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File metadata and controls

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Setting up snpArcher

Environment Setup

First, you will need to have Mamba installed. Follow the link and use the "Fresh Install (recommended)" directions.

Mamba is a faster version of conda. Conda is a package manager that makes it easy to create local environments with pre-configured versioning for your favorite packages.

Once Mamba is installed, create a conda environment with snakemake. These are the only two dependencies you need for the pipeline to work, the workflow will create mamba environments for each rule, and there is no need to install each package separately.

mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snparcher "snakemake>=8" "python==3.11.4"
mamba activate snparcher

If you encounter issues, please see the Snakemake docs for detailed installation instructions.

Next, clone the snpArcher github repo to your machine:

git clone
cd snpArcher

Creating a sample sheet

In order to determine what outputs to create, snpArcher requires sample sheet file. This comma-separated file contains the required sample metadata about your samples in order to run the workflow. At a minimum, the snpArcher pipeline requires that each sample have a unique sample name, a reference genome accession or a path to a fasta file, and an SRA accession, or path to two paired end fastq files.

Below are all of the accepted fields for a sample sheet:

Field Description
BioSample The name of the sample. This will be the sample name in the final VCF
LibraryName LibraryID for sample, this can be the same or different than BioSample
Run The SRR for the sample, if applicable. If not, must be some unique value. It is often the lane number if samples are sequenced on multiple lanes.
refGenome Reference genome accession, if applicable. See note
refPath Path to local reference genome, if applicable. See note
BioProject If applicable. Otherwise any value is acceptable.
fq1 Optional if no SRR value in Run. Path to read 1 for sample
fq2 Optional if no SRR value in Run. Path to read 2 for sample
SampleType Optional. Triggers postproccesing module. Accepted values are 'include' or 'exclude'
lat Optional. Decimal latitude for sample, required to generate map in QC dashboard.
long Optional. Decimal longitude for sample, required to generate map in QC dashboard.
refGenome is always required. refPath specifying the path to a reference fasta file is optional, but when specified, a name for the assembly (in refGenome) must also be included. 

If you are using the same reference genome for all samples in your sample sheet, you can omit the refGenome and/or refPath column from the sample sheet and specify these fields in the config file. See [config setup below](#configuring-snparcher) for more details.

It is important to note that samples are proccessed together based on their refGenome metadata, so all BioSamples that share a reference genome will ultimately end up in the same final vcf file. If you are mapping multiple populations / species to a single reference genome, and want separate VCF files for each population / species, you will need to split your final vcf after the pipeline completes, or run multiple indpendent sample sheets in different results directories.

If your reads (and, optionally, your local reference genome) are stored in somewhere seperate of the workflow (e.g.: a scratch disk) then you can specify the path to your reads using the fq1 and fq2 fields, and the location of your reference genome fasta in the refPath field.

Using data from NCBI SRA

If you'd like to reanalyze an existing NCBI SRA BioProject, please follow these instructions to quickly create a sample sheet.

  1. Go to the BioProject overview web page on the SRA.
  2. In the subheading Project Data there is a table with the columns Resource Name and Number of Links. Click the link in the Number of Links column in the SRA Experiments row. You will be redirected to a search results page.
  3. Near the top of the search results page, click the link Send results to Run Selector
  4. On the Run Selector page, you can select/deselect samples you'd like to include/exclude in your sample sheet by using the checkboxes.
  5. Once you are done selecting samples, click the Metadata button in the Download column in the table near the middle of the page.
  6. This will download a a comma separated file called SraRunTable.txt.
  7. Open the file in the editor of your choice, and add a column named refGenome. In this column, enter the reference genome accession you want to use for every row in the sheet.
  8. Save the sample sheet, it is now ready to use.

Using local data

A python script workflow/snparcher_utils/ is included to help write the sample sheet for you. In order to use this script, you must have organized all of your fastq files in to one directory. The script requies you provide a file with one sample per name that maps uniquely to a pair of fastq files in the afformentioned directory. The script also requires either a reference genome accession or path to reference fasta.

This script cannot currently handle multiple sequencing runs per sample. Please see below for how to handle this case.

Usage details:

Argument Description
-s / --sample_list Path to a sample list. One sample per line
-f / --fastq_dir Path to directory containing ALL fastq files. It is assumed that each fastq file will contain the sample name uniquely.
-r / --ref Path to reference fasta. Mutually exclusive with -a
-a / --acc NCBI accession of reference. Mutually exclusive with -r

Handling samples with more than one pair of reads

In order to specify samples that were sequenced multiple times in your sample sheet, you must:

  1. Create a duplicate row for each unit of sequencing
  2. Ensure the BioSample value is the same across all rows for the sample.
  3. Give each row a unique Run value. This allows snpArcher to collect all read pairs for a BioSample. All runs for a sample will be mapped separately to the genome and subsequently merged.
  4. Give each row a unique LibraryName value, if applicable. Used for marking duplicates, LibraryName should be the same in cases where the same library was sequenced multiple times. If a sample had multiple libraries prepared for it, then LibraryName should be unique for each library. See here for more info.

For example, consider we have 2 samples: A and B. Sample A was sequenced 3 times, 2 of which were derived from the same library prep, and the other was a unique library. Sample B was only sequenced once. Below is how the sample sheet would look in order to define these relationships. Note, only the relevant fields have been included.

BioSample LibraryName Run
sample_A lib_A_1 1
sample_A lib_A_1 2
sample_A lib_A_2 3
sample_B lib_B_1 4

Configuring snpArcher

Workflow variables such as output file prefix, tool settings, and other options are set in config/config.yaml. Resource settings such as threads and memory are controlled per tool in the profiles/default/config.yaml.

Core configuration

The following options in config/config.yaml must be set before running snpArcher:

Option Description Type Required Default
samples Path to CSV sample sheet. str True None
final_prefix Prefix to name final output files with (e.g. VCF) str True None
intervals Use SplitByN interval approach for GATK variant calling bool True True
sentieon Use Sentieon tools instead of GATK for variant calling bool True False
sentieon_lic If using Sentieon tools, provide license here str True if sentieon==True None
remote_reads Use remote storage provider for reads. bool False False
bigtmp Set a directory for TMP. Default is $TMPDIR env var str False None
cov_filter Use coverage thresholds for filtering callable sites bool True True
generate_trackhub Generate population genomics stats trackhub bool True True
trackhub_email Trackhubs require an email address str True if generate_trackhub==True None
refGenome Reference genome name or accession str True if not provided in sample sheet None
refPath Path to reference genome if not using NCBI genome accession str False None
mark_duplicates Mark optical duplicates before variant calling. str True True
sort_reads Sort reads by read name before running adapter trimming. str True False

Other options

The following options can be adjusted based on your needs and your dataset.

Variant Calling Options

Option Description Type
minNmer The minimum span of Ns to split reference genome at for interval generation int
num_gvcf_intervals The maximum number of GVCF intervals to create. Actual number of intervals may be less if reference genome is highly contiguous. int
db_scatter_factor Used to calculate number of DB intervals to create. num_db_intervals = (scatter_factor * num_samples * num_gvcf_intervals). Recommend <1 float
minP Controls --min-pruning in GATK HaplotypeCaller. Recommend 1 for low coverage (<10x), 2 for high coverage (>10x) int
minD Controls --min-dangling-branch-length in GATK HaplotypeCaller. Recommend 1 for low coverage (<10x), 4 for high coverage (>10x) int
ploidy Ploidy for variant calling step. int

Callable Sites Options

Option Description Type
mappability_min Genomic regions with mappability score less than this will be removed from callable sites. int
mappability_k Kmer size to compute mappability. int
mappability_merge Merge passing mappability regions separated by this or fewer basepairs into a signle region int
cov_merge Merge passing coverage regions separated by this or fewer basepairs into a signle region int

Coverage Filtering Options

If cov_filter in the core options is set to True, then the following options can be adjusted to the user's needs. Coverage filtering can be handled 3 ways:

  1. Hard upper and lower thresholds: regions with a mean coverage that falls within these thresholds are considered callable.
Option Description Type
cov_threshold_lower Lower coverage threshold int
cov_threshold_upper Upper coverage threshold int
  1. Standard deviations: regions with a mean coverage that is within N standard deviations (assumes Poisson distribution) are considered callable.
Option Description Type
cov_threshold_stdev Number of standard deviations is considered callable int
  1. Absolute scaling: Thresholds set by factor N. Lower bowund is (global mean coverage / N), upper bound (global mean coverage * N). A region is callable if its mean coverage is within these bounds.
Option Description Type
cov_threshold_rel Scaling factor for coverage threshold int
In order to use one of the above coverage filtering approaches, you must set the options of the desired approach, and leave the others blank.

Module Options

Please refer to the modules page for each module's options.


Compute resources (threads, memory, etc.) as well as Snakemake arguments are set by the workflow profile located in profiles/default/config.yaml. This profile is used by default when running Snakemake. To specify a different profile, use the --workflow-profile option in your Snakemake command.

In the profile you can set resources to be applied to all rules via the default-resources key. You can override this default per-rule by uncommenting that rule under the set-threads and/or set-resources key.


The profile controls how many threads (or CPU cores) a rule can use via the set-thread key. We have provided reasonable defaults, though you may need to adjust depending on the resources available on your system/cluster.

Many rules can only use 1 thread, and providing more threads **will not** decrease runtime or improve performance. Please refer to the `profiles/default/config.yaml` for details.

Memory and other resources

The profile controls how much memory and what other resources a rule can use via the set-resources key. When executing snpArcher on a cluster or the cloud, specifying memory is important as these environments will typically kill jobs that use more memory than they requested.

Other resources, such as slurm_partition, runtime, etc. can also be set here if they are required by your cluster. We have provided a SLURM profile profiles/slurm that has the most common SLURM resources.

Snakemake allows you to dynamically assign resources. We use the `attempt` keyword to specify memory. For example. `attempt * 2000` will provide 2GB on the first attempt of the rule, if the rule fails (out of memory) then on the second attempt it will be provided 4GB. This behavior requires the `-T/--retries` Snakemake option.