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Hawkular Metric Containers

Docker/Kubernetes modules

Building the Docker Images

To build the docker images, you will need to have access to a machine running docker which has been configured to have its remote API exposed.

You will need to expose this host by using the environment variable DOCKER_HOST or by specifing the runtime property

You will also need to enable the docker-build Maven profile.

Example, assuming your docker host is running on your local machine, using the tcp protocol and listening on port 2375:

export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
mvn clean install -Pdocker-build


mvn clean install -Pdocker-build

Running the Container Tests

The container tests are meant to be run on OpenShift v3 1.0.4

Download OpenShift and extract it

tar zxvf openshift-origin-v1.0.4-757efd9-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Expose the OpenShift binaries to $PATH

export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH

Set the address you want openshift to be exposed at

you cannot use or localhost here as it needs to be an address which is resolvable from within docker containers

Create the configuration files you wish to use

./openshift start --write-config=openshift.local.config --hostname=$BINDING_ADDRESS --public-master=$BINDING_ADDRESS

Temporary fix for heapster

For 1.0.4 heapster will not function properly due to it requring an non-secured /stats endpoint

You will need to configure OpenShift to expose the RO endpoint as being unsecured

Edit the openshift.local.config/node-$BINDING_ADDRESS/node-config.yaml to add the following at the end:

cat >> openshift.local.config/node-$BINDING_ADDRESS/node-config.yaml << DONE
 - "10266"

Starting OpenShift

You must start Openshift as root.
openshift start --master-config=openshift.local.config/master/master-config.yaml --node-config=openshift.local.config/node-$BINDING_ADDRESS/node-config.yaml
make sure that the logs say that the DNS server has been started properly

If you see something in the logs like Could not start DNS: listen tcp bind: address already in use you will need to stop OpenShift and resolve the issue before continuing. You should see something like this instead: OpenShift DNS listening at

Checking that OpenShift is up and running

xdg-open https://$BINDING_ADDRESS:8443
you may need to explicitly enter the https here, otherwise you might get nonsense bytes returned back
OpenShift is using self signed certificates, so it there will be a warning in your browser about this.

By default, OpenShift will allow for any username and any password to login. Please see the OpenShift documentation on how to specify a different login mechanism.

By default, the user who logs in will not have any permissions. To give your admin user cluster admin priviledges, you can use the following command:

oadm --config=`pwd`/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin

Firewall setup

Make sure your firewall settings let Docker containers reach your host. Also, the Openshift DNS service should be accessible.

If you’re on Fedora, change your firewall, runtime configuration

firewall-cmd --zone=trusted --change-interface=docker0

Also, enable the DNS service in the FedoraWorkstation zone.

Deploying Hawkular Metrics with Cassandra and Heapster in OpenShift

A few steps will need to be followed to deploy Hawkular Metrics on top of OpenShift. To deploy Hawkular Metrics and its components, a deployer pod will be used to faciliate the complex steps requied.

Creating the Hawkular Deployer Service Account

The deployer requires a service account named 'metrics-deployer' to exist. One can be created via the following command:

oc create -f - <<API
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: metrics-deployer
- name: metrics-deployer

Once the service account is created, it will need to be granted 'cluster-admin' priviledges so that it is capable of setting up all the accounts, secrets, and components required for metrics.

openshift admin policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin \

Note: if you are running this under a different project than 'default' you will need to change the default in the previous command to match your project’s name.

Creating the Deployer Secret

The deployer requires a secret to exist before it can be deployed, even if the secret is empty and uses defaults. To create an empty secret, run the following command

oc secrets new metrics-deployer nothing=/dev/null

The deployer can also take a few other secrets to setup the Hawkular or Cassandra cluster PEM certificate files. To specify the pem file located at location /foo/bar.pem to be used with Hawkular Metrics the following command can be used:

oc secrets new metrics-deployer hawkular-metrics.pem=/foo/bar.pem

Running the Deployer

Now that the service account and secret have been created, you will need to process and deploy the deployer template. The template for the deployer can be found under containers/container-tests/src/main/resources/deployer.yaml.

To deploy the template you will need to at least specify the HAWKULAR_METRICS_HOSTNAME, this will be used when generating the SSL certificates for the Hawkular Metrics serivce:

oc process -f deployer.yaml -v | oc create -f -

Running the Tests

To run the tests, you will need to specify the following environment variables:

export KUBERNETES_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_FILE=$OPENSHIFT_HOME/openshift.local.config/master/admin.crt
export KUBERNETES_CLIENT_KEY_FILE=$OPENSHIFT_HOME/openshift.local.config/master/admin.key
mvn clean install -Pcontainer-tests