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Merge pull request #369 from ammendonca/HAWKULAR-218
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HAWKULAR-218 : App Server Detail - Web Metrics Tab
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pilhuhn committed Jul 29, 2015
2 parents 1bde6a5 + ac2bd6f commit 25b3391
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Showing 3 changed files with 231 additions and 15 deletions.
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@@ -1,34 +1,75 @@
<section id="hk-web" class="hk-tab-content">

<h3 class="pull-left">Web</h3>
<span class="hk-update pull-right" tooltip-trigger tooltip-placement="bottom" tooltip="Last update"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>{{vm.endTimeStamp | date:'HH:mm:ss'}}</span>
<h3 class="pull-left">Web Status</h3>
<span class="hk-update pull-right" tooltip-trigger tooltip-placement="top" tooltip="Last update"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>{{vm.endTimeStamp | date:'HH:mm:ss'}}</span>
<div class="panel panel-default hk-summary">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-3 hk-summary-item">
<span class="hk-data">2 <i class="fa fa-flag"></i></span>
<span class="hk-item">Alerts</span>
<span class="hk-data">{{vm.alertList.length}} <i class="fa fa-flag" ng-show="vm.alertList.length > 0"></i></span>
<span class="hk-item">Web Alerts</span>
<div class="col-sm-3 hk-summary-item">
<span class="hk-data">1270 MB</span>
<span class="hk-item">Average Heap Usage</span>
<span class="hk-data">{{ vm.activeWebSessions | number:0 }}</span>
<span class="hk-item">Active Sessions (Average)</span>
<div class="col-sm-3 hk-summary-item">
<span class="hk-data">5 s</span>
<span class="hk-item">Last Garbage Collection (Duration)</span>
<span class="hk-data">{{ vm.requestTime / vm.requestCount | number:0 }} ms</span>
<span class="hk-item">Response Time (Average)</span>
<div class="col-sm-3 hk-summary-item">
<span class="hk-data">2000 MB</span>
<span class="hk-item">Maximum Heap</span>
<span class="hk-data">{{ vm.requestCount }}</span>
<span class="hk-item">Request Count</span>

<!-- Alerts -->
<div class="hk-info-top clearfix">
<h3 class="pull-left" tooltip-trigger tooltip-placement="top" tooltip="Expand/collapse"><button class="btn btn-link hk-trigger"><i class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></i> Alerts <span>(0)</span></button></h3>
<span class="hk-settings pull-right"><a href="#" ng-controller="MetricsAlertController as mac" ng-click="mac.openSetup()"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i>Alert Settings</a></span>
<h3 class="pull-left">
<button class="btn btn-link hk-trigger" ng-click="showAllAlerts = !showAllAlerts" tooltip-trigger tooltip-placement="top" tooltip="Expand/collapse"><i class="fa" ng-show="vm.alertList.length > 0" ng-class="showAllAlerts ? 'fa-minus-square-o' : 'fa-plus-square-o'"></i> Web Alerts <span ng-show="vm.alertList.length > 0">({{showAllAlerts ? vm.alertList.length : vm.math.min(vm.alertList.length, 3)}} of {{vm.alertList.length}})</span></button>
<!--<span class="hk-settings pull-right"><a href="#" ng-controller="MetricsAlertController as mac" ng-click="mac.openSetup()"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i>Alert Settings</a></span>-->
<div class="clearfix">
<p>No alerts.</p>
<!-- No Alerts -->
<div class="panel panel-default alert alert-info" ng-show="vm.alertList.length === 0">
<div class="hk-alert-icon"><i class="fa fa-flag gray"></i></div>
<div>No alerts have been fired in this category and time range.</div>
<!-- Alerts exist -->
<div class="panel panel-default alert alert-danger" ng-repeat="alert in vm.alertList | limitTo: (showAllAlerts ? 100000 : 3) track by $index">
<div class="hk-alert-icon"><i class="fa fa-flag"></i></div>
<div class="hk-date">{{alert.evalSets[0][0].evalTimestamp | date:'medium' }}</div>
<div class="hk-event"><strong>Alert Summary</strong>: alert details.</div>

<div class="hk-info-top clearfix">
<h3 class="pull-left">Metrics</h3>
<div class="hk-update pull-right">
<button class="btn btn-link hk-chart-update" tooltip-trigger tooltip-placement="top" tooltip="Update chart" ng-click="vm.getWebChartData()"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i></button>

<div class="panel panel-default hk-graph" >
<h2>Web Sessions</h2>
<div class="metrics-chart">
<!-- HINT: colors for the chart can be changed in the hawkular-charts.css -->
y-axis-units="Count (#)"
<div class="hk-legend text-left">
<span><i class="fa fa-circle hk-green"></i>Active Sessions</span>
<!--<span><i class="fa fa-circle hk-blue"></i>Max Active Sessions</span>-->
<span><i class="fa fa-circle hk-orange"></i>Expired Sessions</span>
<span><i class="fa fa-circle hk-red"></i>Rejected Sessions</span>


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Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,182 @@
module HawkularMetrics {

export class AppServerWebDetailsController {

/// this is for minification purposes
public static $inject = ['$location', '$scope', '$rootScope', '$interval', '$log', '$filter', '$routeParams',
'$modal', 'HawkularInventory', 'HawkularMetric', 'HawkularAlert', 'HawkularAlertsManager', 'HawkularErrorManager',
'$q', 'md5'];

public static MAX_ACTIVE_COLOR = '#1884c7'; /// blue
public static EXPIRED_COLOR = '#f57f20'; /// orange
public static ACTIVE_COLOR = '#49a547'; /// green
public static REJECTED_COLOR = '#e12226'; /// red

public alertList;

public activeWebSessions: number = 0;
public requestTime: number = 0;
public requestCount: number = 0;

public chartWebSessionData: IMultiDataPoint[] = [];

constructor(private $location: ng.ILocationService,
private $scope: any,
private $rootScope: IHawkularRootScope,
private $interval: ng.IIntervalService,
private $log: ng.ILogService,
private $filter: ng.IFilterService,
private $routeParams: any,
private $modal: any,
private HawkularInventory: any,
private HawkularMetric: any,
private HawkularAlert: any,
private HawkularAlertsManager: HawkularMetrics.IHawkularAlertsManager,
private HawkularErrorManager: HawkularMetrics.IHawkularErrorManager,
private $q: ng.IQService,
private md5: any,
public startTimeStamp:TimestampInMillis,
public endTimeStamp:TimestampInMillis) {
$scope.vm = this;

this.startTimeStamp = +moment().subtract(($routeParams.timeOffset || 3600000), 'milliseconds');
this.endTimeStamp = +moment();

if ($rootScope.currentPersona) {
} else {
// currentPersona hasn't been injected to the rootScope yet, wait for it..
$rootScope.$watch('currentPersona', (currentPersona) => currentPersona &&


private autoRefreshPromise: ng.IPromise<number>;

public autoRefresh(intervalInSeconds: number): void {
this.autoRefreshPromise = this.$interval(() => {
}, intervalInSeconds * 1000);

this.$scope.$on('$destroy', () => {

private formatBucketedChartOutput(response):IChartDataPoint[] {

// The schema is different for bucketed output
return, (point:IChartDataPoint) => {
return {
timestamp: point.start,
date: new Date(point.start),
value: !angular.isNumber(point.value) ? 0 : point.value,
avg: (point.empty) ? 0 : point.avg,
min: !angular.isNumber(point.min) ? 0 : point.min,
max: !angular.isNumber(point.max) ? 0 : point.max,
percentile95th: !angular.isNumber(point.percentile95th) ? 0 : point.percentile95th,
median: !angular.isNumber(point.median) ? 0 : point.median,
empty: point.empty

public getWebData(): any {
this.alertList = []; // FIXME: when we have alerts for app server
this.endTimeStamp = this.$routeParams.endTime || +moment();
this.startTimeStamp = this.endTimeStamp - (this.$routeParams.timeOffset || 3600000);

gaugeId: 'MI~R~[' + this.$routeParams.resourceId +
'~/]~MT~WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics~Aggregated Active Web Sessions',
start: this.startTimeStamp,
end: this.endTimeStamp,
buckets: 1}, (resource) => {
this.activeWebSessions = resource[0].avg;
}, this);
gaugeId: 'MI~R~[' + this.$routeParams.resourceId +
'~/]~MT~WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics~Aggregated Servlet Request Time',
start: this.startTimeStamp,
end: this.endTimeStamp}, (resource) => {
this.requestTime = resource[0].value;
}, this);
gaugeId: 'MI~R~[' + this.$routeParams.resourceId +
'~/]~MT~WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics~Aggregated Servlet Request Count',
start: this.startTimeStamp,
end: this.endTimeStamp}, (resource) => {
this.requestCount = resource[0].value - resource[resource.length-1].value;
}, this);

public getWebChartData(): any {

this.endTimeStamp = this.$routeParams.endTime || +moment();
this.startTimeStamp = this.endTimeStamp - (this.$routeParams.timeOffset || 3600000);

gaugeId: 'MI~R~[' + this.$routeParams.resourceId +
'~/]~MT~WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics~Aggregated Expired Web Sessions',
start: this.startTimeStamp,
end: this.endTimeStamp, buckets:60}, (data) => {
this.chartWebSessionData[0] = { key: 'Expired Sessions',
color: AppServerWebDetailsController.EXPIRED_COLOR, values: this.formatBucketedChartOutput(data) };
}, this);
gaugeId: 'MI~R~[' + this.$routeParams.resourceId +
'~/]~MT~WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics~Aggregated Rejected Web Sessions',
start: this.startTimeStamp,
end: this.endTimeStamp, buckets:60}, (data) => {
this.chartWebSessionData[1] = { key: 'Rejected Sessions',
color: AppServerWebDetailsController.REJECTED_COLOR, values: this.formatBucketedChartOutput(data) };
}, this);
gaugeId: 'MI~R~[' + this.$routeParams.resourceId +
'~/]~MT~WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics~Aggregated Active Web Sessions',
start: this.startTimeStamp,
end: this.endTimeStamp, buckets:60}, (data) => {
this.chartWebSessionData[2] = { key: 'Active Sessions',
color: AppServerWebDetailsController.ACTIVE_COLOR, values: this.formatBucketedChartOutput(data) };
}, this);
/* FIXME: Currently this is always returning negative values, as WFLY returns -1 per webapp. is it config value?
gaugeId: 'MI~R~[' + this.$routeParams.resourceId +
'~/]~MT~WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics~Aggregated Max Active Web Sessions',
start: this.startTimeStamp,
end: this.endTimeStamp, buckets:60}, (data) => {
this.chartWebSessionData[3] = { key: 'Max Active Sessions',
color: AppServerWebDetailsController.MAX_ACTIVE_COLOR, values: this.formatBucketedChartOutput(data) };
}, this);

gaugeId: 'MI~R~[' + this.$routeParams.resourceId +
'~/]~MT~WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics~Aggregated Servlet Request Time',
start: this.startTimeStamp,
end: this.endTimeStamp, buckets:60}, (data) => {
this.chartWebData[4] = { key: 'NonHeap Committed',
color: AppServerWebDetailsController.COMMITTED_COLOR, values: this.formatBucketedChartOutput(data) };
}, this);
gaugeId: 'MI~R~[' + this.$routeParams.resourceId +
'~/]~MT~WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics~Aggregated Servlet Request Count',
start: this.startTimeStamp,
end: this.endTimeStamp, buckets:60}, (data) => {
this.chartWebData[5] = { key: 'NonHeap Used',
color: AppServerWebDetailsController.USED_COLOR, values: this.formatBucketedChartOutput(data) };
}, this);


_module.controller('HawkularMetrics.AppServerWebDetailsController', AppServerWebDetailsController);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module HawkularMetrics {
{id: 'transactions', name: 'Transactions', enabled: false,
controller: HawkularMetrics.AppServerTransactionsDetailsController},
{id: 'web', name: 'Web', enabled: false,
{id: 'web', name: 'Web', enabled: true,
controller: HawkularMetrics.AppServerWebDetailsController},
{id: 'datasources', name: 'Datasources', enabled: true,
Expand Down

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