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Network Inspectors

The network_inspectors() module allows you to inspect the LANs directly. We will be grateful if you report any strange behavior you might find.

import numpy as np
import hddm

Direct access to batch predictions

You can use the hddm.network_inspectors.get_torch_mlp() function to access network predictions.

# Specify model
model = 'angle'
lan_angle = hddm.network_inspectors.get_torch_mlp(model = model)
# Make some random parameter set
parameter_df = hddm.simulators.make_parameter_vectors_nn(model = model,
                                                         param_dict = None,
                                                         n_parameter_vectors = 1)

parameter_matrix = np.tile(np.squeeze(parameter_df.values), (200, 1))

# Initialize network input
network_input = np.zeros((parameter_matrix.shape[0], parameter_matrix.shape[1] + 2)) # Note the + 2 on the right --> we append the parameter vectors with reaction times (+1 columns) and choices (+1 columns)

# Add reaction times
network_input[:, -2] = np.linspace(0, 3, parameter_matrix.shape[0])

# Add choices
network_input[:, -1] = np.repeat(np.random.choice([-1, 1]), parameter_matrix.shape[0])

# Note: The networks expects float32 inputs
network_input = network_input.astype(np.float32)

# Show example output
print('Some network outputs')
print(lan_angle(network_input)[:10]) # printing the first 10 outputs
print(lan_angle(network_input).shape) # original shape of output

Some network outputs [[-6.5302606 ] [ 0.5264375 ] [ 0.410895 ] [-0.52280986] [-1.0521754 ] [-1.552991 ] [-2.0735168 ] [-2.6183672 ] [-3.2071779 ] [-3.878473 ]] Shape (200, 1)

Plotting Utilities

HDDM provides two plotting function to investigate the network outputs directly. The kde_vs_lan_likelihoods() plot and the lan_manifold() plot.

NOTE: These utilities are designed for 2-choice models at the moment.


# Make some parameters
parameter_df = hddm.simulators.make_parameter_vectors_nn(model = model,
                                                         param_dict = None,
                                                         n_parameter_vectors = 10)
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; } .dataframe tbody tr th { vertical-align: top; } .dataframe thead th { text-align: right; }
v a z t theta
0 2.729321 1.184634 0.798893 0.186882 0.225510
1 0.550569 1.473085 0.389967 0.583149 0.317908
2 0.297733 1.241166 0.630780 1.617812 0.455768
3 -2.918573 0.972126 0.307551 1.496773 0.898875
4 0.666445 1.882498 0.530820 0.259892 1.028040
5 1.629646 0.507156 0.692670 0.529111 0.845566
6 -1.255036 1.741760 0.678846 1.849304 1.233386
7 0.891731 0.795798 0.721093 1.705487 0.704186
8 -2.954760 1.518239 0.419388 0.623301 0.607989
9 0.360199 1.369782 0.629768 0.098295 0.497529
hddm.network_inspectors.kde_vs_lan_likelihoods(parameter_df = parameter_df, 
                                               model = model,
                                               cols = 3,
                                               n_samples = 2000,
                                               n_reps = 10,
                                               show = True)

1 of 10 2 of 10 3 of 10 4 of 10 5 of 10 6 of 10 7 of 10 8 of 10 9 of 10 10 of 10



Lastly, you can use the lan_manifold() plot to investigate the LAN likelihoods over a range of parameters.

The idea is to use a base parameter vector and vary one of the parameters in a prespecificed range.

This plot can be informative if you would like to understand better how a parameter affects model behavior.

# Now plotting
hddm.network_inspectors.lan_manifold(parameter_df = parameter_df,
                                     vary_dict = {'v': np.linspace(-2, 2, 20)},
                                     model = model,
                                     n_rt_steps = 300,
                                     fig_scale = 1.0,
                                     max_rt = 5,
                                     save = True,
                                     show = True)

Using only the first row of the supplied parameter array !
