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Cross-platform system-statistics (data gatherer for the Conkie project)


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Cross-platform system-statistics (data gatherer for the Conkie project).

This module is designed to provide continiously updating system information - ideally in a cross-platform compatible way.

var conkieStats = require('conkie-stats');
	.on('error', function(err) {
		console.log('ERROR', err);
	.on('debug', function(msg) {
		console.log('DEBUG', msg);
	.on('update', function(stats) {

Conkie-Stats is actually made up of a few chosen sub-modues. Ideally each sub-module should be cross-platform (hard), sane (harder) and reliable (hardest still).

If you have any recommendations for either code commits or NPM modules please please submit a PR or GitHub Issue.


Conkie-Stats will automatically load all local or global NPM modules named conkie-stats-*. A simple NPM install should make these accessible to the main Conkie-Stats library.

See the search for more Conkie-Stats plugins.


Conkie-Stats also ships with a (very very very) basic Stats outputter which can be accessed with:

conkie-stats --help

At present this doesn't realy do much expect spew the collected stats object to the screen in a loop every second.

Cross-platform development

Conkie-Stats relies on a few external components to gather system statistics:

  • bwm-ng - Network bandwidth monitoring
  • df - Disk usage info (part of GNU coreutils)
  • ifconfig / iwconfig - Base network interface libraries (part of net-tools)
  • iotop - Disk usage statistics
  • lm-sensors - The sensors binary provides information about various system temperatures

If you know a way to provide cross-platform support for these modules please either get in touch or submit a pull-request.


Linux based systems:

(ifconfig + df should already be installed)

sudo apt-get install bwm-ng lm-sensors iotop

Provided data


Various CPU related information.

  • cpu.usage - Integer representing the CPU usage
  • cpu.load - A three part array listing the 1, 5 and 15 minute load readings as floats


Run any system command and return the response as a string or an array of strings.

This module requires the commands to run to be specified as an object in its settings.

For example:

	commands: {
		echo: 'echo Hello World',
		uptime: 'uptime',
		ls: ['ls', '-l', '-a'],

would return something like:

	"echo": "Hello World",
	"uptime": "12:33:29 up 15:12,  4 users,  load average: 2.28, 2.45, 2.21",
	"ls": [
		"drwxrwxr-x   6 user user  4096 Apr 19 12:30 ./",
		"drwxrwxr-x 117 user user  4096 Apr 19 08:49 ../"

Commands can be specified in any of the formats supported by async-chainable-exec - the most common being a simple string or an array of strings forming the arguments.


A collection (array of objects) of all active mounted disks within the system.

The result should resemble the following:

		filesystem: '/dev/sdb7',
		type: 'ext4',
		blocks: '63384396',
		used: '35256768',
		free: '24891532',
		mount: '/',


Monitor file contents and return them as an array.

This module is not auto-loaded (e.g. via register('*')) and needs manual settings to operate.

Specify each file return value as the key and the file path as the value of the files settings object:

	files: {
		wagesPerHour: '/home/joerandom/wages',
		widgetsPerFoobar: '/tmp/foobar',

Assuming those files exist this should create the structure as the output stats:

	files: {
		wagesPerHour: [100],
		widgetsPerFoobar: [


  • Any error returned by node is accepted as the file contents as a single string. Its up to you to type check this. The module will not fail when a file does not exist.
  • Files are read as UTF8
  • Empty lines at the end of the file are automatically truncated


The IO object is made up of several values:

  • io.totalRead - The system-wide disk read I/O value in Kbs
  • io.totalWrite - The system-wide disk write I/O value in Kbs


An object of when the modules were last polled. Each key is the module name and the value is the Unix timestamp (in milliseconds).


Various Memory related information.

  • - The amount of free system RAM as a long unformatted integer
  • memory.used - The amount of used system RAM as a long unformatted integer
  • - The total amount of system RAM as a long unformatted integer


A collection (array of objects) of all active power sub-systems. These usually correspond to batteries.

The result should resemble the following:

		charge: 2628000
		chargeFull: 4412000,
		device: 'BAT0',
		manufacturer: 'MSI',
		percent: 59,
		model: 'BIF0_9',
		status: 'charging', // charging, discharging
		voltage: 10934000,
		remainingTime: 3809.2470277410835, // Remaining time in seconds

NOTE: As well as the above the key dischargeAt may also be provided. This is the last known JS date object at which the system had power and usually corresponds to the point where the device left the powered state. Since the operating system does not track this information the discharge time is calculated by this module itself and may not correspond to the actual state change timestamp if the module is started after the power state change. dischargeTime is also provided as the time since the state change in seconds.


A collection (array of objects) of all active network connections.

Most network interfaces are populated via ipconfig but wireless devices have their information merged with iwconfig.

If bwm-ng is installed the downSpeed / upSpeed properties are also provided.

RSS / Atom

A collection (object) of all feed getting from one or more sources.

Specify each url you want to get feed as the value of the feedRSSAtom.url settings object:

	feedRSSAtom: {
        options: {
            followRedirect: false, // default value
            timeout: 1000 // default value
        sortByDate: 'desc', // values : asc,desc,off | default: desc
        url: [ // default empty

Node: The options hash is passed through to request for fetching a given url.

The result should resemble the following:

  "sources": [
      "type": "rss",
      "metadata": {
        "title": "",
        "desc": "",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/",
        "lastBuildDate": "Thu, 04 May 2017 13:36:03 -0700",
        "update": "Thu, 04 May 2017 13:36:03 -0700"
      "type": "atom",
      "metadata": {
        "title": "",
        "desc": "",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/",
        "lastBuildDate": "Thu, 04 May 2017 13:36:03 -0700",
        "update": "Thu, 04 May 2017 13:36:03 -0700"
  "feeds": [
      "title": "Conkie, a Conky like",
      "desc": "<p>Conkie...<\/p>",
      "link": "http:\/\/\/conkie-a-conky-like-42.html",
      "category": [
      "date": 1493841600000,
      "feed": 0
      "title": "Lorem ipsum",
      "desc": "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua<\/p>",
      "link": "http:\/\/\/lorem-ipsum.html",
      "category": [
      "date": 1493838000000,
      "feed": 0
      "title": "Hello world",
      "desc": "<p>Simple: 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 !<\/p>",
      "link": "http:\/\/\/hello-world.html",
      "category": [
      "date": 1493834400000,
      "feed": 1


Option Type Default Description
pollFrequency Object {} Specifiers for the delay per module. e.g. pollFrequency.cpu=5000 will only poll the CPU module every 5000ms reguardless of what the overall poll frequency is
net.bwmNg Boolean true Use bwm-ng to gather bandwidth stats. If the binary cannot be found when the module is registered this is automatically disabled
net.ignoreNoBandwidth Boolean false Remove all network devices that dont have any download or upload - not recommended as it tends to remove devices during a quiet period
net.ignoreNoIP Boolean false Remove all network devices that currently have no IP address
net.ignoreDevice Array [] Ignore all devices by device name (e.g. lo to ignore loopback adapater on Linux)

The result should resemble the following:

		type: 'ethernet',
		interface: 'lo',
		link: 'local',
		ipv6_address: '::1/128',
		ipv4_address: '',
		ipv4_subnet_mask: '',
		up: true,
		running: true,
		loopback: true,
		downSpeed: 0,
		upSpeed: 0,
		type: 'wireless',
		interface: 'wlp3s0',
		link: 'ethernet',
		address: '66:66:66:66:66:66',
		ipv6_address: '6666::6666:6666:6666:6666/64',
		ipv4_address: '',
		ipv4_broadcast: '',
		ipv4_subnet_mask: '',
		up: true,
		broadcast: true,
		running: true,
		multicast: true,
		access_point: '66:66:66:66:66:67',
		frequency: 2.462,
		ieee: '802.11abgn',
		mode: 'managed',
		quality: 70,
		ssid: 'My WiFi point',
		downSpeed: 0,
		upSpeed: 0,


The system object is made up of several values:

  • system.arch - The system architecture
  • system.hostname - The hostname of the system e.g. MyLaptop / localhost
  • system.uptime - The system uptime in seconds
  • system.platform - Node compatible short platform name


The temperature object is made up of several values:

  • temperature.main - Main system temperature
  • temperature.cores - Array of temperatures for each core


Collection of Top CPU using processes.

  • topCPU.*.pid - The PID of the process
  • topCPU.*.user - The user owner of the process
  • topCPU.*.priority - The scheduling priority of the process
  • topCPU.*.nice - The nice value of the process
  • topCPU.*.mode - The mode of the process (D = uninteruptable sleep, R = Running, S = Sleeping, T = Traced / Debugging, Z = Zombie)
  • topCPU.*.cpuPercent - The currently used CPU percentage of the process
  • topCPU.*.ramPercent - The currently used RAM percentage of the process
  • topCPU.*.cpuTime - The currently consumed CPU time of the process
  • topCPU.*.name - The name of the process


Collection of Top I/O using processes.

  • topIo - An array of ranked top Disk I/O processes. See below for each provided object attribute.
  • topIo.*.pid - The PID of a single process
  • topIo.*.ioRead - The disk read in killobytes
  • topIo.*.ioRead - The disk write in killobytes
  • topIo.*.name - The full name of the process


Collection of Top Memory using processes.

See the output of topCPU for a description of each field.

RSS / Atom

Collection of sources.

  • feedRSSAtom.sources - An array of sources website info
    • feedRSSAtom.metadata - Colletion of info about site
      • feedRSSAtom.metadata.desc - String that describe site
      • feedRSSAtom.metadata.lastBuildDate - Number (timestamp), contain last build date
      • feedRSSAtom.metadata.title - Site title
      • feedRSSAtom.metadata.update - Number (timestamp), contain last update date
      • feedRSSAtom.metadata.url - String, website URL
    • feedRSSAtom.type - Indicate if feeds are RSS or Atom
  • feedRSSAtom.feeds - An array of all sources
    • feedRSSAtom.feeds.category - Array of string that describe feed category
    • - Number (timestamp), Publication date
    • feedRSSAtom.feeds.desc - String, description of feed (Note: can be huge because can contain full article)
    • feedRSSAtom.feeds.source - Number, index of source in feedRSSAtom.sources
    • - String, link of article
    • feedRSSAtom.feeds.title - String, title of article


The main module exposes the following chainable methods:

  • register(module...) - Request a module (corresponds to a filename within the modules/ directory). Some modules require external binaries and will raise errors if this is not satisfied. Arguments can be passed as strings or an array of strings.
  • setPollFreq(timeout) - Set the polling frequency for modules that poll (in milliseconds)
  • settings(settingsObject) - Set the Conkie-Stats settings object
  • update(data) - Merge the main system payload with the provided data. This is a standard object merge however arrays are taken as mutable objects (i.e. a new array value completely overrides the previous one).
  • poll() - Force a poll of all modules. This is really only intended as an internal function.


The following events are raised by the main module:

  • debug(err) - General debugging mesages. This is like error but usually a fail-soft situation (e.g. module can't provide certain information because of a missing binary - it can still do its job but it should complain to someone)
  • error(err) - General error handling event
  • moduleRegister(moduleObject) - A module has been registered
  • update(stats) - Event emitted when all module polls have completed
  • updatePartial(stats) - Event emitted on each modules update events. Data is unlikely to be complete at this point until update

Module API

Each module is expected to be composed of the following properties:

  • - String identifying the module - automatically appended by the parent process
  • module.register(finish, parentObject) - Optional registration callback. If called with no arguments or with register('*') all non-debugging modules will be loaded - this can cause issues if your setup is missing any of the external dependencies
  • module.unregister(finish, parentObject) - Optional de-registration callback
  • module.poll(finish, parentObject) - Optional polling callback - will be invoked by default every 1000ms and can return data as the callback payload. Any payload will automatically be run via update(data)
  • module.settings - Object containing the modules settings


Cross-platform system-statistics (data gatherer for the Conkie project)







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