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Commands: Connect
The `consul connect` command interacts with Consul's service mesh features. It exposes top-level commands for interacting with the internal CA and service mesh proxies, exposing services through ingress gateways, and applying iptables rules.

Consul Connect

Command: consul connect

The connect command is used to interact with the connect subsystem that provides Consul's service mesh capabilities. It exposes commands for running service mesh proxies and for viewing/updating the service mesh Certificate Authority (CA) configuration.


Usage: consul connect <subcommand>

For the exact documentation for your Consul version, run consul connect -h to view the complete list of subcommands.

Usage: consul connect <subcommand> [options] [args]

  This command has subcommands for interacting with Consul service mesh.

  Here are some simple examples, and more detailed examples are available
  in the subcommands or the documentation.

  Run the production service mesh proxy

      $ consul connect envoy

  For more examples, ask for subcommand help or view the documentation.

    ca                  Interact with the Consul service mesh Certificate Authority (CA)
    envoy               Runs or configures Envoy as a service mesh proxy
    expose              Expose a mesh-enabled service through an Ingress gateway
    proxy               Runs a non-production, built-in service mesh sidecar proxy
    redirect-traffic    Applies iptables rules for traffic redirection

For more information, examples, and usage about a subcommand, click on the name of the subcommand in the sidebar.