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Reasonable Language Choice
On TypeScript and ReasonML as JavaScript alternatives, ecosystems and trade-offs.
2020-03-07 10:22:23 UTC

Epistemic Effort: I spoke about it a few times and wanted to formalize my notes.

I believe that the language choice isn't the most crucial choice in software development. Important problems translate fairly well between the languages, and the majority of developers I respect are polyglots.

However, let me ponder the choice between ReasonML and TypeScript. I hope you'll find it interesting.

I find ML family languages pleasing. Despite this, I couldn't recommend ReasonML to many teams.

TypeScript is a nonromantic, and possibly unpleasant, but reasonable language choice.

Let me explain.

I work in the web ecosystem. The JavaScript ecosystem. I build apps and libraries, which solve real, but fairly ordinary problems. I won't call it simple, but it's not really rocket science. I strive to do it well, aim for short feedback loop with correct, maintainable and cheap to produce code.


I need correctness, so we reach for static type system. Tests are not enough. I want to write about types. The person who reads my code can read about types, and see the bird's-eye view.

You might be familiar with the famous quote "TypeError: undefined is not a function".

I claim that writing strict functional TypeScript provides the same level of correctness and control over your codebase as ReasonML.

I'd like to avoid expanding on it now, but what I mean by strict functional TypeScript is shortly:

  • compilerOptions.strict: true. Avoid any and !.
  • Prefers head(array) over array[0]. (#11122)
  • Generous use of discriminated unions.
  • Prefers libraries designed for TypeScript over JavaScript typed in DT. (fp-ts over lodash-fp or ramda)


Language "Quality"

TypeScript fixes a lot of JavaScript problems (null >= 0 === true 🤣), but it still inherits a big chunk of them.

Adding methods to right-hand side of the assignment in setter is still possible and pn top of that it's a thing that really smart people seriously consider.

ReasonML certainly wins this competition by not being JavaScript. Pattern matching and Hindley-Milner type inference of ReasonML are beautiful things, but we don't even have to mention them. Not being JavaScript is enough.

One could respond: Git gud. Just learn JavaScript! Thing is, I have no intention to remember the quirks of JavaScript! I want to focus on delivering business value and this is just accidental complexity! I don't care that {} + [] === 0. If I wrote this, it was an accident, I didn't have my morning coffee. I want my tools to protect me and tell me "Yo dude, that's weird" with bright red squigglies.

TypeScript is not meant to be pretty. It is designed for gradual migration of big JavaScript codebases. You can type some wildly dynamic code with a Turing complete type system. Is TS type system absurdly powerful? Yes. Can you write some hideous incomprehensible conditional types spaghetti in it? Yes. Does this result in excellent editor support and precise types even for weird dynamic patterns? Yes. Absolutely.


Language Familiarity

I believe that C-like syntax of JavaScript makes it a good language for beginners There are legions of JavaScript developers. Typed JavaScript.

Cheap to produce

I find the "Build or Install" decision interesting. (Build vs Buy / Make Or Buy)

How much of our code should really be other people's code? The answer can be "all of it", if we're using no-code tools. It can also be "zero" if you're building a language or "next to none" for a library for building user interfaces.

For most web apps built in software houses, I believe the answer to be "as much as we're comfortable with". Gluing together libraries that fix parts of your problem is a valid way to build a product. As is using no-code and gluing together entire products. It isn't as glorious as Real Man C++ Programming, but it puts the bread on the table. More so, it allows to build better products in a limited time span. Time to swallow our pride, and stand on the shoulder of giants, my friend.

But hey! React has almost no dependencies, TypeScript and Mitt have exactly zero.

We trade off control for time.

Libraries need more control. Few kB of difference in bundle size or one corner case vulnerability is the difference between mass adoption and oblivion.

Languages and OSes need even more control. Fuchsia devs pin all dependencies to exact version by policy. React contains a purpose-built min heap implementation.


It is important to notice the difference in scale. I mentioned projects which plan ahead for years instead of months. They aim to topple the giants.

Summarizing: You're invited to a party. Is it appropriate to bring your friends? It depends. Are you the party person and the hosts clearly expect you to bring your squad ( redux-toolkit)? Or do you live by the "Do One Thing And Do It Well" motto and you are expected to come alone?

Going back to TypeScript and ReasonML. If you know you are going to compose your app from chunks of existing code, choosing a language with the bigger ecosystem is a good idea.

How do the ecosystems of these two languages compare?

As I am writing this, DefinitelyTyped has 10,669 contributors and 26,828 stars with a 0.4 contributors to stars ratio. [1]

For comparison:

  • Vue: 290 👩‍💻 and 158k ⭐ ▶️ 0.00182 ratio
  • TypeScript: 448 👩‍💻 and 59k ⭐ ▶️ 0.00765 ratio
  • ReasonML: 124 👩‍💻 and 8.6k ⭐ ▶️ 0.01455 ratio

Look at the ratio! Four tenths! DefinitelyTyped is not a fun thing people star, because they like it. I hate contributing to DT! Yet, there are many brilliant libraries in the JavaScript ecosystem and I want to use them in my statically typed projects.

There are 10 thousand people who introduce the best JavaScript libraries [2] to TypeScript. The sheer number is astonishing. There are more people who actively improve TypeScript ecosystem than people who declare that they like Reason! The numbers speak in favor of TypeScript. I realize that this is a cold argument and that I am betting for Goliath against David.

[1] State of the Octoverse reports different numbers. GitHub isn't clear what "contributor" means. I believe that repository pages report the number of commit authors, and the State of the Octoverse reports the number of issue authors.

[2] Kind of. Many libraries "introduce themselves". JavaScript ecosystem is a superset of TypeScript ecosystem. Your favorite libraries you use in JavaScript might be written in TypeScript. Notable mentions: Jest, XState, VSCode, both Redux and MobX.