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Hazelcast Platform Demo Applications - Machine Learning - Reference Implementation

A sample application demonstrating how Python code can be invoked as part of a Jet streaming job, using a minimal Python module.

This example uses open-source Hazelcast only.


This text is just the quick reference to help you build and deploy the application.


To build for running from the command line, use:

mvn clean install

To build a containerized image, if you have Docker available, activate the release build profile:

mvn clean install -Prelease

The release build profile adds extra steps to build the container image.


This example consists of two modules, hazelcast-node and python-job.

1. hazelcast-node

This module starts one Hazelcast process where Jet is running purely in "embedded" mode. You can run several such processes to make a cluster.

Embedded mode here means that the Jet processing engine is embedded in the IMDG node that stores the input and/or output data used by the Jet processing.

Keeping processing and storage together is the simplest choice, which is why it is used here. It is equally possible for Jet to pull data from external IMDG nodes and push to other IMDG nodes.


Following the cloud-first approach, the default configuration of this module is for Kubernetes discovery.

In the file hazelcast.yml discovery is set up to use Kubernetes in DNS mode.

If you don't want to use Kubernetes, you can override to use discovery on localhost or via Docker.


The first Hazelcast node to start will auto-start the Jet job RandomXyGenerator.

Only the first Hazelcast node in the cluster starts this job, but execution of this job is duplicated onto other nodes joining the cluster, so that each node in the cluster is running the job.

What this job does is randomly create X & Y co-ordinates in a map named 'points', using the X value as the key. To avoid running out of space, the map is configured to automatically discard old entries.

The purpose of this job is to generate input data for the python-job to process. This is as a separate job for clarity, all jobs need input source(s) but the source isn't relevant to the Python processing.

2. python-job

Module python-job is a client of the Hazelcast grid that deploys Jet processing jobs to the grid for execution.

In fact, in this module are 2 Jet processing jobs, and you select which one to deploy with a command line argument.

The first is Pi1Job which runs

The second is Pi2Job which runs

Refer to the link at the top of this page to find out the exact details of what they do.

For here, three things are important.

Firstly, the Python code is not all the Jet job does. The Python code is merely executed as one stage in a pipeline, to transform output from the previous stage into input for the next stage.

Secondly, the Python code is held in the resources folder. In this example, this is a location within the bundled Jar file, referenced by the getPythonServiceConfig.

The Python code can be anywhere that the python-job module can find it at run time.

Bundling the Python code inside the Jar file allows this code to be found when run as a Docker image or in Kubernetes.

Finally, the file requirements.txt held with the Python code. This specifies any additional libraries to be loaded before the Python job starts, such as "NumPy" and "SciPy". It is used to pre-load these libraries on each Hazelcast node that is to run Python, before the job starts.

Running -- Localhost

Two scripts are provided to run on localhost : and

Run at least one copy of to run a grid node. The script will try to derive the correct IP address for TCP connectivity.

If you run two or more, they will cluster together. But remember they're running on the same machine so this doesn't gain you much - the instances will be competing for the same CPUs.

Once the grid is up, run to send the Python job to the grid to execute. This takes the optional argument or to chose which variant of the Python job to submit. You can submit each once.

Output from the Python job will appear where it runs, in the logs of the grid nodes.

Running -- Docker

Two scripts are provided to run on Docker : and

The script will start one Docker container running the Hazelcast node image. This will be bound to your host machine's network rather than the Docker network, so it accessible from outside.

The Docker container binds to the Hazelcast default port (5701), so you can't run two such containers on the same machine unless you amend the ports.

Once the grid is up, use the with optional arguments or to launch the selected Python job.

As before, processing output appears in the Hazelcast node system output.

Running -- Kubernetes

Three deployment files are provided to run on Kubernetes : kubernetes-hazelcast-node.yaml, kubernetes-python-job-pi1.yaml and kubernetes-python-job-pi2.yaml.

The kubernetes-hazelcast-node.yaml creates a Hazelcast service and stateful set in the default namespace. The stateful set has a replica size of 2, so you should see two pods created and from their logs see these Hazelcast nodes form a cluster.

To launch the Python processing use kubernetes-python-job-pi1.yaml or kubernetes-python-job-pi2.yaml, or both.

Each of the job variants and are launched as separate jobs with preset arguments rather than use the command line, just for simplicity.

Running -- Lifecycle

The process that sends the Python job to the grid is just a client. It will connect to the grid, stream the Python code to the grid, and disconnect.

Execution of the Python code is infinite, so there is no point to the deployment client in waiting for completion.

Running -- Expected output

The job RandomXYGenerator logs every 100,000th point it produces. As this job is autostarted, you should see a line like this periodically (the frequency will depend on how fast you machine produces points):

17:16:29.742 [ INFO] [c.h.j.i.c.W.RandomXYGenerator/loggerSink#0] (0.6155604707201013, 0.48772579126259485)

The job Pi1Job logs every 5 seconds. If this job has been submitted, you will see output like this:

Topic 'pi' : Job 'Pi1Job' : Value '3.1536595996336576'    

The job Pi2Job also logs every 5 seconds. The output is the exact same apart from the name of the job that is cited:

Topic 'pi' : Job 'Pi2Job' : Value '3.156316310652143'    

Jobs Pi1Job and Pi2Job are trying to calculate Pi, and the approximation will get more accurate the longer they are left running.


This is an example showing how Python can become a stage in a Jet pipeline.

The Python module will probably be more complex, but needs to follow a similar structure.

It will have a handler method (here "def handle(points)") that takes a list of string inputs, runs each through your business logic, and produces a list of string outputs.

Your Python code is just a collection of interpreted files that are sent from the host where the Jet job is submitted to all hosts where the Jet job is executed.

Jet will arrange that the actual input is distributed across multiple Python instances to exploit the available CPUs on your host machines, and to collate the output for later stages of the job.

Python is easy to deploy, it's just a step in the processing pipeline.