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Knowledge Base Construction (Demo or System).md

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Knowledge Base Construction (Demo or System)

Note: This is a very large topic which may contain numerous smaller directions

📝 Survey and Summary


  1. A Survey on Automatically Constructed Universal Knowledge Bases (Semantic Web 2018)
  2. A Survey on Knowledge Graphs: Representation, Acquisition and Applications (2020) [Paper]
  3. A survey of techniques for constructing Chinese knowledge graphs and their applications (Sustainability 2018)
  4. Machine Knowledge: Creation and Curation of Comprehensive Knowledge Bases (submitted to Foundations and Trends in Databases in 2020) [Paper]
  5. LLMs for Knowledge Graph Construction and Reasoning: Recent Capabilities and Future Opportunities (Arxiv, 22 May 2023) [Paper] ️‍🔥
  6. Generative Knowledge Graph Construction: A Review (EMNLP, 2022) [Paper] ️‍🔥
  7. A Comprehensive Survey on Automatic Knowledge Graph Construction (ACM Computing Surveys, 2023) [Link]

Interesting Blogs and Discussions

  1. Conceptualizing the Knowledge Graph Construction Pipeline [Web]
  2. Topbase, a Tecent KG (in Chinese) [Web]

📝 Research Papers

General Papers

  1. DeepDive: Incremental Knowledge Base Construction Using DeepDive (VLDB 2015) [Paper][Slides][Project link]🌟
  1. Mining Structures of Factual Knowledge from Text: An Effort-Light Approach [Paper]
  2. CurEx – A System for Extracting, Curating, and Exploring Domain-Specific Knowledge Graphs from Text (CurEx, CIKM 2018)🌟
  3. AliCoCo [SIGMOD 2020 Industry Track] [Github]🌟
  4. Personalized Knowledge Graph Summarization: From the Cloud to Your Pocket (ICDM 2019) [Paper]🌟
  5. YAGO 4: A Reasonable Knowledge Base (ESWC2020)
  6. Deriving Validity Time in Knowledge Graph
  7. Fonduer: Knowledge Base Construction from Richly Formatted Data (SIGMOD 2018) [PDF]🌟
  8. Subjective Knowledge Base Construction Powered By Crowdsourcing and Knowledge Base (SIGMOD 2018) [PDF] 🌟
  9. A Demonstration of Sya: A Spatial Probabilistic Knowledge Base Construction System (SIGMOD 2018) [PDF, demo]🌟
  10. Subjective Databases [PDF] (VLDB 2019)🌟
  11. Constructing High Precision Knowledge Bases with Subjective and Factual Attributes [Paper, Presentation, applied science track] (KDD 2019)
  12. Sya: Enabling Spatial Awareness inside Probabilistic Knowledge Base Construction [Video][Slides][Paper] (ICDE 2020) 🌟
  13. An Ontology-Based Conversation System for Knowledge Bases [Paper] (SIGMOD industry track 2020) 🌟
  14. GIANT: Scalable Creation of a Web-scale Ontology [Paper] (SIGMOD industry track 2020) 🌟
  15. CoRel: Seed-Guided Topical Taxonomy Construction by Concept Learning and Relation Transferring (KDD 2020)
  16. Advanced Semantics for Commonsense Knowledge Extraction (WWW 2021) [Paper]
  17. Defining a Knowledge Graph Development Process Through a Systematic Review (TOSEM 2023) [Paper] 🌟 (although it comes from the SE area)

LLM for General KG Constrution 🔥🔥🔥

  1. LLMs for Knowledge Graph Construction and Reasoning: Recent Capabilities and Future Opportunities (Arxiv, 22 May 2023) [Paper]
  2. Enhancing Knowledge Graph Construction Using Large Language Models (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
  3. Iterative Zero-Shot LLM Prompting for Knowledge Graph Construction (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
  4. LLM2KB: Constructing Knowledge Bases using instruction tuned context aware Large Language Models (Arxiv 2023) [Paper]
  5. Towards self-configuring Knowledge Graph Construction Pipelines using LLMs - A Case Study with RML (ESWC 2024 Workshop KGCW) [Paper]

Fact Finding

  1. Maverick: A System for Discovering Exceptional Facts from Knowledge Graphs (VLDB 2018)[PDF, demo] 🌟
  2. Maverick: Discovering Exceptional Facts from Knowledge Graphs (VLDB 2018) [PDF]🌟
  3. Subjective Knowledge Base Construction Powered By Crowdsourcing and Knowledge Base (SIGMOD 2018) [PDF] 🌟

Taxonomy Expansion

  1. Enquire One’s Parent and Child Before Decision: Fully Exploit Hierarchical Structure for Self-Supervised Taxonomy Expansion