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Partial Member Disconnection Resolution

ℹ️ Since: 4.1


In Hazelcast IMDG 3.9, we improved the algorithms used in the cluster management layer and resolved several problems. With that work, our member list management logic procured a good set of consistency and safety guarantees. In short, the master member (the first member in the cluster member list) manages the cluster member list and publishes member list updates with version numbers. Other members apply these updates in the correct order by checking version numbers. In addition, each Hazelcast member tracks the liveness of other members. The master member uses this mechanism to detect failures of other members, and other members use this mechanism to detect failure of the master member. This failure detection mechanism also works during network partitions to help Hazelcast clusters split into multiple sub-clusters and remain available. Please refer to the aforementioned work to learn more about these parts.

Please see the following figures. In these figures, we have 4 Hazelcast members in the cluster and N1 is the master members. The cluster is fully connected (i.e., every member has a connection to all other members). 

Figure 1

Figure 1

In the next figure, N2 fails or splits from the other members. All members notice that N2 is gone. N1 kicks N2 from the cluster and publishes a new member list:  N1, N3, N4.

Figure 2

Figure 2

However, it can also happen that N2 loses its connection to N1 because of a network problem, just as in the next figure. 

Figure 3

Figure 3

Even though N3 and N4 still think that N2 is alive, N1 kicks N2 from the cluster and publishes a new member list that excludes N2. After N3 or N4 gets this new member list update, they also drop their connections to N2 and N2 splits from the whole cluster and the final state becomes like Figure 2.

Moreover, if the master member (N1) crashes, as in Figure 4 below, other members notice this failure. N2 becomes the new master member and publishes a new member list: "N2, N3, N4" to N3 and N4. 

Figure 4

Figure 4

However, there is a shortcoming in the current design. Since the master member is the only authority to update the cluster member list, if there are network problems between other members, the master member is not aware of these problems and does not update the cluster member list accordingly. Please see the following figure.

Figure 5

Figure 5

In this figure, N2 cannot communicate with N3 and N4 because of a network problem. However, it can still talk to N1 just fine so the cluster member list remains as [N1, N2, N3, N4]. However, invocations and backup replications from N2 to N3 and N4, and vice-versa become problematic.

Here, the main limitation is, even though each member tracks the liveliness of other members, they do not share their failure detections with each other. Because of this limitation, the master member cannot react to the network problems that occur between other members. Hence, the solution is given in the problem itself. In this work, we just make the master member aware of the network problems that occur between other members.


Term Definition
Master member The first member in the cluster member list which is responsible for administrating the cluster.
Slave member Non-master members of the cluster. 
Suspicion The situation in which a slave member thinks that **another member **(i.e., the master or another slave) of the cluster may be dead. It can occur because of a heartbeat timeout or a connection problem. Suspicions are done based on local information.
Heartbeat The message periodically sent between all members to sustain their presence.
Heartbeat timeout The duration of absence of heartbeat messages for a member to suspect failure of another member. If the suspecting member is the master member, it kicks the other member from the cluster. If the suspecting member is a slave member, it will keep this suspicion information locally. With the new design, it will also share the suspicion with the master.

Functional Design

Summary of Functionality

There is no functional changes from users' point of view. We just make an improvement on the membership management system. 

User Interaction

API design and/or Prototypes

Two new system properties will be added:

     * The master member, i.e, the first member in the cluster member list administrates the cluster
     * and kicks unreachable members with the heartbeat mechanism. It means that a non-master member (i.e,
     * any member other than the master) does not send heartbeats to the master for the "heartbeat timeout"
     * duration, it is kicked from the cluster. However, there can be heartbeat problems between non-master
     * members as well. Since the master member is the single authority to update the cluster member list,
     * non-master members report their heartbeat problems to the master so that the master can update 
     * the cluster member list. 
     * <p>
     * When the master receives a heartbeat problem report from another member, it first waits for a number
     * of heartbeat rounds to allow other members to report their problems if there is any. After that,
     * it takes all reports received so far and checks if it can update the cluster member in a way that 
     * the minimum number of members will be kicked from the cluster and there won't be any heartbeat problem
     * between the remaining members.
     * <p>
     * If this configuration option is set to 0, this functionality is disabled. It is recommended to be 
     * set to at least 3 or 5 so that the master will wait long enough to collect heartbeat problem reports.
     * Otherwise, the master member can make sub-optimal decisions. 
            = new HazelcastProperty("hazelcast.partial.member.disconnection.resolution.heartbeat.count", 0);
     * The partial member disconnection resolution mechanism uses a graph algorithm that finds a max-clique
     * in non-polynomial time. Since it could take a lot of time to find a max-clique in a large graph, i.e,
     * in a large cluster with lots of random network disconnections, we use a timeout mechanism to stop
     * execution of the algorithm.
            = new HazelcastProperty("hazelcast.partial.member.disconnection.resolution.algorithm.timeout.seconds", 5);

Technical Design

In the rest of this document, we use the terminology defined in our previous work. In summary, the master member is the first member in the Hazelcast cluster member list. Other members are called slave members (we just follow the terminology ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). Each member has a local failure detector. When the master member detects failure of another member, it kicks that member from the cluster and publishes a new member list. When a slave member detects failure of another member, it creates a local piece of information, which we call suspicion.  

The solution to this problem is two-fold. First, we make the master member aware of network problems that occur between slave members. It is sufficient for each slave member to propagate its local suspicions to the master member. Second, thanks to the existing mechanisms and consistency guarantees built around the decisions made by the master member, the master member decides on a new fully-connected cluster member list after it learns the network problems between other members.

Propagating Suspicions to the Master Member

In the first part of the solution, we make slave members propagate their suspicions to the master member. We use the existing heartbeat mechanism for this purpose. Slave members piggyback their local suspicions to the heartbeat messages. The master member collects these suspicions and after some time it triggers the next step to decide on a new cluster member list. 

There are a few subtleties here. First, it takes some time (i.e., heartbeat timeout) for a slave member to make a local suspicion. With the default configuration, a member waits for 60 seconds before it decides failure of an unresponsive member. When a member crashes or splits away, we assume that other members detect its failure at close times. Based on this assumption, when a master member learns a new suspicion from a slave member, it expects some other members to send the same suspicion information soon afterwards.

Based on this reasoning, the master member uses its own heartbeat mechanism to act on the suspicions sent by the slaves. When a configurable number of heartbeat ticks pass after the last received suspicion information, the master member takes all suspicions received so far and moves to the next step. 

For instance, the master member receives the following suspicions for the scenario in Figure 5:

  • N2 suspects from N3 and N4,
  • N3 suspects from N2,
  • N4 suspects from N2.

Deciding on a New Optimal Cluster Member List

In the second part, the master member is aware of all network problems present between the slaves. Using this knowledge, it should decide on a new member list such that all members in the new member list are fully-connected, i.e., there is no connection problem between the members in the new member list. In Figure 5, there are two options for a new member list: [N1, N2] or [N1, N3, N4]. Assuming that there is no lite member in the cluster, we prefer [N1, N3, N4] over [N1, N2] because it contains more members and likely more data. 

This problem has the same solution with the maximum clique problem in graph theory. A clique in an undirected graph is a subset of vertices which forms a complete graph, i.e, each vertex in the clique has an edge to every other vertex. A maximum clique is the largest clique in a graph that satisfies the given definition. The maximum clique problem is NP-hard, i.e, there is no known polynomial time solution. ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

Thankfully, our problem is simpler than the maximum clique problem because we expect simple disconnection patterns between Hazelcast members. For instance, suppose that we have the following 6-member cluster: [A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2] where each letter is a different rack. If there is a network problem between racks B and C, then B1 and B2 have a network problem with C1 and C2. Then the final member list would be either [A1, A2, B1, B2] or [A1, A2, C1, C2]. It would be a more complex problem if we get random disconnections, for instance, A1 cannot talk to B1, and B2 cannot talk to C1, which results in 4 options for the final member list: [A1, A2, B2, C2], [A1, A2, C1, C2], [A2, B1, B2, C2], [A2, B1, C1, C2]. Moreover, even if we have a one-way disconnection in the cluster (A1 can talk to B1 but B1 cannot talk back to A1), we consider it as a two-way disconnection and end up with a simpler final state.

We use an implementation of the Bron–Kerbosch algorithm to find the maximum clique in a Hazelcast cluster member list given a set of slave member suspicions. This algorithm gives us the smallest set of Hazelcast members to kick from the cluster so that the remaining members are fully-connected to each other again. So the master member uses this algorithm to make this decision.

Testing Criteria

We tested the Bron–Kerbosch algorithm to find the maximum cliques for different size of graphs and disconnections. We also tested the whole implementation with our regular integration tests.