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Jacob Howard edited this page Apr 11, 2014 · 9 revisions

The xeno sync subcommand manages the synchronization of a xeno editing session.

Information and Usage

xeno editing sessions are essentially just a pair of Git repositories, one local and one remote, which are synchronized using a special sequence of add/commit/push/merge/pull. The purpose of the xeno sync subcommand is to invoke this synchronization sequence.

Generally speaking, it is not necessary for the user to invoke the xeno sync subcommand. Whenever the xeno edit or xeno resume subcommands are used, they will automatically call the xeno daemon subcommand to start the per-user xeno daemon (if it is not already started). This daemon will periodically call the xeno sync command with the -a|--all flag.

However, it can be useful for users to manually invoke the xeno sync subcommand. For example, if you have the daemon poll interval set very high (so that syncs only occur every once in a while), you might want to manually sync instead of waiting for the daemon. You can do so using the xeno sync subcommand as follows:

xeno sync SESSION_ID

The SESSION_ID value can be obtained from xeno list.

To sync all sessions, you can do:

xeno sync --all

By default, the xeno sync subcommand will only do a synchronization if there are local changes. You can override this behavior (e.g. if you reverted something or switched SCM branches on the remote end and want to pull the changes locally) by using the -f|--force flag to force a sync. To get the xeno daemon to use the -f|--force flag when it syncs, do:

xeno config sync.force true

This configuration parameter does not affect the behavior of the xeno sync subcommand itself, but that may change in the future.

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