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TYPO3 extension warming

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An extension for TYPO3 CMS that warms up Frontend caches based on an XML sitemap. Cache warmup can be triggered via TYPO3 backend or using a console command. It supports multiple languages and custom crawler implementations.

๐Ÿš€ Features

  • Warmup of Frontend caches from pages or XML sitemap
  • Integration in TYPO3 backend toolbar and page tree
  • Support of various sitemap providers (e.g. robots.txt or custom location)
  • Multi-language support
  • Support for custom crawlers
  • Console command
  • Compatible with TYPO3 10.4 LTS and 11.5 LTS

๐Ÿ”ฅ Installation

Via Composer:

composer require eliashaeussler/typo3-warming

Or download the zip file from TYPO3 extension repository (TER).

โšก Usage

Caches can be warmed up in two different modes โ€“ either on a per-page basis or using the XML sitemap of a site. Currently, only one XML sitemap of a site can be used for cache warmup.

Toolbar item

Note: The toolbar item is only visible for admins and permitted users.

As soon as the extension is installed, a new toolbar item in your TYPO3 backend should appear. You can click on the toolbar item to get a list of all sites. If a site does not provide an XML sitemap, it cannot be used to warm up caches.

Toolbar item dropdown menu

Context menu

Note: the context menu items are only visible for admins and permitted users.

Next to the item in the toolbar, one can also trigger cache warmup using the context menu of pages inside the page tree.

Context menu

The option "Warmup cache for this page" is available for all pages whereas the option "Warmup all caches" is only available for sites' root pages.

Console command

The extension provides a console command which allows triggering cache warmup from the command-line or by using a Scheduler task.

typo3cms warming:cachewarmup [-p|--pages <pages>] [-s|--sites <sites>] [-l|--languages <languages>] [--limit <limit>] [-x|--strict]
  • -p|--pages: Define single pages to be crawled for cache warmup
  • -s|--sites: Define site identifiers or site root pages for cache warmup
  • -l|--languages: Define language IDs for which caches are to be warmed up (defaults to all available languages)
  • --limit: Override crawl limit from extension configuration
  • -x|--strict: Set this option to exit with error in case any page could not be crawled during cache warmup

๐Ÿ“‚ Configuration


All administrators are able to run cache warmup for sites and pages. All other users are not allowed to run those tasks. However, you can use User TSconfig to allow cache warmup for specific users/usergroups and sites/pages.

# Comma-separated list of pages to be allowed for warming up caches
options.cacheWarmup.allowedPages = 1,2,3

# Comma-separated list of site identifiers to be allowed for warming up caches
options.cacheWarmup.allowedSites = my-dummy-site,another-dummy-site

Path to XML sitemap

The path to an XML sitemap is determined in three steps:

  1. Site configuration: Within the Sites module, one can explicitly define the path to the XML sitemap of a site (see screenshot below).
  2. robots.txt: If no path is defined in the site configuration, a possible robots.txt file is parsed for a valid Sitemap configuration. Note: Only the first occurrence will be respected.
  3. Default path: If none of the above methods are successful, the default path sitemap.xml is used.

Sitemap XML path in site configuration

In order to be able to locate the sitemap path, all mentioned methods are bundled in so-called providers. You are free to implement custom providers or remove ones using a custom Services.yaml file. See the section Sitemap providers for more information about this topic.

Extension configuration

The extension configuration currently provides the following configuration options:


There exist two dedicated crawlers: one to run the cache warmup from the backend (ConcurrentUserAgentCrawler) and another one to use when running from the command-line (OutputtingUserAgentCrawler).

Both crawlers define their own User-Agent header, which generates a hash from the encryption key of the TYPO3 installation. This User-Agent header can be copied in the dropdown of the toolbar item in the backend to exclude such requests from the statistics of analysis tools, for example.

Alternatively, the command warming:showuseragent can be used to read the User-Agent header.

Sitemap providers

The path to XML sitemaps is located using various path providers. All providers implement the ProviderInterface.

The SitemapLocator is fed by a list of providers. That list is configured in the service container using the Services.yaml file.

All providers will be processed in natural order, meaning the provider with the lowest array index will be processed first. If any provider returns a valid SiteAwareSitemap object, the remaining providers won't be processed.

You are free to modify or extend the list of path providers. Keep in mind that the DefaultProvider should always be used as last provider since it always returns a SiteAwareSitemap object.

# Configuration/Services.yaml

  # ...
    public: true
        - '@My\Vendor\Sitemap\Provider\MyCustomProvider'
        - '@EliasHaeussler\Typo3Warming\Sitemap\Provider\DefaultProvider'

๐Ÿ’Ž Credits

The extension icon ("rocket") as well as the icons for cache warmup actions are modified versions of the original actions-rocket icon from TYPO3 core which is originally licensed under MIT License.

โญ License

This project is licensed under GNU General Public License 2.0 (or later).

FOSSA Status


Extension for TYPO3 CMS that warms up Frontend caches based on an XML sitemap with multi-language support.



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