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Throughput & Latency Results

Harsh Gondaliya edited this page Oct 8, 2021 · 1 revision

Qperf tool was used to measure the throughput and latency for Inter-VM communication through OvS and OvS-DPDK bridge. Measurements were done for both TCP and UDP Connections.

As compared with OvS bridge, the following performance enhancements were seen while using OvS-DPDK bridge:

Throughput for TCP connection (tcp_bw) - 93.16% increase
Throughput for UDP connection (udp_bw) - 78.57% increase
Latency for TCP connection (tcp_lat) - 43.28% decrease
Latency for UDP connection (udp_lat) - 55.84% decrease


All readings mentioned below are average readings reported by qperf after running the test for 60s duration.


Throughput & Latency for TCP Connection using OvS

Throughput & Latency for TCP Connection using OvS-DPDK

Throughput & Latency for UDP Connection using OvS

Throughput & Latency for UDP Connection using OvS-DPDK