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RFC: Replacing the Cabal Custom build-type

Adam Gundry, Matthew Pickering, Sam Derbyshire, Rodrigo Mesquita, Duncan Coutts (Well-Typed LLP)


Every Cabal package can supply its own build system, in the form of a Setup.hs program which implements a common command line interface. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to implement features in Cabal which require the build tool to have complete control over the build system. This turned out to be a major architectural design flaw because, in practice, all packages use Cabal as their build system -- making the per-package build system abstraction an artificial limitation. We propose a way forward to lift this restriction, which will establish foundations for improvements in tooling based on Cabal, and make Cabal easier to maintain in the long term.

The key obstacle to changing this design is the existence of the Custom build-type, through which a package may supply an arbitrary Setup.hs file implementing its build system. While the majority of packages do not use this feature, a significant minority do, and thus we need to provide a migration path that allows them to adapt to the new architecture. The primary technical content of this proposal is a design for a new build-type that addresses the fundamental design issues with the Custom build-type, while still allowing packages to augment the build system according to their needs.

This work is being carried out by Well-Typed LLP thanks to investment from the Sovereign Tech Fund. (For more information, read our blog post announcing the project.) It has previously been discussed at Cabal issue #9292, and tech-proposals pull request #60.


A fundamental assumption of the existing Cabal architecture is that each package supplies its own build system (provided by Setup.hs), with Cabal specifying the interface to that build system, for instance, the behaviour of ./Setup.hs build or ./Setup.hs install.

Modern projects consist of many packages. However, an aggregation of per-package build systems makes it difficult or impossible to robustly implement cross-cutting features (that is, build system features that apply to multiple packages at once). This includes features in high demand such as:

  • fine-grained intra-package and inter-package build parallelism;
  • rich multi-package IDE support;
  • multi-package REPL.

The fundamental assumption has turned out to be false: all modern Haskell packages implement the build system interface using a standard implementation provided by Cabal itself, albeit in some cases with minor customisations. Cabal already provides a build system based on declarative configuration, and the majority of packages use this Simple build-type. A minority use the Custom build-type, which allows wholesale replacement of the build system, but in practice is mostly used to make minor customisations of the standard implementation. It is the existence of this Custom build-type which is holding us back, but its flexibility is mostly unused.

Thus the solution is to invert the design: instead of each package supplying its own build system, there should be a single build system that supports many packages.

By way of example, consider an IDE backend like HLS. An IDE wants to be the build system (and compiler) itself, not for any final artefacts but for the interactive analysis of all the source code involved. It wants to prepare (i.e. configure) all of the packages in the project in advance of building any of them, and wants to find all the source files and compiler configuration needed to compile the packages. This is incompatible with a set of opaque per-package build systems, each of which is allowed to assume all dependencies already exist, and which can only be commanded to build artefacts.

The overall goal is the deprecation and eventual removal of support for the Custom build-type. It is the removal of the Custom build-type that will enable simplifications and easier maintenance in Cabal, and enable easier implementation of new features.

The current interface

Today, each package can provide a Setup.hs script defining how it should be built. The Cabal specification dictates that a Setup.hs script must obey a specific interface. One can build an individual package by first compiling Setup.hs and then invoking:

./Setup configure
./Setup build

Packages indicate how much customisation of the build process they require by declaring which build-type they use. Currently there are four options:

Type Description
Simple Use the standard Cabal build system. Most packages use this option.
Configure Run a ./configure script to discover system configuration, then build using the standard build system.
Make Invoke make to build the package using its own build system (obsolete).
Custom Compile and run a custom Setup.hs script defining the package's build system.

The most flexible option used in practice is build-type: Custom. In this case, the package can define an arbitrary Setup.hs script which implements the command-line interface defined by the Cabal specification. That is, the program must support being executed as ./Setup configure, ./Setup build, and so on, but it can implement whatever logic it wants.

In practice, almost all custom Setup.hs scripts depend on the Cabal library, which allows for customisation of its build system by calling defaultMainWithHooks, providing a value of the UserHooks datatype. However, nothing about the Setup.hs interface guarantees this, so build tools must pessimistically assume that Setup.hs may do anything.

This means that where a package in the build plan uses Custom, build tools such as cabal-install must fall back on legacy code paths to compile it. This causes various problems and requires hacky workarounds. In particular, the Setup.hs interface works only with whole packages, and cannot easily be changed, even though modern cabal-install versions support building individual components independently (e.g. compiling a library and one selected test-suite without compiling other test-suites in the same package).

Why do packages use the Custom build-type?

We have been surveying existing Haskell packages that currently use the Custom build-type, identifying where their requirements can be fulfilled with the Simple build-type using existing declarative features, where new declarative features would be useful, or where extending the build system is necessarily required. The survey report describes packages we investigated in more detail.

There are various reasons why packages currently use the Custom build-type, such as:

  • detecting system configuration;

  • generating source code for modules during a build (e.g. to make information about the build environment available to the final executable);

  • adding build system features which are not natively supported by Cabal, such as doctests (though it is debatable whether this is a good approach to integrating doctests);

  • working around bugs in build tools; or

  • executing additional steps when a package is installed (e.g. the Agda compiler is a normal Haskell package that needs to compile some Agda libraries when it is installed).

Over time, Cabal has gradually incorporated more features to allow some of these use cases to be subsumed, typically by adding more declarative information to the .cabal file format. For example, pkgconfig-depends reduces the need for packages to have custom configuration logic. Similarly, build-type: Configure can be used to implement configuration logic in a more targeted way than build-type: Custom.

However, this necessarily captures only the more common use cases. There is a "long tail" of packages using the Custom build-type for their own very specific needs.

Problem Statement

This proposal aims to solve the problem that Cabal's architecture currently prevents build tools from having complete control of the build system, and hence limits their development and makes maintenance harder.

How can we move away from the Custom build-type?

We are engaging with package maintainers to remove the requirement for the Custom build-type where better alternatives exist. For example, some packages use the Custom build-type only to support doctests, and in these cases it is often relatively easy to switch to the simple build-type and use a different mechanism to run doctests.

However, it is not feasible to simply migrate all existing uses of the Custom build-type to use the simple build-type. Some packages still need to customise the behaviour of the build system, such as running code during a configuration step to gather information about the host system, where this dependency cannot be expressed declaratively. We believe that it should be possible to augment the Cabal build process in unanticipated but controlled ways, to cover parts of the build process that were not imagined or supported by the Cabal maintainers.

Thus, for selected packages, replacing the Custom build-type will require a new mechanism, which will permit controlled extensions to the build system. This mechanism should be designed on the basis that the build tool, not each individual package, is in control of the build system. Moreover, the architecture needs to be flexible to accommodate future changes, as new build system requirements are discovered.


The key requirements for the new mechanism are as follows:

  • It should provide an alternative to the Custom build-type for packages that need to augment the Cabal build process, based on the principle that the build system rather than each package is in overall control of the build.

  • It should support essentially all of the existing uses of the Custom build-type.

  • It should minimise the effort required from package maintainers. While some work to migrate away from the Custom build-type is inherently necessary, we need the migration path to be straightforward.

  • It should integrate with existing build systems; see § Integration with existing build systems.

  • It should make limited assumptions about how the build tool will operate, and in particular should not require use of the Setup.hs interface.

  • It should learn lessons from previous efforts to migrate away from the Custom build-type.

  • It should be open to future evolution of the design, as new requirements become clear, rather than getting stuck in a local optimum where there is again a difficult migration problem.

A crucial goal of this work is making the Cabal library easier to maintain and develop over the long term, but it should also have benefits for downstream tools. In particular, Haskell build tools such as cabal-install and stack will have more flexibility to implement their build systems, making it easier to add features such as fine-grained cross-package build graphs (leading to more parallelism for faster builds), more accurate file change detection, etc..

Integration with existing build systems

The Hooks build-type should integrate with the following three different ways of building Cabal packages:

  • Building Haskell packages with cabal-install. In this case, we want to expose enough information to enable features such as per-module build graphs, coordination of parallelism through -jsem, and multi-repl.

  • Building Haskell packages inside other build systems using the Setup.hs interface. This is important as we don't want to break the workflow of RPM/DEB distribution packagers, Nix packages, etc.

  • The Shake-like build system of the Haskell Language Server. Here, we want HLS to be able to re-run actions on demand as part of an interactive developer environment.


Although it is not possible or practical to address too many problems at once, it is a goal to make the new API more evolvable than the old UserHooks API. Thus we believe that it will be possible to adapt the design more easily to future features and requirements.

For example, Cabal does not currently have proper support for cross-compilation, because it does not make a clear distinction between the build and host. This means the Custom build-type currently leads to issues with cross-compilation, and in the first instance, the new design may inherit the same limitations. This is a bigger cross-cutting issue that needs its own analysis and design.

Prior art and related efforts

The Cabal developers have long been aware of the limitations arising from build-type: Custom (see for example #2395 Proposal for a Cabal plugin API (inversion of control) and #3065 Lessons learned from Custom). Over time, there have been attempts to gradually move packages away from Custom, in some cases by adding declarative features to build-type: Simple instead, which is preferable where possible.

Since the remaining "long tail" of packages have varied needs, however, we believe it is better to design a more general mechanism for augmenting the process rather than many specific knobs, so that integrating the new mechanism into Cabal and other build-systems is more straightforward and general. We presume that any existing usage of Custom that merely augments the build process is justified and valid, and seek to provide an alternative build-type to which existing packages can be directly migrated. The introduction of the alternative build-type that captures existing Custom extensions does not preclude the addition of declarative features that subsume use cases for it.

Issues with UserHooks

As noted, the Cabal library already provides a customisable build system in the form of the defaultMainWithHooks function and the UserHooks datatype. Thus, it would be possible to define a build-type based on the package author providing a value of the existing UserHooks datatype directly (rather than providing a Setup.hs file which just happens to call defaultMainWithHooks on such a value).

However, redesigning the hooks interface gives us the opportunity to learn lessons from the original UserHooks design, and take into account the intervening years of Cabal development and the resulting changes in architectural details (such as multiple components support).

The existing UserHooks mechanism used for the Custom build-type presents a few problems (see #3600 Hook redesign and other tickets labeled Hooks):

  • It is too expressive, as it allows users to override entire build phases. This flexibility turns the building of a package into a black box, which pessimises certain parts of cabal-install.
  • It is opaque, as all the customisation is encapsulated inside the Setup executable. This means that build tools such as cabal-install or HLS have no way to inspect which customisations have been made (this means for example that HLS is not aware of any hookedPreProcessors declared by the user).
  • It often isn't possible to perform the customisation you need using only pre/post hooks, as they aren't expressive enough. This leads to users instead overriding the main phase, manually taking some pre/post steps and propagating the information to/from the main build phase.
  • Configuration customisation is not propagated: any modifications to the project configuration have to be reapplied in each hook. This is quite unintuitive, as you would expect to only have to apply an update to the results of configuration once, instead of needing to re-apply it in every build phase.
  • The interface is not component aware. The hooks were designed before Cabal had support for multiple components, so it's quite awkard to provide a hook which affects just one component. At best, it's possible to handle the main library and executables, but there is no concept of named sublibraries or of other component types such as testsuites or benchmarks in the UserHooks design.
  • The API is hard to change in a backwards compatible way, and so it has become ossified.

As will be made clear in later sections, our proposed SetupHooks type takes these issues into account and provides a carefully thought out, cohesive interface to augmenting the Cabal build process.


The code-generators feature is intended for defining test suites with source code created via test autodiscovery. It allows an executable to be invoked that is passed some options describing the build configuration, and is expected to generate some modules in response.

This provides a Cabal-native alternative for some uses of the custom build-type for test autodiscovery. Where such an alternative exists and is suitable for the needs of a particular package, it is fine to make use of it. Indeed, where it is possible to add declarative features to describe the build configuration, those are likely to be preferable to executing arbitrary custom code during the build.

However, the declarative features supported by Cabal are necessarily limited, and will not always meet the needs of package authors. For example, code-generators cannot be used to generate modules in components other than test suites, and it has access to only one set of GHC options, but in general each component may have different options (see Cabal issue #9238).

Thus we do not think it is feasible to completely migrate away from the custom build-type merely by adding features like code-generators, but not a more general, uniform mechanism.

High-level design of build-type: Hooks

We propose to augment Cabal with a new build-type, Hooks. To implement a package with the Hooks build-type, the user needs to provide a SetupHooks.hs file which specifies the hooks using a Haskell API.

The Hooks build-type represents a middle-ground of customisation which specifically only permits augmenting the build process at specific points, while disallowing the complete replacement of individual build phases.

Hooks from the package author's perspective

When build-type: Hooks is specified in the .cabal file, the package author must supply a Haskell file named SetupHooks.hs that defines a value setupHooks :: SetupHooks, which is a record of user-specified hooks. This means that this interface is fundamentally a Haskell library interface, not a command line interface (unlike build-type: Custom, which simply specifies a replacement for the the Setup.hs CLI with no other means of interaction).

A hook is a Haskell function, with a type such as HookInputs -> IO HookOutputs where HookInputs and HookOutputs are types specific to the particular hook. See § Effects available to hooks for discussion of the choice of the IO monad.

Each hook is optional, e.g. each field of the ConfigureHooks datatype has a type of the form Maybe Hook. This means that, when using the library interface to hooks, the build tool can statically determine that there is no hook at that particular stage, which might enable certain optimisations.

See § Library API and versioning regarding which Haskell library defines the SetupHooks datatype and any types describing the inputs and outputs of particular hooks.

A .cabal file using build-type: Hooks must include a custom-setup stanza with a setup-depends field describing the build dependencies of SetupHooks.hs (just as with the Custom build-type).

Hooks from the build tool's perspective

Since the API is expressed using a Haskell library, rather than a CLI, build tools such as cabal-install have a choice of implementation techniques for how they execute the hooks.

In order to maintain backwards compatibility with build systems which solely use the ./Setup.hs interface (such as nixpkgs and Linux distribution packagers), Cabal will provide a function defaultMainWithSetupHooks :: SetupHooks -> IO () which will ensure that the hooks are invoked in the correct place during the normal build pipeline. Then the source distribution of a package using the Hooks build-type will contain an automatically-generated shim Setup.hs file of the following form:

import Distribution.Simple ( defaultMainWithSetupHooks )
import SetupHooks ( setupHooks )

main = defaultMainWithSetupHooks setupHooks

The build tool can compile the shim Setup.hs and run the traditional CLI commands such as ./Setup configure and ./Setup build. This does not realise the full benefits of the new build-type, but it means that the change is completely transparent to existing tools, as they can continue to use the Setup interface without any modifications.

With Hooks, however, build tools will be able to use alternative implementation techniques for executing the hooks, rather than being forced to go through the Setup.hs interface:

  • The build tool could define a different IPC interface that can invoke individual hooks selectively. It could then compile a "hooks executable" that exposes SetupHooks.hs via this interface. This will allow finer-grained build plans, as is described in § Future work.

  • The details of such IPC interfaces are under the control of the build tool, not dictated by the specification (e.g. the hooks executable could provide a command-line interface for each hook where hook inputs/outputs are serialised, or it could be started as a child process and communicate over a pipe).

  • We could even imagine the build tool dynamically loading SetupHooks.hs into an existing process so that it can invoke hooks directly with minimal overhead.

Crucially, hooks are independent, in the sense that each can be invoked separately however the build tool arranges to do so.

See § Hooks integration for further details concerning proposed future work integrating the proposed Hooks build-type with build tools such as cabal-install or HLS.

Designing for future compatibility

The design strategy for the hooks API should encourage clients to use it in ways that are unlikely to break when it is evolved in the future. This includes:

  • offering high-level APIs and reusable utilities for common operations where possible, rather than requiring clients to depend on the details of particular types;

  • using field names rather than positional constructors;

  • using a distinct record type for each hook's inputs and outputs, so that fields can be added to the record in the future;

  • hiding the underlying data constructors and providing smart constructors instead.

Library API and versioning

It is important to be clear what future compatibility guarantees are offered by Cabal and/or build tools to packages using Hooks. There is a tension here, because we do not want package maintainers to be over-burdened with continual changes to support newer versions of the hooks API, but neither do we want Cabal maintainers to be over-burdened by the costs of providing backwards compatibility.

We propose to introduce a new library, Cabal-hooks. A package using the Hooks build-type must declare a dependency on the Cabal-hooks library in the setup-depends field of their package. The range of Cabal-hooks library versions declared in setup-depends indicates the versions of the hooks API that the package supports.

The requirement for such a dependency codifies existing practice. Indeed, while, in theory, a package using build-type: Custom can implement its Setup script without depending on Cabal, we saw that this flexibility was unused in practice, as Setup scripts end up being defined in terms of UserHooks. This usage pattern incurs a corresponding dependency on the Cabal library in setup-depends, in much the same way as we propose here for Cabal-hooks. An additional benefit of the separate Cabal-hooks library is that it makes it possible to evolve the Hooks API without requiring a version bump of the Cabal library.

In practice, we expect the initial versions of Cabal-hooks to mostly re-export Cabal datatypes, as it is these types (such as LocalBuildInfo) that get passed back-and-forth between the build system and the hooks in our current design (see e.g. § Configure hooks). This design choice does introduce some coupling between the versions of Cabal-hooks and Cabal (but see § Decoupling Cabal-hooks). At any rate, this design makes the situation no worse than with Custom (because a shim Setup.hs can still always be used to compile SetupHooks.hs using an older version of Cabal-hooks), but it gives more options to the build tool, e.g. where serialisation of hook inputs/outputs is used, the serialisation format can be controlled by the build tool, and is not necessarily fixed by Cabal-hooks. Indeed, we could imagine a build tool being compiled against multiple Cabal-hooks versions. The version compatibility problem exists in cabal-install already: even where communication happens via the Setup.hs command line interface, there is already a need for cabal-install to adapt to the command-line flags that are supported by the version of Cabal in use (see e.g. filterConfigureFlags). Once this proposal removes the need for cabal-install to go through the Setup.hs interface, there is a potential for a significant reduction in complexity here.

Detailed design of SetupHooks

Having described build-type: Hooks in the previous section, the remaining part of the design process is to work out the specific interfaces for the individual hooks as expressed by the SetupHooks type.

We want to arrive at a design by the following means:

  • The consideration of the existing usage of Setup.hs scripts to guide what hooks should be able to do.
  • The needs of the rest of the Haskell ecosystem, in particular the Haskell Language Server.
  • A high-level understanding of what the build process of a package should look like, taking into account concerns such as parallelisability.

These viewpoints can inform each other about the precise details for the design.

As part of the design process we have been developing a prototype implementation of this design in the Cabal library.

This section unavoidably relies on a deeper understanding of the Cabal build system than the previous sections.


The Cabal build process defines various phases that package authors should be allowed to customise in some way:

  • The configure phase is when decisions are made about how to perform the subsequent phases (e.g. which tools and options to use). This may involve running arbitrary code to detect information about the host system.

  • The build phase is when the project is compiled (including for the REPL) and build artifacts are generated (including libraries, executables and other artifacts such as Haddock documentation).

  • The install phase is when build artifacts are moved from the build directory to the final installed location or installation image (e.g. for subsequent packaging).

We propose to extend these three phases, with the following high-level structure for SetupHooks:

data SetupHooks = SetupHooks
  { configureHooks :: ConfigureHooks
  , buildHooks     :: BuildHooks
  , installHooks   :: InstallHooks

See § Configure hooks, § Build hooks and § Install hooks.

Unlike the old UserHooks datatype, there is deliberately no way for the package to remove or replace existing phases wholesale (such as replacing the buildHook), and it is not possible to change the behaviour of operations such as tests, benchmarks and cleanup. Nor is it possible to add entirely new phases, because which phases are available is determined by the overall design of the build system, not the individual package.

Cabal configuration type hierarchy

Cabal has a number of datatypes which are used to store the result of configuration. We will briefly describe them here before getting into the precise design of the hooks.

  • LocalBuildInfo: the whole result of the configure phase.
  • GenericPackageDescription: the parsed version of a .cabal file.
  • PackageDescription: a resolved GenericPackageDescription, flattened relative to a flag assignment (see Distribution.Types.PackageDescription), may contain several Components.
  • Component: a sum type which captures the possible different component types such as Library, Executable, etc..
  • BuildInfo: the shared part of a component which describes the options which will be used to build it.
  • ComponentLocalBuildInfo: additional information which Cabal knows about a component which is not present in Component. This is usually pieced together from the parent LocalBuildInfo and the individual BuildInfo of the Component.
  • ConfigFlags/BuildFlags/HaddockFlags: flags to ./Setup configure, ./Setup build, ./Setup haddock, etc..
  • TargetInfo: all the information necessary to build a specific target (combination of a Component and ComponentLocalBuildInfo).

Configuring and building

All decisions about how to build a project should be made in the configuration phase. Hooks during the build phase should not (re)calculate options, but should only be used for actually building the package. Therefore, it is the hooks to the configuration phases which have the ability to augment the build environment with additional settings. The hooks for other phases will receive this configuration in their inputs, and must honour it. See § Phase separation.

Configuration happens at two levels:

  • global configuration covers the entire package,
  • local configuration covers a single component.

Once the global package configuration is done, all hooks should work on a per-component level. This avoids introducing additional synchronisation points in a build that would limit the amount of available parallelism.

Configure hooks

We propose to add the following configure hooks:

type PreConfPackageHook    = PreConfPackageInputs -> IO PreConfPackageOutputs
type PostConfPackageHook   = PostConfPackageInputs -> IO ()
type PreConfComponentHook  = PreConfComponentInputs -> IO PreConfComponentOutputs

data PreConfPackageInputs
  = PreConfPackageInputs
  { configFlags      :: ConfigFlags
  , localBuildConfig :: LocalBuildConfig
  , compiler         :: Compiler
  , platform         :: Platform

data PreConfPackageOutputs
  = PreConfPackageOutputs
  { buildOptions         :: BuildOptions
  , extraConfiguredProgs :: ConfiguredProgs

data PostConfPackageInputs
  = PostConfPackageInputs
  { localBuildConfig  :: LocalBuildConfig
  , packageBuildDescr :: PackageBuildDescr

data PreConfComponentInputs
  = PreConfComponentInputs
  { localBuildConfig  :: LocalBuildConfig
  , packageBuildDescr :: PackageBuildDescr
  , component         :: Component

data PreConfComponentOutputs
  = PreConfComponentOutputs
  { componentDiff :: ComponentDiff }

data ConfigureHooks
  = ConfigureHooks
  { preConfPackageHook    :: Maybe PreConfPackageHook
  , postConfPackageHook   :: Maybe PostConfPackageHook
  , preConfComponentHook  :: Maybe PreConfComponentHook

From the build tool's perspective, the global configuration phase goes as follows:

  • Firstly, decide on the initial global configuration for a package, producing a LocalBuildConfig.

  • Run the preConfPackageHook, which has the opportunity to modify the initially decided global configuration (with a BuildOptions that overrides those stored in the passed in LocalBuildConfig, and ConfiguredProgs that get added to the ProgramDb). After this point, the LocalBuildConfig can no longer be modified.

  • Use the LocalBuildConfig in order to perform the global package configuration. This produces a PackageBuildDescr containing the information Cabal determines after performing package-wide configuration of a package, before doing any per-component configuration.

  • Run the postConfPackageHook, which can inspect but not modify the result of the global configuration. This can be used to propagate custom package-wide logic to the subsequent per-component configure hook (and is used for example to re-implement the Configure build-type).

After the global configuration has completed, individual components can be configured independently, as follows:

  • Run the preConfComponentHook. This is the only means to apply specific options to a Component.

  • Use the modified Component to perform per-component configuration and create the ComponentLocalBuildInfo.

Phase separation

Only configure hooks can make changes to the PackageDescription. Once configuration is finished, the package description should be set in stone, and subsequent hooks such as build hooks are not able to modify it. This differs from UserHooks, where modifications to the project configuration in the configure phase are not propagated to the other phases, and instead subsequent hooks must re-apply changes, in the form of HookedBuildInfo. This old design lead to several subtle bugs and maintenance headaches which this new design will allow us to get rid of, once we remove support for the Custom build-type.

The configuration hooks thus follow a simple philosophy:

  • All modifications to global package options must use preConfPackageHook.
  • All modifications to component configuration options must use preConfComponentHook.

If a hook modifies the options in these phases, then the configuration is propagated into all subsequent phases, and the design of the interface ensures that this is the only point where hooks can modify the options.

It is only the pre-configuration hooks which allow modification of the options. This is because the configuration process computes some more complicated data structures from these initial inputs. If hooks were allowed to modify the results of configuration then it would be error-prone to ensure that they suitably updated both the options in question as well as the generated configuration. For example, both PackageDescription and ComponentLocalBuildInfo contain a list of exposed modules for the library. This is why the "post" configuration hook (and any hooks subsequent to the configure phase) can only run an IO action; they can't return any modifications that would affect the PackageDescription.


There are parts of the LocalBuildInfo which must be decided at a global (per-package) level; for instance, whether to build dynamic libraries. On the other hand, there are also things we want to decide on a local (per-component) level, such as specific GHC options with which to compile the component.

Moreover, there are parts of the LocalBuildInfo which hooks cannot modify. For example, things such as package dependencies can't be modified because they are determined externally by the overall build plan (e.g. from the dependency solver). Thus, the hooks interface should prevent the modification of these parts of LocalBuildInfo.

We propose to achieve this by defining a new type LocalBuildConfig which contains only the parts of the existing LocalBuildInfo datatype that can be modified by preConfPackageHook.


The ComponentDiff records the modifications that should be applied to each component.

For each component, preConfComponentHook is run, returning a ComponentDiff. This ComponentDiff is applied to its corresponding Component by monoidally combining together the fields.

newtype ComponentDiff = ComponentDiff { componentDiff :: Component }

emptyComponentDiff :: ComponentName -> ComponentDiff

The diff is represented by a Component; not all fields of a Component are allowed to be modified, and when the diff is applied it is dynamically checked that the hook has not modified any fields which it shouldn't.

Some alternative designs:

  1. Specify a Haskell function Component -> Component which can modify the component at will.
  2. Define a custom ComponentDiff datatype which contains only the fields of a Component which we allow hooks to modify.

The benefit of (2) is that it trims down the amount of internal details exposed from Cabal,making it less likely that an internal change in Cabal would end up breaking the Hooks defined by package authors. However, one would need to ensure this interface is general enough in order to avoid locking out Hooks authors, e.g. if Cabal adds a new field to Component without updating the corresponding ComponentDiff type in order to make it modifiable by hook authors. If we end up with a design in which Cabal's version of the Component type is necessarily separate from the type in the hooks API, we may want to reconsider this alternative.

Build hooks

The design of the pre-build hooks has generated significant discussion during review. There are several trade-offs. The initial proposal was essentially a port of the build hooks in the old UserHooks, but updated to the per-component world. This included monolithic pre and post hooks for each component, plus the existing "hooked pre-processors" abstraction. This had the advantage that it would be easy for package authors to port their Setup.hs scripts to the new design, and it was a relatively minimal change in the Cabal codebase. Many Cabal contributors share a long term goal to move the Cabal design towards one based on a build graph with fine-grained dependencies. From this perspective, the critique was that the initial proposal was too conservative a change, and that we should take this opportunity of making a significant API change to establish a new API that would not hold back the move towards finer-grained dependencies. Another critique was that the original UserHooks design was somewhat ad-hoc, since it used both monolithic hooks and hooked pre-processors to provide finer-grained dependencies for a modest subset of use cases. On the other hand, there is a very large design space for finer-grained dependencies, and so picking a point in the design space is not simple. Another disadvantage is that it will of course be more work for package authors to port their existing Setup.hs scripts, which currently use monolithic hooks.

The proposed design for pre-build hooks tries to balance these trade-offs. Instead of an ad-hoc combination of monolithic hooks and hooked pre-processors, we use a single general system of rules, but we take a relatively conservative approach to the expressive power of the rules. In particular, the style of the rules is relatively low level. For example it does not include "rule patterns" such as generating a *.hs from a *.y. Instead, each rule specifies the individual files involved as inputs and outputs. It should nevertheless be possible to build higher level patterns on top, using Haskell's usual powers of abstraction to generate the lower level rules. Crucially, the design allows the rules to be used across an IPC interface, which is necessary for build tools like cabal-install or HLS to be able to interrogate and invoke them (see e.g. the future work discussed in § Hooks integration).

The full details of the design of pre-build hooks are provided in § Pre-build hooks.

On top of pre-build hooks, we also propose a limited notion of post-build hooks, which accomodates package authors which need to perform an IO action in order to modify executables after they are built, as described in § Post-build hooks.

To summarise, we propose two different kinds of build hooks:

-- | Build-time hooks.
data BuildHooks
  = BuildHooks
  { preBuildComponentRules :: Maybe PreBuildComponentRules
  , postBuildComponentHook :: Maybe PostBuildComponentHook }

Build hooks cannot change the configuration of the package. There are deliberately no package-level build hooks, only component-level hooks. This avoids introducing unnecessary synchronisation points when multiple packages/components are being built in parallel.

Post-build hooks

Post-build hooks cover a simple use case: performing an IO action after an executable has been built.

This functionality gives package authors a way to modify an executable after it has been built, which is useful if one wants to:

  • inject data into an executable after it has been built (see for example § executable-hash),
  • strip an executable with an external tool,
  • perform code signing on an executable, e.g. using xattr.

Post-build hooks are run after the normal build phase completes. This means that a tool such as HLS would never run them, as in a sense HLS never finishes building. Note however that, were HLS to support running test-suites, it would run the post-build hooks for the testsuite right after building it, before running it.

We propose the following simple API for post-build hooks:

data PostBuildComponentInputs
  = PostBuildComponentInputs
  { buildFlags :: BuildFlags
  , localBuildInfo :: LocalBuildInfo
  , targetInfo :: TargetInfo

type PostBuildComponentHook = PostBuildComponentInputs -> IO ()

Note that this is a single monolithic step that would simply be re-run any time the build action is re-run.

Install hooks

The install hooks run allows package authors to run an extra IO action when copying/installing a package:

data InstallComponentInputs
  = InstallComponentInputs
  { localBuildInfo :: LocalBuildInfo
  , copyFlags      :: CopyFlags
  , targetInfo     :: TargetInfo

type InstallComponentHook = InstallComponentInputs -> IO ()

data InstallHooks
  = InstallHooks
  { installComponentHook :: Maybe InstallComponentHook

The install hooks can be used to install files per-component. The main use case for install hooks is when set of things you want to install is not fixed and predetermined. One example is Agda, which wants to run the built Agda executable on the associated standard library .agda modules in order to generate .agdai interface files for them. These should then be installed alongside the Agda executable. This allows users to obtain a functional Agda compiler by using the single invocation cabal install Agda. This also means that we can use build-tool-depends: Agda in other projects.

We could imagine a more declarative way of specifying this being introduced in the future, in which case packages will be free to migrate to it gradually. There is not necessarily a problem with having some overlap between hooks and declarative features.

An alternative approach would be to regard as illegitimate any use cases which treat Cabal as a packaging and distribution mechanism for executables, and on that basis, cease to provide install hooks. We do not follow this approach because it would block maintainers of packages that rely on this behaviour (e.g. Agda and Darcs) from migrating, for a relatively small reduction in complexity in Cabal.

It is important that these install hooks are consistently run both when copying and when installing, as this fixes the inconsistency noted in Cabal issue #709. There is no separate notion of an "copy hook", because "copy" and "install" are not distinct build phases.

Pre-build hooks

The pre-build hooks consist of a collection of fine-grained build rules. These are run before building a particular component of a package.

Motivation: fine-grained rules

Suppose that Cabal did not have built-in support for happy, then a package making use of it might like to write a rule like this:

lib:my-component:module:Foo.Bar : src:blah/foo/bar.y
    ${happy:exe:happy} ${input[0]} -o ${output[0]}

The key components of such a rule description are:

  • The input of the rule (in this case, the source file blah/foo/bar.y).
  • The output of the rule (the Haskell module Foo.Bar, inside a particular component of the package).
  • The action to run (in this case running the executable happy). Note that it is the build system that decides where inputs/outputs are located (in this case, the rule refers to them using ${input} and ${output}).

Unfortunately, the textual description of rules presented above suffers from some limitations that would make migrating existing packages with Custom build-type difficult. In particular, one often wants to allow rules to depend on each other in a more dynamic manner, for example if one needs to query an external executable in order to determine the dependency structure; say by running ghc -M on a root Haskell module in order to compute a build graph (or gcc -M, etc).

Motivation: a simplistic first design

To explain the design we have arrived at for fine-grained pre-build rules, let us first consider what a first draft design, which accommodates both the design of HLS as well as the existing Custom setup scripts, might look like:

type TentativeRules env = env -> IO [TentativeRule]
data TentativeRule = TentativeRule
  { dependencies :: [FilePath]
  , results :: NonEmpty FilePath
  , action :: IO ()

That is, rules are specified by a function that takes in an environment (which in practice consists of information known to Cabal after configuring, e.g. LocalBuildInfo, ComponentLocalBuildInfo) and returns an IO action that computes a list of rules.

Proposed design of rules

There are several shortcomings with the above simplistic design:

  1. It does not support an IPC interface that would allow integration with other build tools (see § Hooks integration). Broadly, we expect the build tool to be able to query the separate hooks executable in order to obtain all the hooks that a package with Hooks build-type provides, as we have no way of serialising and deserialising arbitrary IO actions.

  2. It lacks information that would allow us to determine when the rules need to be recomputed:

    a. if the rules were computed by invoking ghc -M (or similar), we would need to recompute them if the user adds a new file that would have been found by that call to ghc -M.

    b. if the env environment changed, we might or might not need to re-run individual rules. We need a mechanism to match up old rules (from a previous computation) with new rules, and determine whether the rules have changed (and thus need to be re-run) or not.

  3. The dependency structure is overly reliant on filepaths, see § Dependency structure.

We propose to fix (1) by using static pointers, taking inspiration from Cloud Haskell.

We fix (2) by (a) adding monitoring of files and directories (see § Rule monitors), and (b) by attaching a unique RuleId identifier to each rule, together with a Eq Rule instance.

We fix (3) by requiring that rules that consume the output of another rule directly refer to that rule, rather than indirectly depending on the same filepath that that rule outputs.

We thus propose:

data Rule
  = Rule
    { ruleAction :: !RuleCommands
    -- ^ To run this rule, which t'Command's should we execute?
    , staticDependencies :: ![Dependency]
    -- ^ Static dependencies of this rule.
    , results :: !(NE.NonEmpty Location)
    -- ^ Results of this rule.
  deriving (Eq, Binary)

data RuleId -- opaque

data RuleCommands
  = -- | A rule with statically-known dependencies.
    forall arg.
    Typeable arg =>
      { staticRuleCommand :: !(Command arg (IO ()))
      -- ^ The command to execute the rule.
  | DynamicRuleCommands { .. } -- (explained later)

instance Eq RuleCommands
instance Binary RuleCommands

-- NB: essentially the Cloud Haskell "Closure" type.
data Command arg res = Command
  { actionPtr :: !(StaticPtr (arg -> res))
  -- ^ The (statically-known) action to execute.
  , actionArg :: !arg
  -- ^ The (possibly dynamic) argument to pass to the action.
  , cmdInstances :: !(StaticPtr (Dict (Binary arg, Show arg)))
  -- ^ Static evidence that the argument can be serialised and deserialised.

instance Eq (Command arg res)
instance Binary (Command arg res)

newtype Rules env =
  Rules { runRules :: env -> RulesM () }

In this design, a rule stores a closure (in the sense of Cloud Haskell) that executes it, using the RuleCommands datatype. For the simple case of a static rule (with no dynamic dependencies), this constists of:

  • a static pointer to a function expecting an argument and returning IO (),
  • the argument to pass to the action,
  • static evidence that the argument can be serialised/deserialised, so that it can be passed through an IPC interface.

For example, the function might be an invocation of happy whose arguments depend on the passed in value (e.g. which module we are compiling).

The specific monadic return type, RulesM (), is used internally to handle generation of RuleIds as explained in § Identifiers. Ignoring these implementation details, we can think of the rules as being specified by a Haskell function with the following type:

env -> IO (Map RuleId Rule, [MonitorFileOrDir])

This design is an intermediate point in between the applicative and monadic dependency structures defined in Build systems à la carte:

  • an applicative interface enforces a static dependency structure, which is not flexible enough when we need to query an executable for dependencies (e.g. gcc -M),

  • a monadic interface allows full dynamic dependencies. While desirable, this presents challenges when considering how to communicate this build graph to other build systems such as HLS (it would require the ability to call back into the build system from within the hooks executable, as detailed in Free Delivery).

Instead, we opt to restrict ourselves to a limited amount of dynamicism in the dependency structure of rules: we can dynamically generate a collection of rules, and each rule can then introduce additional dynamic dependencies on other rules (but not add any new nodes to the dependency graph). This follows the design in ninja, which requires a tool to generate a ninja file that lists rules and their dependencies, with rules being allowed to declare additional dynamic dependencies.

This design seems sufficient for common use cases, such as GHC's build system. Indeed, as explained in Hadrian, its Make build system only required second-layer expansion (i.e. $$$$) for rules that invoke ghc -M in some way, not any further layers. More generally, it is preferable to output a set of rules that are at a rather low-level, so that these can be readily consumed by build tools, rather than requiring the build tool to do additional work to resolve dependencies.

Dependency structure

We propose the following API for rule dependencies:

data Dependency = RuleDependency RuleOutput | FileDependency Location
data RuleOutput = RuleOutput { outputOfRule :: RuleId, outputIndex :: Int }

In particular, a rule that depends on the output of another rule must depend directly on the rule, rather than the file that that rule outputs. This ensures that dependencies are resolved upfront rather than when running the rules. This ensures that any complexity in the structure of the rules exists within the program generating the rules rather than in the build tool consuming them. Moreover, this design avoids several issues surrounding stale files that plague Shake and Hadrian in practice; see § Rules only depend on files.

Note that we still require the ability for rules to depend directly on files, to account for situations in which the file is not generated by another rule, such as for a Happy pre-processor rule A.y -> A.hs, where A.y is a source file present on disk (e.g. open in a code editor window).

File dependencies

Locations on the file system are specified as fully resolved paths, using the Location type:

-- | A (fully resolved) location of a dependency or result of a rule,
-- consisting of a base directory and of a file path relative to that base
-- directory path.
-- In practice, this will be something like @( dir, toFilePath modName )@,
-- where:
--  - for a file dependency, @dir@ is one of the Cabal search directories,
--  - for an output, @dir@ is a directory such as @autogenComponentModulesDir@
--    or @componentBuildDir@.
type Location = (FilePath, FilePath)

That is, each rule can be thought of as a pure function that takes in the contents of the files at the input locations (the dependencies of the rule), and outputs the contents of the files at the output locations (the results of the rule). The logic that computes all pre-build rules is responsible for computing such resolved locations, for example by searching the Cabal search directories. However, there are certain restrictions on the filepaths used for results of rules. Namely:

  • these filepaths are not allowed to refer to files outside the project,
  • the location of any result file must either be the autogenerated modules directory for the component, the build directory for the component, or a temporary directory for the component.

To implement the happy preprocessor using these fine-grained build rules, one would thus:

  • search for all .y files corresponding to Haskell modules declared by the component in the .cabal file,
  • for each such .y file, register an associated rule that stores the happy action together with the relevant arguments to pass to it (e.g. the input/output locations and additional flags).

This results in one rule for each .y file, which will get re-run whenever the associated .y file is modified. The rules need to be re-computed whenever a .y file gets added/removed, or when a .hs file with the same module name as a .y file gets added/removed; we can declare this by using the MonitorFileOrDir functionality.

Dynamic dependencies

Inspired by ninja's dynamic dependencies, we support rules with dynamic dependencies, using the following API:

data RuleCommands
  = -- | A rule with statically-known dependencies.
    forall arg.
    Typeable arg =>
      { staticRuleCommand :: !(Command arg (IO ()))
      -- ^ The command to execute the rule.
  | -- | A rule with dynamic dependencies, which consists of two parts:
    --  - a dynamic dependency computation, that returns additional edges to
    --    be added to the build graph together with an additional piece of data,
    --  - the command to execute the rule itself, which receives the additional
    --    piece of data returned by the dependency computation.
    forall depsArg depsRes arg.
    (Typeable depsArg, Typeable depsRes, Typeable arg) =>
      { dynamicRuleInstances :: !(StaticPtr (Dict (Binary depsRes, Show depsRes)))
      -- ^ Static evidence used for serialisation, in order to pass the result
      -- of the dependency computation to the main rule action.
      , dynamicDepsCommand :: !(Command depsArg (IO ([Dependency], depsRes)))
      -- ^ A dynamic dependency computation. The resulting dependencies
      -- will be injected into the build graph, and the result of the computation
      -- will be passed on to the command that executes the rule.
      , dynamicRuleCommand :: !(Command arg (depsRes -> IO ()))
      -- ^ The command to execute the rule. It will receive the result
      -- of the dynamic dependency computation.

Here, a rule with dynamic dependencies is specified by two actions:

  • an action that computes dynamic dependencies and returns additional data,
  • an action that takes in this additional data and executes the rule.

The information flow is that the build system should execute all these dynamic dependency computations first, adding all the resulting edges to the build graph. It can then start running rules in dependency order, passing any rules with dynamic dependencies the additional data that was returned by the dependency computation.

This functionality is important in handling the common case of imports without wasting work. Consider for example pre-processing .chs files:

  • An individual file foo.chs can be compiled using c2hs, producing both foo.hs and foo.chi.
  • foo.chs may import bar.chs, introducing a dependency of foo.chs on bar.chi.

To preprocess a collection of .chs files, we would register a rule with dynamic dependencies for each .chs file, consisting of two actions:

  • a dynamic dependency action that computes which .chi files the current .chs file depends on for compilation,
  • the c2hs preprocessor action, that outputs both a .hs and a .chi file.

See § API overview for an illustration of such an implementation.

This design means that we do not re-run the entire computation of rules each time a .chs file is modified. Instead, we re-run the dependency computation of the modified .chs file (as its imports list may have changed), which allows us to update the build graph. This ensures the dependencies of this rule remain up to date, ensuring correct recompilation checking. Without this mechanism for declaring additional dynamic dependencies, we would be forced to re-run the entire computation of rules each time any input to any rule changes, which potentially leads to a lot of wasted work.

Rule demand

When do we re-run the actions associated to individual rules, and when do we re-compute the rules (which, we recall, are returned as the result of an IO action)?

The general flow is as follows:

  1. When the rules are out-of-date, re-query the pre-build rules to obtain up-to-date rules.
  2. Re-run the demanded stale rules.

A rule is considered demanded if:

  • it generates a Haskell module that is declared to be an autogenerated module of the component we are building, or
  • another rule that is itself demanded depends on the output of the rule.

The rules as a whole are considered out-of-date precisely when any of the following conditions apply:

there has been a (relevant) change in the files and directories monitored by the rules, or
the environment passed to the computation of rules has changed.

If the rules are out-of-date, we re-run the computation that computes all rules. After this re-computation of the set of all rules, we match up new rules with old rules, by RuleId. A rule is then considered stale if any of following conditions apply:

the rule is new, or
the rule matches with an old rule, and either:
a file dependency of the rule has been modified/created/deleted, or a (transitive) rule dependency of the rule is itself stale, or
the rule is different from the old rule, e.g. the argument stored in the rule command has changed, or the pointer to the action to run the rule has changed. (This is determined using the Eq Rule instance.)

A stale rule becomes no longer stale once we run both its associated action (which will require running the rule's dynamic dependency computation first, if it has one). The build system is responsible for re-running the actions associated with each demanded stale rule, in dependency order (including dynamic dependencies).


  • (O1) covers any situation in which we perform some kind of search to generate the rules. This might be the case when one is using a templating mechanism for which there isn't a one-to-one mapping between modules declared in the .cabal file and source files on disk.
  • (O2) is clear: if we change the environment, we need to re-compute the rules (as the rules are specified by a function from an environment). Note that this covers the event of the package configuration changing (e.g. after cabal configure has been re-run).
  • (N, S1) are clear.
  • (S2) ensures we don't pessimistically re-run a rule every time we change the environment, but only when the rule actually changes.


§ Rule demand requires a notion of persistence across invocations, as is necessary to compute staleness of individual rules. For this, we use the RuleId of each rule to match up rules output by two different executions of the IO action that computes the set of pre-build rules.

We propose that users generate RuleIds themselves with the following API:

registerRule :: ShortText -> Rule -> RulesM RuleId

The ShortText argument is a user-given name for the rule. Different rules defined within a package are required to have different name. These RuleIds are used by the build system to determine when a rule needs to be re-run. This means that users will in practice want to ensure persistence of rules names across computations of rules. For example, if two successive computations of the set of rules contain a rule in common, this rule should be registered using the same name; not doing so will cause the rule to necessarily be re-run the second time around, as described in § Rule demand.

Note that rules do not know their own names: instead, one must register rules with the API, which returns identifiers which are opaque to the user. This leads to a more declarative and functional style for package authors declaring pre-build rules. By having the identifier partly determined by the user (in the form of the ShortText arguments), we also ensure that these identifiers remain understandable by package authors (which should help when debugging pre-build rules). This sometimes requires the use of -XRecursiveDo, see § API overview for an example.

Rule monitors

The Hooks API provides functionality for declaring monitored files or directories; whenever these change, the rules as a whole are recomputed.

The basic API function is

addRuleMonitors :: [ MonitorFileOrDir ] -> RulesM ()

where MonitorFileOrDir is some datatype, such as the one that exists in cabal-install today, that specifies what one wants to monitor. Specifically, MonitorFileOrDir should at least support monitoring:

  1. The existence of a file or directory.
  2. The contents of a file or directory.
  3. The non-existence of a file or directory.

(3) is necessary for correct searching logic: if the computation of rules searches for a file, first in directory X then in directory Y, and finds it in Y, then we must declare a dependency on the non-existence of X/ the computation of rules needs to be re-run if this file is created.

Beyond this minimal set of functionality, the API could also support file globs, which would allow depending only on e.g. the set of *.mustache files in a given directory, instead of the entire directory contents.

API overview

To summarise, we propose the following API for hook authors:

data Rules env -- definition not exposed to the user
instance Semigroup (Rules env)
instance Monoid (Rules env)

rules :: StaticPtr label -> (env -> RulesM ()) -> Rules env

data RuleId
  -- In practice, identifiers consists of a pair of a UnitId and
  -- a user-supplied textual name, but the constructor is crucially
  -- not exposed in the API in order to enforce hygiene.

newtype RulesM a
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, MonadIO, MonadFix)

registerRule :: ShortText -> Rule -> RulesM RuleId
addRuleMonitors :: [ MonitorFileOrDir ] -> RulesM ()

To illustrate, we might implement the c2hs preprocessor using this framework (from § Dynamic dependencies) as follows:

{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StaticPointers #-}

c2HsPreBuildRules :: PreBuildComponentRules
c2HsPreBuildRules = rules (static ()) c2HsRules

c2HsRules :: PreBuildComponentInputs -> RulesM ()
c2HsRules buildEnvt = mdo

  (chsModDirs :: Map ModuleName FilePath)
    <- searchFileGlobModules buildEnvt "*.chs"
      -- (NB: this function would also monitor the non-existence of
      -- corresponding ".hs" files in the search directories.)

  (modNmRuleId :: Map ModuleName RuleId)
    <- ( `Map.traverseWithKey` chsModDirs ) \ modNm modDir -> do
      let modPath = toFilePath modNm
          chsLoc = ( modDir    , modPath <.> "chs" )
          hsLoc  = ( autogenDir, modPath <.> "hs"  )
          chiLoc = ( buildDir  , modPath <.> "chi" )

      registerRule ("c2hs " <> show modNm) $
        dynamicRule (static Dict)
          ( -- Compute dynamic dependencies
            mkCommand (static Dict) (static c2HsDepsAction)
            (chsLoc, c2HsDepsArgs, modNmRuleId) -- Note this use of modNmRuleId
          ( -- Execute the rule
            mkCommand (static Dict) (static runC2HsAction)
            (chsLoc, c2HsArgs)
          -- Static dependencies
          [ FileDependency chsLoc ]
          -- Rule outputs
          ( hsLoc NE.:| [ chiLoc ] )
  return ()

    c2HsArgs = c2HsArgsFromEnvt buildEnvt
    c2HsDepsArgs = c2HsDepsArgsFromEnvt buildEnvt

    c2HsDepsAction :: (Location, Args, Map ModuleName RuleId) -> IO ([Dependency], [ModuleName])
    c2HsDepsAction (chsLoc, args, ruleIds) = do
      let chsFile = uncurry (</>) chsLoc
      -- Run a (hypothetical) "c2hsDeps" command to compute imports of a .chs file.
      importMods <- run "c2hsDeps" (chsFile : args)
      return $
        -- Look up the RuleId that generates each imported chs module.
        ( [ RuleDependency $ RuleOutput rId 1
          | imp <- importMods
          , let rId = ruleIds Map.! imp ]
        , importMods )

    runC2HsAction :: (Location, Args) -> [ModuleName] -> IO ()
    runC2HsAction (chsFile, args) importMods = do
      let chsFile = uncurry (</>) chsLoc
          depsArgs = chiImportArgs importMods -- tell C2Hs where to find the dependent .chi files
      run "c2hs" $ (chsFile : args) ++ depsArgs

Note how we use the static keyword in the definition of c2HsPreBuildRules. Here, the Hooks API uses static pointers in order to tag rules by the package that defines them, in order to allow combining the Rules declared by two different libraries, as described in § Composing SetupHooks. The user-provided names for rules ("r1", "r2", "r3" above) are expected to be unique (within the scope of the label). (NB: we don't use static for each individual identifier, as these are often dynamically generated based on the result of an IO action, as above.)

Moreover, the API also uses static pointers in order to store the actions that execute the rules as well as the dynamic dependency actions. This is seen in the usage of the static keyword in the calls to mkCommand.

Finally, note the usage of RecursiveDo: the c2HsDepsAction dynamic dependency computation must be able to look up RuleIds to depend on rules, so we pass modNmRuleId :: Map ModuleName RuleId to it.

Inputs to pre-build rules

One important observation that factors into the design of build hooks is that many different Cabal phases can be thought of as "building something". Indeed, preparing an interactive session or generating documentation share many commonalities with a normal build. For example, if one is generating modules in a pre-build phase, one should also generate these same modules before running GHCi or haddock. The fact that UserHooks has entirely separate hooks for conceptually similar phases leads to bugs (e.g. #9401).

For this reason, we propose abstracting over these different build-like phases in the build hooks:

data BuildingWhat
  = BuildNormal   BuildFlags
  | BuildRepl     ReplFlags
  | BuildHaddock  HaddockFlags
  | BuildHscolour HscolourFlags

data PreBuildComponentInputs
  = PreBuildComponentInputs
  { buildingWhat :: BuildingWhat
  , localBuildInfo :: LocalBuildInfo
  , targetInfo :: TargetInfo

type PreBuildComponentRules = Rules PreBuildComponentInputs

This design ensures that the build hooks are consistently run in all build-like phases. This reflects the common pattern in custom Setup scripts that one would update the haddock and repl hooks to mirror the build hooks (which one can easily forget to do, and end up with an unusable repl, for example, see singletons-base which fails to update the replHook).

Note also the interaction with the Eq Rule instance involved in § Rule demand: when running cabal build && cabal haddock, we might (or might not) want to re-run the build hooks. If the rules actions are genuinely different (e.g. we pass different command line options when building for Haddock), the rules will get re-run, but if the rules are identical we don't need to re-run them.

Hooked preprocessors

UserHooks includes hookedPreProcessors, which makes it possible to associate a file extension with a preprocessing operation that turns files with that extension into Haskell source modules. Cabal will then execute such pre-processors on all matching files before building, and re-run them as needed when the input files change. This is similar to Cabal's built-in support for alex, happy, etc..

The framework of fine-grained pre-build rules subsumes this feature. This presents some significant advantages:

  • It lifts a key restriction of hookedPreProcessors, namely that it assumes one input file will turn into one Haskell module (see #6232 Extended preprocessors support).
  • It ensures that external tools such as HLS have visibility into the custom preprocessors used by the package. In particular, HLS will be able to re-run hooked preprocessors on demand when the relevant source files change.
  • It naturally takes into account the correct dependency structure, obviating the need for hacky workarounds such as the ppOrdering field of PreProcessor which allowed one to re-order the modules in order to take into account dependency information. This workaround doesn't compose well, and it unnecessarily serialises the build graph.


These examples are based on the survey of packages using custom ./Setup.hs scripts we undertook previously, and experimental patches we have created while testing the design (see § Testing and migration).

Generating modules

One of the main uses of Setup.hs scripts is to generate modules.

To achieve this with SetupHooks:

  • The per-component configure hook, preConfComponentHook, should declare that it will generate these modules, by adding onto the autogenModules field of that component.
  • Fine-grained pre-build rules are provided, which specify how to generate the source code for these modules. This can for example take the form of an individual preprocessor rule for each module which can be re-run on demand, or a single monolithic rule that generates all the sources ex-nihilo and which never needs to be re-run.

./configure style checks

Checks for things to do with the system configuration can either be performed in the global pre-configure hook or in a per-component pre-configure hook. The results of these checks are then propagated into subsequent phases.

In addition, the Configure build-type can be implemented in terms of SetupHooks by running the ./configure script once per package in the global configuration step, and then applying the result in the per-component configure hook. That is:

  • The ./configure script is executed once in a preConfPackageHook and produces the <pkg>.buildinfo file which contains the modified BuildInfo for main library and executable component.
  • In the preConfComponentHook the <pkg>.buildinfo field is read from disk and the configuration is applied to each component.

This also allows defining a variant of the Configure build-type, using SetupHooks, which is component-aware (e.g. so individual components could have their own ./configure scripts used only if the specific component is built).


Arguably, running doctests is a cross-cutting build system feature (rather than a feature that should be defined independently by each package's build system). Thanks to the new external command system for cabal-install, it is possible to add a cabal doctest external command using a simple script to invoke doctest. This avoids the need for the package to use the Custom or Hooks build-type at all, which is generally preferable in most cases.

In some cases (e.g. pretty-simple), package authors may wish to integrate the doctests for their package into cabal test, in particular so that doctests can easily be executed by build tools other than cabal-install. This will require the use of either code-generators or the Hooks build-type.

Hooked programs

The hookedPrograms :: [Program] field of UserHooks allows a custom Setup.hs file to specify new programs to be detected in the configure phase.

In the SetupHooks design, this use case is supported by returning from the package-level pre-configure hook a collection of configured programs. Recall:

type PreConfPackageHook = PreConfPackageInputs -> IO PreConfPackageOutputs

data PreConfPackageOutputs
  = PreConfPackageOutputs
  { ..
  , extraConfiguredProgs :: ConfiguredProgs

The configured programs returned by the package-wide pre-configure hook will then be used to extend Cabal's ProgramDb, which will then get stored in Cabal's LocalBuildInfo datatype and passed to subsequent hooks.

Note that we require hook authors configure the programs themselves (using functions provided by the hooks API). This is justified by the fact that arbitrary unconfigured programs cannot be straightforwardly serialised:

type UnconfiguredProgram = (Program, Maybe FilePath, [ProgArg])
data Program = Program
  { programName :: String
  , programFindLocation
      :: Verbosity
      -> ProgramSearchPath
      -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, [FilePath]))
  , programFindVersion :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Version)
  , ...

Hooked preprocessors

binembed defines a preprocessor that turns M.binembed into M.hs by running the binembed executable. This can be implemented as a fine-grained pre-build rule; as explained previously, these subsume the previous notion of hookedPreProcessors.


The executable-hash package supplies a function injectExecutableHash :: FilePath -> IO () that can be run once an executable has been built, in order to inject information into that executable.

Package authors wanting to make use of this functionality require some form of post-build hook, which is why we provide a postBuildComponentHook to cover this use-case and allow such packages to migrate away from build-type: Custom.

Composing SetupHooks

A pattern observed in some Setup.hs code is that general-purpose Cabal build system extensions are implemented as functions of type UserHooks -> UserHooks, to allow for composition.

For example, the custom Setup.hs for termonad composes two such functions, one to add CPP options based on detecting system configuration, and the other to run doctests:

main = do
  cppOpts <- getTermonadCPPOpts
  defaultMainWithHooks . addPkgConfigTermonadUserHook cppOpts $
    addDoctestsUserHook "doctests" simpleUserHooks

To make composition of independent hooks more direct, we provide a Monoid SetupHooks instance, so this example can become:

setupHooks :: SetupHooks
setupHooks = doctestsSetupHooks "doctests" <> termonadSetupHooks

In general the monoid is non-commutative; for example, for the pre-configure hooks, the output of the first hook will be fed as an input to the second.


Decoupling Cabal-hooks

Instead of Cabal-hooks re-exporting datatypes from Cabal, one could imagine defining datatypes in Cabal-hooks instead; then Cabal-hooks would not depend on Cabal. This would completely encapsulate the Hooks API, which would no longer be tied to a particular Cabal version. Here are two conceivable ways in which this change might then impact Cabal:

  1. Cabal itself depends on Cabal-hooks. This is attractive from a modularity perspective, as it clearly defines the subset of the Cabal library that is exposed via the hooks API. However, it is not clear in advance how datatypes such as LocalBuildInfo should be split up without hampering the needs of hooks authors, and would likely involve moving quite a lot of code from Cabal to Cabal-hooks.

  2. Cabal does not depend on Cabal-hooks. Instead, Cabal-hooks would define entirely separate hook input/output data types. Some other library would then contain code for translating values of those datatypes into the internal representation in Cabal (and vice versa). This would require significant duplication of datatypes (and an associated maintenance burden for keeping them in sync), but it might provide more options for evolving the Cabal and Cabal-hooks datatypes independently.

The benefit of decoupling the version of the hooks API from the version of the Cabal library depends on how the build tool is using SetupHooks.hs:

  • If the build tool is compiling a shim Setup.hs, it can in principle pick a compatible version of Cabal even if the build tool itself uses a different version, provided various constraints are satisfied (both those from the setup-depends of the package itself, and those arising from the build tool, e.g. cabal-install).

  • If the build tool is serialising data structures from its version of Cabal[-hooks] to the version against which the "hooks executable" including SetupHooks.hs is built, then the serialisation formats need to be compatible. We could imagine using a serialisation format that is versioned and has some support for migrations (cf. safecopy) but this would lead to additional complexity.

  • If the build tool is dynamically loading SetupHooks.hs, ABI compatibility means both will need to use exactly the same Cabal[-hooks] library.

Effects available to hooks

The proposal allows hooks to execute arbitrary IO effects. An alternative would be to limit the available effects using some kind of DSL, and thereby allow the possibility that the build tool could analyse the hooks or vary the implementation of the permitted effects.

However, introducing a DSL would be a significant design contention point, because it is far from clear how best to design it or what effects are required. In general, the space of possible effects needed to augment the build system is unbounded (e.g. imagine a package that needs to generate code by parsing some binary file format, with a parser implemented using the FFI).

Thus, using a DSL would risk needing frequent updates to support additional use cases for custom setup scripts that were not previously considered. Moreover, it would increase the migration burden by requiring Setup.hs files to be significantly rewritten to use the DSL instead of IO.

Thus we believe the best approach is for hooks to have access to arbitrary IO, but to encourage package authors to use declarative features instead of hooks where suitable features exist.

Inputs and outputs available to hooks

There is a tension in how to design the hook inputs and outputs, with two possible approaches:

  • Maximal: Start by making hooks "as powerful as possible", i.e. allowing the input and output of any given hook to be as large as possible. This allows users to use as much of the information from Cabal as possible, and to influence as much as the build process as possible.

  • Minimal: Start by making hooks "as weak as possible", i.e. design the input and output types to include the minimal information needed to address the use cases in the sample.

The maximal approach requires the build tool more closely match Cabal's (current) design, which may reduce flexibility to change Cabal in the future. From a backwards compatibility perspective, it would be easier to start with a minimal approach and later add new fields, rather than removing existing fields.

However, the maximal approach should reduce the likelihood of situations where existing custom Setup.hs files cannot be migrated to hooks because they require additional information. Given that our goal is to remove the need for Custom entirely (from the last few percent of packages), and those are inevitably edge cases where the use cases are not always easy to predict, it is important that we handle as many as possible (rather than covering common use cases only).

Even though the minimal approach can be incrementally expanded, there would still be a significant time lag between adding fields and them being supported by widely used versions of cabal-install so they can be adopted by packages that need them. Thus the minimal approach risks further extending the migration window during which Custom will need to be supported.

Identifiers for fine-grained rules

Instead of relying on user creating their own RuleIds, these could be wholly generated by the API. This would ensure correctness by construction, but causes difficulties when computing staleness of rules as one cannot use these RuleIds to match old rules with new rules (as the identifiers might be completely different, e.g. all offset by one). We could instead match up rules using their declared outputs, but this incurs the risk of introducing bugs involving stale files.

Rules only depend on files

Compare the following two styles:

-- Depending on rules
  rule1 <- registerRule $ Rule { results = [ "A.y" ], ... }
  rule2 <- registerRule $ Rule { deps = [ rule1 ], result = [ "A.hs" ], ... }
-- Depending on file paths
  registerRule $ Rule { results = [ "A.y" ], ... }
  registerRule $ Rule { deps = [ "A.y" ], result = [ "A.hs" ], ... }

With the second style, one can delete the first rule without a compilation error, whereas the lexical scoping of the first style prevents such a change. This avoids several issues with stale files: if we delete the first rule (and don't clean between runs), we run the risk of relying on the stale .y file produced by a previous run, instead of errorring because one no longer has a rule which generates the dependency of the second rule.

In the first example, the dependency between the rules is specified directly in the code, while in the second, it remains implicit (because a dependency of the second rule matches an output of the first rule). The first style is more functional:

  • the data flow of the computation of rules reflects the data flow of the building of rules,
  • it doesn't introduce any implicit state via the file system, which moves complexity into the logic of the computation of rules and out of the build tool.

Let the build tool control all searching

As noted in Pre-build hooks, rules are described at a low-level with explicit inputs and outputs. For example, this framework does not include "rule patterns" (generating *.hs from *.y). Moreover, filepaths are specified entirely explicitly: the rules themselves are responsible for searching for input files in the input directory structure.

An alternative design would be to let the build tool perform all searching logic. That is, a rule would specify its dependencies without concrete directory names, and the build tool would search for the file, and then pass the fully resolved location when running the action. This has the benefit of enforcing a certain hygiene: the build system tells the action where the dependencies are and where the outputs are.

However, this design introduces a fair amount of extra complexity to the rules framework (e.g. there would be different types for locations of dependencies, and for locations of results, before they get resolved by the build system). We opted to keep the rules API as low-level as possible, following the approach taken by the ninja build system, which is designed around a low-level syntax of rules being generated by a higher-level framework.

Making other hooks fine-grained

Note that we do not currently propose to use the same design of fine-grained rules for other hooks, e.g. the hooks into the configure phase or the install hooks. The downside of this choice is that we do not track fine-grained dependency information that would let us know when to re-run these hooks. However, it is not clear that there is much demand for it to do so. Thus it may be sufficient to simply re-run these hooks pessimistically every time.


The ideas underlying this proposal have been under discussion at Cabal issue #9292. We are grateful to all those who have contributed to the discussion and pointed out areas of the design needing improvement, and we welcome further feedback.

This proposal aims to provide more flexibility to the implementors of Haskell build tools such as cabal-install and stack, as well as non-language-specific build systems that may build Haskell code (such as Nix). Thus we would appreciate input on the proposal from developers of build systems.

We would also appreciate input from authors of packages with custom Setup.hs scripts which might be impacted by this proposal, to clarify their needs. For example, we have argued that Cabal should provide install hooks so that packages currently using them as a distribution mechanism are able to continue doing so, but we could reconsider this the impact on packages was considered acceptable.

GHC itself uses custom Setup.hs files for ghc-boot and ghc-prim, so we should ensure that GHC's use cases are accounted for in the new design.


In the short term, we have funding to propose a design and implementation of the new Hooks build-type in the Cabal library. Once this work is done, its inclusion in Cabal will require a cycle of reviews and amendments, and general consensus among Cabal developers for accepting it.

This proposal will provide an alternative and a migration path for existing uses of the Custom build-type that cannot be migrated to the Simple build-type. This migration is intended to take place over a long timescale to allow the gradual migration of packages which use Custom. While we intend that Cabal will ultimately be able to remove support for Custom entirely (and hence the legacy code paths that support it), this requires a well-established alternative.

The new Hooks build-type can be implemented in the Cabal library in a way that is backwards compatible for build tools using the Setup.hs interface (e.g. distribution packages) or the Cabal build system (e.g. cabal-install, stack). Thus while build tools will need to use a new enough version of the Cabal library, they should then support packages using Hooks without further modification.

Testing and migration

We have created the hooks-setup-testing repository which contains patches to migrate various packages to use build-type: Hooks instead of build-type: Custom.

This repository follows the same design as head.hackage, as it provides an overlay package repository, but instead of enabling building against GHC HEAD it instead provides our patched version of cabal-install and builds packages using our patched Cabal libraries.

This repository fulfills several goals:

  • Design: by collecting all the patches in one place, we can be sure that the design of the hooks is robust enough to handle the common use-cases.
  • Testing: CI in the repository ensures that our patches continue to build against migrated packages, as the design of the Hooks interface evolves.
  • Overlay: users can use the repository as an overlay like head.hackage, allowing them to experiment with the new Hooks design locally. The overlay will also allow us to test new features of cabal-install which rely on having migrated packages away from build-type: Custom.
  • Migration: the patches can later be upstreamed to help library authors migrate their own packages away from Custom.

Future work

In the future, it will be desirable for Haskell build tools like cabal-install to avoid using the ./Setup CLI interface at all.

  • There is no need to perform the full configuration phase for each package, because cabal-install has already decided about the global and local configuration.
  • This will allow finer grained build plans, because we don't have to rely on ./Setup.hs build in order to build a package. Instead, cabal-install could build each module one at a time.
  • cabal-install will be able to use per-component builds for all packages, where currently it must fall back to per-package builds for packages using build-type: Custom. This will reduce the number of different code paths and simplify maintenance.
  • It will allow cabal-install and other tools to use the Cabal library interface directly to manage the build process, which is a richer and more flexible interface than what can be provided by a CLI.

We plan to continue working on improvements to cabal-install following this proposal, thanks to additional support from the Sovereign Tech Fund.

Hooks integration

This proposal defines the interface for the hooks as a Haskell library interface, with the understanding that build tools will choose their own mechanism to interact with the hooks interface.

Here are a few examples of how build tools might want to integrate with hooks via IPC:

  • by emulating the classic Setup.hs CLI,
  • in "one shot" CLI style: build SetupHooks.hs against a stub executable that implements a CLI to expose all the hooks in a simple "invoke then terminate" way, i.e. not as a long running process. This choice might be appropriate for non-interactive CLI tools like cabal-install or stack.
  • in interactive/server style: build SetupHooks.hs against a stub executable that communicates over pipes to be able to invoke hooks on command, in a long-running process style. This would minimise latency at the cost of some memory. This choice might be appropriate for an IDE such as HLS, as well as for use with GHCi.

In the one-shot style, the build system would run a hook such as preConfPackageHook :: PreConfPackageInputs -> IO PreConfPackageOutputs by serialising its inputs (PreConfPackageInputs), passing this data to the external hooks executable it has compiled, and deserialising the output data from the executable to obtain the outputs (PreConfPackageOutputs).

In server style, one would avoid the cost of having to pass this data over and over, as one would only need to pass what has changed in the meantime.

On top of these options, it would also be possible to directly link against the hooks, or to dynamically load them into an existing process, to further minimise the overhead of invoking hooks, but the above IPC mechanisms seem more realistic in practice.
