456 (test token for app authorization)

4. Remote state configuration*

  • Terraform does not allow the use of environment variables in the remote state config, so it is necessary to change it.
  • Change file terraform/
terraform {
  backend "remote" {
    organization = <organization name created in terraform cloud>

    workspaces {
      name = <workspace name created in terraform cloud>

Make a commit and push to the master branch

  • The terraform apply pipeline will be triggered.

Configuration test

  • Run the terraform-check.yml pipeline manually to verify the configuration is correct.

See the IP assigned to the ingress

  • Go to the google cloud console > then click on Kubernetes Engine > Click under your cluster name
  • Click on Services e Ingress in the side menu

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  • See Ip Endpoints with type LoadBalancer

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To test:

$ curl -H "Authorization: Token 123456" http://<IP INGRESS>


Creating the k8s cluster and installing ISTIO with terraform

  • Cluster creation as well as service mesh installation is linked to the CI/CD flow.
  • The trigger is fired when something inside the path /terraform is changed and merged into the master branch.

Deployment ISTIO Gateway

  • ISTIO Gateway deployment has been separated and linked to the CI/CD flow.
  • The trigger is fired when something inside the path ./k8s/istio is changed and merged into the master branch.

Deployment REDIS

  • The redis deployment has been separated and linked to the CI/CD flow.
  • The trigger is fired when something inside the path ./k8s/redis is changed and merged into the master branch.
  • An SSD volume is used in the cloud provider to provide the persistent volume.

Deployment APP

  • The app deployment has been separated and linked to the CI/CD flow.
  • The trigger is always fired.

Observability proposal

  • To visualize Istio's configuration, application traffic and metrics I would use Kiali, it is an easy to visualize tool if well configured and it is already integrated with the service mesh used in the challenge.
  • For cluster monitoring: Prometheus and Grafana.

To use the local application

$ docker-compose up -d
$ curl -H "Authorization: Token 123456" http://localhost:8000

To use local terraform

  • Make sure you have terraform installed.
$ cd/terraform
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply

To deploy the local app

$ cat k8s/api/api-deployment.yml | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -
