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Do not use this Javascript utility library

This is basically my collection of functions that i often use in projects. They can probably be found in other libraries (like Lodash), but i might not want to use those libraries (because they're big) or because it's overkill.

Because this is a bit of a grabbag of things you probably shouldn't be using this library. Hence the name.


Using npm:

$ npm install --save donot

Using yarn:

$ yarn add donot

donot is a UMD library and thus can be used as a CommonJS module for Node.js, AMD (with Require.js) or as a plain old Javacript global.


Here are all the functions:

$(selector: string): HTMLElement A shortcut for document.querySelector.

$("body").style.background = 'red';`

$$(selector: string): HTMLElement A shortcut for document.querySelectorAll. Converts the elements in an array.

$$("p").forEach((p) => = 'red');

chunk(array: array, size: number): array Chunks a given array in multiple arrays of maximum size size.

const nrs = _.range(1, 10);
const chunks = _.chunk(nrs, 4);
console.log(chunks); // [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ], [ 9 ] ]

combinations(list: array, opts?:object): array Create a list of all unique combinations, where a,b === b,a. By default, equals like 'a,a' are allowed, if you don't want that, pass { allowEquals : false } as a second argument.

const options = combinations([1, 2]);
console.log(options); // [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 2, 2 ] ]

const options = combinations([1, 2], { allowEquals : false });
console.log(options); // [ [ 1, 2 ] ]

degToRad(deg: number): number Converts from degrees to radians.

console.log(degToRad(180)); // 3.141592....

getCssProp(el: string | HTMLElement, property: string) : string Returns the value of a CSS property of an element. If el is the string root, the property is fetched from the :root element.

Also see setCssProp.

setCssProp('root', '--color', '#f9f9f9');
console.log(getCssProp('root', '--color')); // '#f9f9f9'

getJson(url: string): Promise getJson(url: string, params: object): Promise Uses fetch to do a HTTP call and return JSON. params can be an object that will be transformed into URL arguments (see also urlWithParams).

const data = await getJson('');

matrix(cols: number, rows: number): arrray Creates a multidimensional array.

const grid = matrix([1,2,3], [4,5,6]);
console.log(grid[0][1]); // 4

noop(): function Returns an empty function.

range(max: number): number range(min: number, max: number): number Creates a filled array with number from min (or 0 if that is not given) to, but not including max.

console.log(range(3)); // [ 0, 1, 2 ]
console.log(range(2, 5)); // [ 2, 3, 4 ]

randInt(max: number) : number randInt(min: number, max: number) Returns a random integer between min (or 0 if that is not given) and max.

sample(list: array): any Returns a random element from an array.

setCssProp(el: string | HTMLElement, property: string, value: string) : void Set a CSS property of an element. If el is the string root, the property is set on the :root element.

Also see getCssProp.

setCssProp('root', '--color', '#f9f9f9');

const el = document.querySelector("#main");
setCssProp(el, '--color', '#f9f9f9');

shuffle(list: array): array Returns a shuffled (randomized) copy of list.

sum(list: array): number Returns the sum of all numbers in list.

console.log(sum([1,2,3,4])); // 10

timeout(ms: number): Promise Returns a promisified version of window.setTimeout (browser) or setTimeout) (Node) with a time of ms miliseconds.

console.log("Let's wait 2 seconds");
await timeout(2000);
console.log("That was 2 seconds");

urlWithParams(url: string, params: object): string Transform a url with an object params into an URL with arguments.

const url = _.urlWithParams('', {
        foo : 'bar',
        1 : '2'


MIT © Hay Kranen


Do not use this Javascript utility library







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