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Native Bitcoin Vault User Guide

This tutorial will go through NBV user flow! The following tutorials will show some words highlighted in blue. If you click on them, they will take you to an external page if that is the case, or they will redirect you to some section of this document.


  • Install one of the following browsers:
    • Firefox -> Download here.
    • Google chrome -> Download here.
  • Install polkadot{.js} extension -> Download here.
  • Install BlueWallet on your mobile -> Download here

Note: If you aren't familiar with any concepts, we suggest reading the last section first.


How to login

How to create and link a new xpub

How to create a new vault

How to export your vault and import on Blue Wallet

How to deposit to vault

How to create a proposal

How to sign a proposal

How to create a Proof of Reserves

How to sign Proof of Reserves

How to finalize and broadcast a proposal.

How to Login

Polkadot extension

First, we need to access to the Hashed Network Portal site.

  1. If you have more of one account imported on Polkadot extension, you can choose an account.

  2. Click "Login" button

  3. Sign transaction (You must write your account password)

    Note: You can activate the checkbox Remember my password for the next 15 minutes to sign transactions easier.

  4. If you are logged correctly, you will see the following screen.

Hashed Confidential Docs (Google Signin)

First, we need to access to the Hashed Network Portal site.

  1. Click "Google Sign In" button

  2. Choose an Google Account.

  3. Confirm "Sign Payload" modal

    Note: If is the first time login into portal.

  4. Confirm "Call extrinsic" modal

    Note: If is the first time login into portal.

  5. If you are logged correctly, you will see the following screen.

How to create a new xpub.

To create and link a new xpub we have two options:

How to create a new xpub from NBV (Option 1 recommended).

  1. Go to Extended Keys page in the portal.

  2. Click Generate a new XPUB button.

  3. Save your Seed in a safe place, then click on I saved my seed in a safe place.

    Important: Not share this Seed with anyone, this value is required to sign transactions using your XPUB on Blue Wallet app.

    Note: This image is just an example.

    Note: If you aren't familiar with any concepts, we suggest reading the last section first.

  4. Sign the transaction using polkadot extension.

  5. Now you have created a new Xpub linked to your polkadot account.

Hashed Confidential Docs

  1. Go to Extended Keys page in the portal.

  2. Click Link XPUB button.

  3. Click "Confirm" button to sign the extrinsic

  1. Now you have created a new Xpub linked to your polkadot account.

How to create a new xpub from Blue Wallet (Option 2)

Note: You can create a new xpub from NBV web application (recommended) How to create a new xpub from NBV web.

  1. Open Blue Wallet App on your mobile, we will see a similar screen to the following.
    • Tap on ➕ button on top-right corner.
  1. Once taped on add button, we should see the following screen
    • Tap on Vault
    • Tap on Create button
  1. Tap on Let's start button.
  1. Tap on Create new button.
  1. Save your Seed in a safe place.

    Important: Not share this Seed with anyone, this value is required to sign transactions using your XPUB.

    Note: This image is just an example.

    Note: If you aren't familiar with any concepts, we suggest reading the last section first.

  1. Tap on Share button.
  1. Take a screenshot of XPUB qr (just as backup) also we can click on Share button and save the json was generated.

How to link your XPUB from Blue Wallet (Just valid when you create an Xpub from Blue Wallet)

  1. Go to "Extended Keys" page.
  1. Click "Scan XPUB from Blue Wallet" button.

  2. Open on your mobile the XPUB qr you got on previous steps.

    Note: If you don't have an XPUB yet please review How to create a new XPUB from Blue Wallet.

    Note: This image is just an example.

  1. Scan the XPUB qr.

Note: You must allow camera permission to scan qr.

  1. Sign transaction using polkadot extension.

  2. Now you should see the next screen

How to create a new vault

  1. Go to "My Vaults" page.
  2. Click "Create vault" button.
  1. Fill out the form with the following fields.
    • Title (Label)
    • Number of cosigners: Number of cosigners allowed to sign a proposal.
    • Minimum threshold: Minimum number of signatures needed to finalize a proposal.
    • Cosigners address
    • Include owner as cosigner (Default selected)
  1. Click "Create vault" button
  2. Sign transaction using polkadot extension.
  3. Now you can find your new vault on "My vaults" page

How to export your vault and import on Blue Wallet

  1. Go to "My vaults" page.
  2. Click the vault you want to see details.
  1. You should see the next screen.
  1. Click "Export descriptor" button.
  1. You should see the next screen.

    Note: Please follow the steps showed on the modal.

    Note: If you followed successfully the modal steps, you can skip the followings steps to export the vault.

  1. Go to home screen on Blue wallet app.
  1. Tap on ➕ button positioned on top right corner.
  2. Top on "Import wallet" button.
  1. Tap on "Scan or import a file".
  2. Scan this qr from Blue Wallet. Note: You must allow camera permissions to scan qr.
  3. You should see the vault from Blue Wallet

Note: To sign transactions, you need to write the SEED of your xpub

  1. On Blue Wallet click on a vault to see details, you should see the next screen.
  1. Click "Manage Keys" button.

  2. Click "I have a seed for this key" option for your respective XPUB.

  1. Write your SEED and click on Save.

How to deposit to vault

  1. Go to "My vaults" page.

  2. Click the vault you want to transfer to see details.

  3. Get receive address to transfer btc to vault from your preferred wallet.

    • Using QR

      1. Click "Refresh and show qr" button.
      2. Scan this qr from your preferred wallet to transfer founds.
    • Using Address

      1. Click "Refresh and copy" button.

      2. Use this address to transfer founds from your preferred wallet.

  1. Click Refresh button positioned on bottom right corner to confirm the sats was received successfully.

How to create a proposal

Note: The vault balance must be greater than 546 sats to create a proposal.

  1. Go to Vault Details page.
  2. Click "Create proposal" button.
  1. Fill out the form with the following fields:
    • Amount
    • Recipient address
    • Description
  1. Click "Create proposal" button.
  2. Sing transaction using polkadot extension.
  3. You should see your new proposal on Vault Details screen.

How to sign a proposal.

With Blue Wallet

Note: Remember to import the vault on Blue Wallet app if you haven't already.

  1. Go to "My Vaults" page.
  2. Click the vault that contains the proposal you want to sign, now we are on Vault details screen.
  3. Click the proposal you want to sign, now we are on Proposal details screen.
  4. Click "Sign PSBT" button.
  1. You should see the next screen.

    Note: Please follow the steps showed on the modal.

    Note: If you followed successfully the modal steps, you can skip the followings steps to sign a proposal.

  1. On Blue Wallet, go to home screen and click on previously imported vault.
  1. Tap on "Send" button.
  2. Tap on "..." button, positioned on top right corner.
  3. Tap on "Sign a transaction" option. Note: If this option is not available, please confirm you have imported your seed correctly on Blue Wallet. Tutorial
  1. Scan this qr from Blue Wallet.
  1. When appear "Co-sign this transaction" message tap on "Yes" button.
  1. Tap on "Provide signature" button, now you should see a QR.
  1. From web app click on "Continue" button.
  1. Scan QR generated from Blue Wallet on Web app.
  1. Sign transaction using polkadot extension.

With Hashed Confidential Docs

  1. Go to "My Vaults" page.
  2. Click the vault that contains the proposal you want to sign, now we are on Vault details screen.
  3. Click the proposal you want to sign, now we are on Proposal details screen.
  4. Click "Sign PSBT (HCD)" button.
  1. You should see the next modal and click confirm button to continue
  1. Click "Confirm" button to sign PSBT
  1. Click "Finish" button to save the sign PSBT
  1. Click "Confirm" button to call the extrinsic

How to create a Proof of Reserves

With Hashed Confidential Docs

  1. Go to "My Vaults" page.

  2. Click a vault in vault list, we are on Vault details screen.

  3. Scroll down to Proof of Reserves section.

  4. Click "Create pool of reserves" button

    Note: The vault must have balance (sats) to create a proof of reserves.

  5. Click "Confirm" button to sign the extrinsic

  6. Now you have created a new Proof of Reserves.

How to sign Proof of Reserves

With Hashed Confidential Docs

  1. Go to "My Vaults" page.
  2. Click a vault in vault list, we are on Vault details screen.
  3. Scrool down to Proof of Reserves section.
  4. Click the proof of reserve in the list, now we are on Proof of Reserves Details screen.
  5. Click "Sign PSBT" button.
6. You should see the next modal and click "Continue" button to continue
7. Click "Confirm" button to sign PSBT
8. Click "Finish" Button to save signed PSBT
  1. Click "Confirm" button to save

How to finalize and broadcast a proposal.

Note: Remember to import the vault on Blue Wallet app if you haven't already.

Note: To finalize and broadcast a proposal, make sure the threshold of multisignature has been met. To sign a proposal review previous step.

  1. Go to proposal page details.
  1. Click "Finalize and Broadcast" button.
  1. Sign proposal using polkadot extension.

  2. Now the proposal is doing broadcasted, in a few minutes you should see the proposal with Broadcasted status.

    Note: You can click on Refresh button positioned on bottom right corner to validate if the status has changed.

  1. You can click on "Click to open explorer" link to see the transaction details in a btc explorer.

How to Safely Store Your Wallet

In the following tutorial, we'll talk about some concepts related to wallets & keys, so you can be familiar with them.

  • About Keys

You will be given two kinds of keys: a public key, which functions similar to an email address (you may safely share it with others, enabling you to send and receive payments), and a private key, which is often a string of letters and numbers (and which is not to be shared with anyone).

  • What is a private key?

A private key is a secret string of letters and numbers that allows you to access and manage your cryptocurrency funds. It is like a password that proves your ownership of your cryptocurrency.

  • About Wallets

Just like your bank PIN, keeping your private keys safe is important! Store them offline somewhere safe. Some investors keep their private keys on a computer that isn't connected to the internet, written on pieces of paper, or even just memorized.

A common misconception in cryptocurrency regarding wallets is that they store tokens. However, a wallet is used to store private keys in an encrypted file to sign transactions. Therefore, wallets don't serve as a storage medium for tokens.

A user builds a transaction object, usually through an interface (Proxy website), sends that object to the wallet to be signed (Anchor Wallet); the wallet then returns that transaction object with a signature which is then broadcast to the network. When/if the network confirms that the transaction is valid, it is included in a blockchain block.

  • Where To Store Private Keys?

  1. Hardware Wallets: Use hardware wallets to keep your private keys safe. A hardware wallet is a flash drive-like device designed specifically for storing your private keys.

  2. Online? AT YOUR OWN RISK!: It's not recommended to keep private keys online, in the mail, or in the cloud because they are most susceptible to getting hacked there. Many users take screenshots of their private keys, and their photo album is usually synced online. This previous action creates a security risk and is something you should do at your own risk.

  3. Offline Flash drive: If you don't have a hardware wallet, you can temporarily keep your private keys or seed in an offline flash drive or HDD. But these options are only safe as long as they aren't in the hands of an attacker.

  4. Paper wallet: A paper wallet is free and is just a piece of paper that prints the pair of private and public keys on it.

  5. Memorize it: It's hard to memorize your private key.

We hope these insights will help you make the best decision for yourself and also help you secure your private keys.

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