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Radix Balanced Array

As opposed to lists, arrays allow random access. You can get any element of an array in constant time. Lists need linear time if you want to access the ith element of the list.

However inserting elements to an array is expensive. It requires to allocate a new array which has room for the additional element. Then you have to copy the original array into the new array and add the additional element to the array.

Inserting elements into lists is a cheap operation as long as you insert the new element to the front of the list.

Radix balanced arrays (or trees) are a good compromise. They offer fast random access, fast appending of new elements to the end of the array and fast removal of elements from the end of the array. They are based on the idea that a long array can be split into chunks which fit into the cache line of modern computers. As long as the array segments fit into a cache line, inserting is a relatively cheap operation. If we organize the chunks into a radix tree, then random access to specific elements needs only time proportional to the height of the tree which is very small even for very long arrays.

Basic Idea

We work with a branching factor B which is a power of two. The exponent of the branching factor is b such that B = 2b. On current microprocessors the size of a cache line is 32 machine words or more. Therefore b = 5 and B = 25 = 32 are good choices. In order to illustrate the radix balanced arrays and keep the graphics reasonably sized we use a branching factor of 2 in the examples.

We use arrays of size B to store the elements of the whole structure. If we want to store 5 elements with branching factor 2 we need 3 arrays to store the chunks

chunk₀     chunk₁   chunk₂

+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+ | e₀| e₁| | e₂| e₃| | e₄| +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+ 0 1 2 3 4

The complete tree to store 5 elements looks like

size 5
|   |   |               level 2
 /     \

size 4 / size 1 +---+---+ +---+ | | | | | level 1 +---+---+ +---+ / / / /

+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+ | e₀| e₁| | e₂| e₃| | e₄| level 0 +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+ 0 1 2 3 4

At level 0 we have all the leaves which store the elements. In this specific case we have intermediate nodes at level 1 and at level 2. Each node at level l has a slot size of 2lb and is capable to address 2(l + 1)b elements. The following table illustrates the slot sizes and maximal sizes for the branching factor 2 and the branching factor 32.


slot size (B = 2) max size (B = 2) slot size (B = 32) max size (B = 32)





















Note that with a branching factor 32 which fits well into the cache line of modern microprocessors we are able to store more than 1 million elements in a tree with only 3 intermediate levels.

The tree is balanced in the sense that each subtree of a tree has the same depth and all subtrees except the rightmost are full.

Each subtree is a valid radix balanced tree. The counting of its elements starts at zero.

If we want to find an element at index i we first have to find the valid slot s in the tree. This can be done by integer division s = i/2lb.

The relative index o (i.e. its offset) in the subtree at slot s can be found by the formula o = i − 2lbs.

Integer divisions and multiplications by powers of 2 can be performed very efficiently by using bitshifts. The indices are always non-negative integers. Therefore logical shift does the same thing as arithmetic shift.

let bitsize: int = 32

let slot (i: int) (l: int): int =
    (* The slot of index [i] at level [l].

        i / 2^(l * bitsize)
    i lsr (l * bitsize)

let offset (i: int) (s: int) (l: int): int =
    (* The offset of index [i] in slot [s] in a tree at level [l].

        i- s * 2^(l * bitsize)
    i - s lsl (l * bitsize)

A radix balanced array at level l is full if it has 2(l + 1)b elements.

let full_size (l: int): int =
    (* The size of a full radix balanced array at level [l]. *)
    assert (0 <= l);
    1 lsl ((l + 1) * bitsize)

Data Structure

We use an algebraic data type to define the type of a radix balanced tree. The leaf node is just an array of the element type. An intermediate node is an array whose elements are other radix balanced trees and has information about its level and its total number of elements.

type 'a t =
    | Leaf of
        'a array
    | Node of {
        size:  int; (* Total number of elements, including subtrees. *)
        level: int;
        nodes: 'a t array}

Since the total number of elements is available in all intermediate nodes, the function to calculate the number is elements i.e. the length of the radix balanced array is straightforward and doesn't need any recursion.

let length: 'a t -> int =
    (* The length of the radix balanced array. *)
    | Leaf arr ->
        Array.length arr
    | Node node ->

The functions to compute the level, the fullness and the emptyness of a radix balanced array are straightforward as well.

let level: 'a t -> int = function
    | Leaf _ ->
    | Node node ->

let is_full: 'a t -> bool = function
    | Leaf arr ->
        Array.length arr = full_size 0
    | Node node ->
        node.size = full_size node.level

let is_empty (t: 'a t): bool =
    length t = 0

let has_some (t: 'a t): bool =
    length t > 0


The following invariant is maintained by all operations where B is the branching factor:

  • Each leaf node has at most B elements.
  • Each leaf node which is not the root node has at least one element.
  • Each interior node has at most B children.
  • Each interior node has at least one child.
  • If the root node is an interior node it has at least two children (a root node with only one child makes no sense and can be removed and the child can be used as the root).
  • All children of an interior node except the last child are full.
  • All children of an interior node have the same level and the level of the interior node is one higher than the level of its children.
  • The size of an interior node is the sum of the size of the children.

Element Retrieval

The following function retrieves the element at a certain index i i.e. it implements the random access.

let rec element (i: int) (t: 'a t): 'a =
    (* The element at index [i] in the radix balanced array [t]. *)
    assert (0 <= i);
    assert (i < length t);
    match t with
    | Leaf arr ->
    | Node node ->
        let s = slot i node.level in
        let o = offset i s node.level in
        element o node.nodes.(s)

Note that i is the relative index within the subtree. Before going down one level we have to find the slot and the relative offset within the slot.

In a nonempty array the first and last element of the array can be retrieved by using the function element. However more efficient functions can be defined which do not need any slot and offset computations. The first element of an intermediate node is always in the first child (i.e. first slot) and the last element of an intermediate node is always in the last child (i.e. last slot).

let first (t: 'a t): 'a =
    (* The first element of the non empty radix balanced array [t]. *)
    assert (has_some t);
    let rec fst = function
        | Leaf arr ->
            Array.first arr
        | Node node ->
            fst (Array.first node.nodes)
    fst t

let last (t: 'a t): 'a =
    (* The last element of the non empty radix balanced array [t]. *)
    assert (has_some t);
    let rec fst = function
        | Leaf arr ->
            Array.last arr
        | Node node ->
            fst (Array.last node.nodes)
    fst t

Element Replacement

Replacing an element within the radix balanced array affects only nodes on the path from the root to the corresponding leaf. In the leaf the element has to be replaced by the new element. In each intermediate node the child at the corresponding slot has to be replaced by the new child.

let rec replace (i: int) (e: 'a) (t: 'a t): 'a t =
    (* Replace the element at index [i] by the element [e] within the radix
       balanced array [t]. *)
    assert (0 <= i);
    assert (i < length t);
    match t with
    | Leaf arr ->
        Leaf (Array.replace i e arr)
    | Node node ->
        let s = slot i node.level in
        let o = offset i s node.level in
            {node with
                nodes =
                        (replace o e node.nodes.(s))

Each replacement within an elementary array requires an array copy. But remember that the elementary arrays always fit into a cache line such that the operations are very fast.

Element Insertion at the Rear End

Radix balanced arrays are balanced and packed which means that all subtrees have the same height and are full except the rightmost subtrees. Therefore cheap insertion is possible only at the rear end of the array. It is possible to relax the invariant like it is done in radix relaxed balanced trees. However this has a cost for the runtime performance. The implementation described here has no such relaxation because it tries to be as efficient as possible and keep all subtrees packed and fully balanced.

Remember that a radix balanced tree at the level l is full if it has 2(l + 1)b elements.

We want to insert an element e at the rear end of the tree t

If the balanced tree is full, it is not possible to insert an element into the tree. The only thing we can do is to construct a new tree at the same level with only one element.

|   |               level 3
|   |               level 2
|   |               level 1
| e |               level 0
let rec singleton_tree (lev: int) (e: 'a): 'a t =
    (* Construct tree at level [lev] with the element [e]. *)
    if lev = 0 then
        Leaf [| e |]
        Node {
            size = 1;
            level = lev;
            nodes = [| singleton_tree (lev - 1) e |]

If the tree t has a parent, then it is the last child of the parent. Since t is full and the parent is not full, we can append the singleton tree to the nodes of the parent.

If the tree t is the root, then we need a new root node with t as the first child and the singleton tree as the second child.

Since we have constructed the singleton tree at the same level as the tree t, the new tree is still balanced.

Insertion into a not full tree can be done by the following recursive function:

let rec push_not_full (e: 'a) (t: 'a t): 'a t =
    (* Append the element [e] at the rear end of the radix balanced array
       [t] which is not full. *)
    assert (not (is_full t));
    match t with
    | Leaf arr ->
        Leaf (Array.push e arr)

    | Node node ->
        let slot = Array.length node.nodes - 1
        assert (0 <= slot);
        let nodes =
            if is_full node.nodes.slot then
                    (singleton_tree (node.level - 1))
                    (push_not_full e node.nodes.(slot))
            {node with nodes; size = node.size + 1}

Finally we get the complete insertion function.

let push (e: 'a) (t: 'a t): 'a t =
    (* Append the element [e] at the rear end of the radix balanced array
       [t]. *)
    let lev = level t
    and len = length t
    if len = full_size lev then
        Node {
            size  = len + 1;
            level = lev + 1;
            nodes = [| t; singleton_tree lev e|]
        push_not_full e t

Element Deletion at the Rear End

The structure of the radix balanced tree allows fast removal of elements on the rear end. This is possible only if the array is not empty. We want to write a function with the following signature

val pop (t:'a t): 'a * 'a t
(* Pop the last element off the array [t] and return it together with
   the array where the last element has been removed.

   Precondition: [t] must not be empty i.e. [has_some t]

The basic algorithm is not complicated.

If the tree is a leaf node we just remove the last element from the non empty array.

If the tree is an interior node, then we take the last child and remove recursively the last element from the child and replace the last child by the child where the last element has been removed. However we have to consider the following corner case:

The last child has only one element:

In that case the child disappears completely. I.e. the new interior node has one child less than the old interior node. We have to distinguish two cases:

The parent node is the root node:

The root node has at least two children. Since the last child has only one element, we remove the last child completely. Since there remains only one child in the root node, we can replace the root node by its first child.

The parent node is not the root node:

The parent node has at least two children. Otherwise it would have only one element and would have been removed completely. Since the last child has only one element, we remove the last child completely.

The following helper function removes the last element from a nonempty tree.

let rec pop_aux (is_root: bool) (t: 'a t): 'a * 'a t =
    (* Remove the last element from a nonempty tree. *)
    assert (has_some t);
    match t with
    | Leaf arr ->
        Array.(last arr, Leaf (remove_last arr))
    | Node node ->
        let j = Array.length node.nodes - 1 in
        assert (0 <= j);
        let child = node.nodes.(j) in
        let len   = length child in
        if is_root && j = 1 && len = 1 then
            (* Last child of the root node has only one element. *)
            last child,
            let e, nodes =
                if len = 1 then
                    (* Last child has only one element. *)
                    last child,
                    Array.remove_last node.nodes
                    (* Normal case. *)
                    let e, child = pop_aux false child in
                    Array.replace j child node.nodes
            Node {
                node with
                size = node.size - 1;

With the helper function is straightforward. We can write two versions of the removal function. The first assumes that the tree is not empty. The second one works on empty trees as well (returning an option).

let pop (t: 'a t): 'a * 'a t =
    assert (has_some t);
    pop_aux true t

let pop_opt (t: 'a t): ('a * 'a t) option =
    if is_empty t then
        Some (pop_aux true t)