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Configuration Versions - API Docs - HCP Terraform
Use the `/configuration-versions` endpoint to manage configuration versions for a workspace. List, show, and create configuration versions and their files using the HTTP API.

Configuration Versions API

-> Note: Before working with the runs or configuration versions APIs, read the API-driven run workflow page, which includes both a full overview of this workflow and a walkthrough of a simple implementation of it.

A configuration version (configuration-version) is a resource used to reference the uploaded configuration files. It is associated with the run to use the uploaded configuration files for performing the plan and apply.

You need read runs permission to list and view configuration versions for a workspace, and you need queue plans permission to create new configuration versions. Refer to the permissions documentation for more details.


Configuration Version States

The configuration version state is found in data.attributes.status, and you can reference the following list of possible states.

A configuration version created through the API or CLI can only be used in runs if it is in an uploaded state. A configuration version created through a linked VCS repository may also be used in runs if it is in an archived state.

State Description
pending The initial status of a configuration version after it has been created. Pending configuration versions cannot be used to create new runs.
fetching For configuration versions created from a commit to a connected VCS repository, HCP Terraform is currently fetching the associated files from VCS.
uploaded The configuration version is fully processed and can be used in runs.
archived All immediate runs are complete and HCP Terraform has discarded the files associated with this configuration version. If the configuration version was created through a connected VCS repository, it can still be used in new runs. In those cases, HCP Terraform will re-fetch the files from VCS.
errored HCP Terraform could not process this configuration version, and it cannot be used to create new runs. You can try again by pushing a new commit to your linked VCS repository or creating a new configuration version with the API or CLI.
backing_data_soft_deleted Indicates that the configuration version's backing data is marked for garbage collection. If no action is taken, the backing data associated with this configuration version is permanently deleted after a set number of days. You can restore the backing data associated with the configuration version before it is permanently deleted.
backing_data_permanently_deleted The configuration version's backing data has been permanently deleted and can no longer be restored.

List Configuration Versions

GET /workspaces/:workspace_id/configuration-versions

Parameter Description
:workspace_id The ID of the workspace to list configurations from. Obtain this from the workspace settings or the Show Workspace endpoint.

Query Parameters

This endpoint supports pagination with standard URL query parameters. Remember to percent-encode [ as %5B and ] as %5D if your tooling doesn't automatically encode URLs.

Parameter Description
page[number] Optional. If omitted, the endpoint will return the first page.
page[size] Optional. If omitted, the endpoint will return 20 configuration versions per page.

Sample Request

curl \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  --request GET \

Sample Response

  "data": [
      "id": "cv-ntv3HbhJqvFzamy7",
      "type": "configuration-versions",
      "attributes": {
        "error": null,
        "error-message": null,
        "source": "gitlab",
        "status": "uploaded",
        "status-timestamps": {},
        "provisional": false
      "relationships": {
        "ingress-attributes": {
          "data": {
            "id": "ia-i4MrTxmQXYxH2nYD",
            "type": "ingress-attributes"
          "links": {
      "links": {
        "self": "/api/v2/configuration-versions/cv-ntv3HbhJqvFzamy7",
        "download": "/api/v2/configuration-versions/cv-ntv3HbhJqvFzamy7/download"

Show a Configuration Version

GET /configuration-versions/:configuration-id

Parameter Description
:configuration-id The id of the configuration to show.

Sample Request

curl \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  --request GET \

Sample Response

  "data": {
    "id": "cv-ntv3HbhJqvFzamy7",
    "type": "configuration-versions",
    "attributes": {
      "error": null,
      "error-message": null,
      "source": "gitlab",
      "status": "uploaded",
      "status-timestamps": {},
      "provisional": false
    "relationships": {
      "ingress-attributes": {
        "data": {
          "id": "ia-i4MrTxmQXYxH2nYD",
          "type": "ingress-attributes"
        "links": {
    "links": {
      "self": "/api/v2/configuration-versions/cv-ntv3HbhJqvFzamy7",
      "download": "/api/v2/configuration-versions/cv-ntv3HbhJqvFzamy7/download"

Show a Configuration Version's Commit Information

An ingress attributes resource (ingress-attributes) is used to reference commit information for configuration versions created in a workspace with a VCS repository.

GET /configuration-versions/:configuration-id/ingress-attributes

Parameter Description
:configuration-id The id of the configuration to show.

Ingress attributes can also be fetched as part of a query to a particular configuration version via include:

GET /configuration-versions/:configuration-id?include=ingress-attributes

Parameter Description
:configuration-id The id of the configuration to show.

Sample Request

curl \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  --request GET \

Sample Response

  "data": {
    "id": "ia-zqHjxJzaB9Ae6i9t",
    "type": "ingress-attributes",
    "attributes": {
      "branch": "add-cool-stuff",
      "clone-url": "",
      "commit-message": "Adding really cool infrastructure",
      "commit-sha": "1e1c1018d1bbc0b8517d072718e0d87c1a0eda95",
      "commit-url": "",
      "compare-url": "",
      "identifier": "hashicorp/foobar",
      "is-pull-request": true,
      "on-default-branch": false,
      "pull-request-number": 163,
      "pull-request-url": "",
      "pull-request-title": "Adding really cool infrastructure",
      "pull-request-body": "These are changes to add really cool stuff. We should absolutely merge this.",
      "tag": null,
      "sender-username": "chrisarcand",
      "sender-avatar-url": "",
      "sender-html-url": ""
    "relationships": {
      "created-by": {
        "data": {
          "id": "user-PQk2Z3dfXAax18P6s",
          "type": "users"
        "links": {
          "related": "/api/v2/ingress-attributes/ia-zqHjxJzaB9Ae6i9t/created-by"
    "links": {
      "self": "/api/v2/ingress-attributes/ia-zqHjxJzaB9Ae6i9t"

Create a Configuration Version

POST /workspaces/:workspace_id/configuration-versions

Parameter Description
:workspace_id The ID of the workspace to create the new configuration version in. Obtain this from the workspace settings or the Show Workspace endpoint.

-> Note: This endpoint cannot be accessed with organization tokens. You must access it with a user token or team token.

Request Body

This POST endpoint requires a JSON object with the following properties as a request payload.

Properties without a default value are required.

Key path Type Default Description boolean true When true, runs are queued automatically when the configuration version is uploaded.
data.attributes.speculative boolean false When true, this configuration version may only be used to create runs which are speculative, that is, can neither be confirmed nor applied.
data.attributes.provisional boolean false When true, this configuration version does not immediately become the workspace current configuration version. If the associated run is applied, it then becomes the current configuration version unless a newer one exists.

Sample Payload

  "data": {
    "type": "configuration-versions",
    "attributes": {
      "auto-queue-runs": true

Sample Request

curl \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  --request POST \
  --data @payload.json \

Sample Response

  "data": {
    "id": "cv-UYwHEakurukz85nW",
    "type": "configuration-versions",
    "attributes": {
      "auto-queue-runs": true,
      "error": null,
      "error-message": null,
      "source": "tfe-api",
      "status": "pending",
      "status-timestamps": {},
      "provisional": false
    "relationships": {
      "ingress-attributes": {
        "data": null,
        "links": {
    "links": { "self": "/api/v2/configuration-versions/cv-UYwHEakurukz85nW" }

Configuration Files Upload URL

Once a configuration version is created, use the upload-url attribute to upload configuration files associated with that version. The upload-url attribute is only provided in the response when creating configuration versions.

Upload Configuration Files

-> Note: If auto-queue-runs was either not provided or set to true during creation of the configuration version, a run using this configuration version will be automatically queued on the workspace. If auto-queue-runs was set to false explicitly, then it is necessary to create a run on the workspace manually after the configuration version is uploaded.


The URL is provided in the upload-url attribute when creating a configuration-versions resource. After creation, the URL is hidden on the resource and no longer available.

Sample Request

@filename is the name of configuration file you wish to upload.

curl \
  --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
  --request PUT \
  --data-binary @filename \

Archive a Configuration Version

POST /configuration-versions/:configuration_version_id/actions/archive

Parameter Description
configuration_version_id The ID of the configuration version to archive.

This endpoint notifies HCP Terraform to discard the uploaded .tar.gz file associated with this configuration version. This endpoint can only archive configuration versions that were created with the API or CLI, are in an uploaded state, have no runs in progress, and are not the current configuration version for any workspace. Otherwise, calling this endpoint will result in an error.

HCP Terraform automatically archives configuration versions created through VCS when associated runs are complete and then re-fetches the files for subsequent runs.

Status Response Reason(s)
202 none Successfully initiated the archive process.
409 JSON API error object Configuration version was in a non-archivable state or the configuration version was created with VCS and cannot be archived through the API.
404 JSON API error object Configuration version was not found or user not authorized.

Request Body

This POST endpoint does not take a request body.

Sample Request

curl \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  --request POST \

Download Configuration Files

GET /configuration-versions/:configuration_version_id/download

Parameter Description
configuration_version_id The ID of the configuration version to download.

GET /runs/:run_id/configuration-version/download

Parameter Description
run_id The ID of the run whose configuration version should be downloaded.

These endpoints generate a temporary URL to the location of the configuration version in a .tar.gz archive, and then redirect to that link. If using a client that can follow redirects, you can use these endpoints to save the .tar.gz archive locally without needing to save the temporary URL. These endpoints will return an error if attempting to download a configuration version that is not in an uploaded state.

Status Response Reason
302 HTTP Redirect Configuration version found and temporary download URL generated
404 JSON API error object Configuration version not found, or specified configuration version is not uploaded, or user unauthorized to perform action

Sample Request

curl \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  --location \ \
  > export.tar.gz

Mark a Configuration Version for Garbage Collection

This endpoint is exclusive to Terraform Enterprise, and not available in HCP Terraform. Learn more about Terraform Enterprise.

POST /api/v2/configuration-versions/:configuration-id/actions/soft_delete_backing_data

Parameter Description
:configuration-id The ID of the configuration version to soft delete.

This endpoint directs Terraform Enterprise to soft delete the backing files associated with the configuration version. Soft deletion refers to marking the configuration version for garbage collection. Terraform permanently deletes configuration versions marked for soft deletion after a set number of days unless the configuration version is restored. Once a configuration version is soft deleted, any attempts to read the configuration version will fail. Refer to Configuration Version States for information about all data states.

This endpoint can only soft delete configuration versions that meet the following criteria:

  • Were created using the API or CLI,
  • are in an uploaded state,
  • and are not the current configuration version.

Otherwise, the endpoint returns an error.

Status Response Reason(s)
200 none Terraform successfully marked the data for garbage collection.
400 JSON API error object Terraform failed to transition the state to backing_data_soft_deleted.
404 JSON API error object Terraform did not find the configuration version or the user is not authorized to modify the configuration version state.

Request Body

This POST endpoint does not take a request body.

Sample Request

curl \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  --request POST \
  --data {"data": {"attributes": {"delete-older-than-n-days": 23}}}

Restore Configuration Versions Marked for Garbage Collection

This endpoint is exclusive to Terraform Enterprise, and not available in HCP Terraform. Learn more about Terraform Enterprise.

POST /api/v2/configuration-versions/:configuration-id/actions/restore_backing_data

Parameter Description
:configuration-id The ID of the configuration version to restore back to its uploaded state if applicable.

This endpoint directs Terraform Enterprise to restore backing files associated with this configuration version. This endpoint can only restore delete configuration versions that meet the following criteria:

Otherwise, the endpoint returns an error. Terraform restores applicable configuration versions back to their uploaded state.

Status Response Reason(s)
200 none Terraform successfully initiated the restore process.
400 JSON API error object Terraform failed to transition the state to uploaded.
404 JSON API error object Terraform did not find the configuration version or the user is not authorized to modify the configuration version state.

Request Body

This POST endpoint does not take a request body.

Sample Request

curl \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  --request POST \

Permanently Delete a Configuration Version

This endpoint is exclusive to Terraform Enterprise, and not available in HCP Terraform. Learn more about Terraform Enterprise.

POST /api/v2/configuration-versions/:configuration-id/actions/permanently_delete_backing_data

Parameter Description
:configuration-id The ID of the configuration version to permanently delete.

This endpoint directs Terraform Enterprise to permanently delete backing files associated with this configuration version. This endpoint can only permanently delete configuration versions that meet the following criteria:

Otherwise, the endpoint returns an error.

Status Response Reason(s)
200 none Terraform successfully deleted the data permanently.
400 JSON API error object Terraform failed to transition the state to backing_data_permanently_deleted.
404 JSON API error object Terraform did not find the configuration version or the user is not authorized to modify the configuration version state.

Request Body

This POST endpoint does not take a request body.

Sample Request

curl \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
  --request POST \

Available Related Resources

The GET endpoints above can optionally return related resources, if requested with the include query parameter. The following resource types are available:

Resource Name Description
ingress_attributes The commit information used in the configuration.
run The run created by the configuration.