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Jacob Howard edited this page Apr 11, 2014 · 4 revisions

The xeno ssh subcommand is used to launch a xeno-aware SSH session.

Information and Usage

The xeno ssh subcommand is functionally equivalent to the ssh command. All command line flags are the same and all SSH configuration is respected. The difference is that before launching the SSH session, the xeno ssh subcommand will extra port and user/host configuration from the SSH invocation. It will then fork off an instance of the xeno ssh-monitor subcommand which will listen to the tee'd output of the SSH session, watching for initialization tokens. If the xeno ssh-monitor sees a new initialization token, it will launch a xeno editing session. For more information, please see the FAQ on this issue.

If you wish to use xeno ssh to provide in-SSH-session launch functionality, you must install xeno on the machine where you will be connecting, and it is advised that you alias ssh to xeno ssh. Note that shell aliases are not propagated to other aliases, so if you have something like:

alias myserver="ssh"

then simply aliasing ssh to xeno ssh will not be sufficient, you will need to do:

alias myserver="xeno ssh"
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