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Knowledge Base Refinement (Incompleteness, Incorrectness, and Freshness).md

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Knowledge Base Refinement (Incompleteness, Incorrectness, and Freshness)

📝 General Knowledge Base Refinement

Surveys and Evaluations

  1. Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods (Semantic Web 2016)
  2. Structured Knowledge: Have we made progress? An extrinsic study of KB coverage over 19 years (CIKM 2020, poster) [Paper], investigate DBpedia and Wikidata
  3. Efficient Knowledge Graph Accuracy Evaluation [PDF] [techical reprot] (VLDB 2019) 🌟
  4. Buckle: Evaluating Fact Checking Algorithms Built on Knowledge Bases [PDF, demo] (VLDB 2019) 🌟
  5. Knowledge graph quality control: A survey (Fundamental Research 2021) [Paper]

General Papers

  1. Optimizing Knowledge Graphs through Voting-based User Feedback [Video][Slides][Paper]
  2. What is Normal, What is Strange, and What is Missing in a Knowledge Graph: Unified Characterization via Inductive Summarization (WWW 2020) [Paper] [Code and Data]
  3. Fast Computation of Explanations for Inconsistency in Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs (WWW 2020, short paper) 🌟

📝 Knowledge Base Completion

Surveys and Evaluations

  1. Revisiting Evaluation of Knowledge Base Completion Models (from
  2. An overview of embedding models of entities and relationships for knowledge base completion [Paper]
  3. Realistic Re-evaluation of Knowledge Graph Completion Methods: An Experimental Study (SIGMOD 2020) [Paper] 🌟

General Papers

  1. Knowledge base completion via search-based question answering (WWW 2014) [Paper]
  2. Knowledge base completion via coupled path ranking (ACL 2016) [Paper]
  3. Knowledge Base Completion Using Embeddings and Rules (IJCAI 2015) [Paper]
  4. A Novel Embedding Model for Knowledge Base Completion Based on Convolutional Neural Network (NAACL-HLT 2018) [Paper] [Code]
  5. A Capsule Network-based Embedding Model for Knowledge Graph Completion and Search Personalization (NAACL 2019)
  6. Data-dependent Learning of Symmetric/Antisymmetric Relations for Knowledge Base Completion (AAAI 2018)
  7. HyperKG: Hyperbolic Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Knowledge Base Completion (2019)
  8. Incentive-Based Entity Collection Using Crowdsourcing. (ICDE 2018) [PDF], more similar to a crowdsourcing work 🌟
  9. User Guidance for Efficient Fact Checking (VLDB 2019) [PDF] 🌟
  10. Towards the Completion of a Domain-Specific Knowledge Base with Emerging Query Terms [PDF] (ICDE 2019) 🌟
  11. Dynamic Knowledge Graph based Multi-Event Forecasting (KDD 2020)
  12. Relation Adversarial Network for Low Resource Knowledge Graph Completion (WWW 2020)
  13. Open Knowledge Enrichment for Long-tail Entities (WWW 2020)
  14. A Neural Bag-of-Words Modelling Framework for Link Prediction in Knowledge Bases with Sparse Connectivity (WWW 2019)
  15. Mining Implicit Entity Preference from User-Item Interaction Data for Knowledge Graph Completion via Adversarial Learning (WWW 2020)
  16. Beyond Triplets: Hyper-Relational Knowledge Graph Embedding for Link Prediction (WWW 2020)
  17. Searching for Embeddings in a Haystack: Link Prediction on Knowledge Graphs with Subgraph Pruning (WWW 2020, short) [Paper] 🌟
  18. Link Prediction on N-ary Relational Data (WWW 2019)
  19. ActiveLink: Deep Active Learning for Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs (WWW 2019)
  20. BoxE: A Box Embedding Model for Knowledge Base Completion (Neurips2020) [Paper]
  21. TuckER: Tensor Factorization for Knowledge Graph Completion (EMNLP 2019) [Paper]
  22. Inductive Entity Representations from Text via Link Prediction (WWW 2021)
  23. Mixed-Curvature Multi-relational Graph Neural Network for Knowledge Graph Completion (WWW 2021)
  24. Structure-Augmented Text Representation Learning for Efficient Knowledge Graph Completion (WWW 2021) [Paper]
  25. Revisiting the Evaluation Protocol of Knowledge Graph Completion Methods for Link Prediction (WWW 2021)
  26. Relational Message Passing for Knowledge Graph Completion (KDD 2021)
  27. Learning to Walk across Time for Interpretable Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion (KDD 2021)
  28. KICGPT: Large Language Model with Knowledge in Context for Knowledge Graph Completion (Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023) [Paper] 🔥
  29. Sequence-to-Sequence Knowledge Graph Completion and Question Answering (ACL 2022) [Paper]

KGC/KGE based on Tensor Decomposition

  2. Link Prediction based on Tensor Decomposition for the Knowledge Graph of COVID-19 Antiviral Drug (2022) [Paper]
  3. TuckER: Tensor factorization for knowledge graph completion. (EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019)
  • the fundamental problem with deep, non-linear models is that they are nontransparent and poorly understood, as opposed to more mathematically principled and widely studied tensor decomposition models.
  1. Knowledge Graph Completion via Complex Tensor Factorization
  2. Duality-Induced Regularizer for Tensor Factorization Based Knowledge Graph Completion


  1. KG-BERT: BERT for Knowledge Graph Completion [GitHub]

📝 Knowledge Base Population

Survey, Summary and Notes

  1. Knowledge Base Population: Successful Approaches and Challenges (ACL 2011)[Paper]
  2. Overview:
  3. Slides of Summary:
  4. Laying the groundwork for knowledge base population: Nine years of linguistic resources for tac kbp (LREC 2018)
  5. Overview of tac-kbp2014 entity discovery and linking tasks (TAC 2014)

Datasets and Benchmarks

  1. A Dataset for Web-scale Knowledge Base Population [Slides]
  2. KnowledgeNet: A Benchmark for Knowledge Base Population (EMNLP 2019) [Paper, Dataset and Code]
  3. Text Analysis Conference [Link]

General Papers (KBP from External Sources)

  1. Entity Disambiguation for Knowledge Base Population (ACL 2010)
  2. Distantly Supervised Web Relation Extraction for Knowledge Base Population [Paper]
  3. KBPearl: A Knowledge Base Population System Supported by Joint Entity and Relation Linking (VLDB 2020) 🌟
  4. Knowledge Translation [Technical Report] (VLDB 2020) 🌟
  5. MIDAS: Finding the Right Web Sources to Fill Knowledge Gaps (ICDE 2019) [Paper] [Technical Report] 🌟
  • Define a profit function of source selection, the major idea is similar to the following two papers:
  • Less is more: Slecting sources wisely for intergration (VLDB 2012) 🌟
  • Characterizing and Selecting Fresh Data Sources (SIGMOD 2014) [Paper] 🌟
  1. KnowledgeNet: A Benchmark Dataset for Knowledge Base Population (EMNLP 2019) [Paper]
  2. Information Extraction From Co-Occurring Similar Entities (WWW 2021) [Paper]

📝 Knowledge Base Error Detection and Enhancement

  1. Knowledge Base Enhancement via Data Facts and Crowdsourcing (ICDE 2018) [PDF], more similar to a crowdsourcing work 🌟
  2. User Guidance for Efficient Fact Checking (VLDB 2019) [PDF] 🌟
  3. Mining an "Anti-Knowledge Base" from Wikipedia Updates with Applications to Fact Checking and Beyond (VLDB 2020) 🌟
  4. Correcting Knowledge Base Assertions (WWW 2020)

Also discuss about canonicalization

  1. Learning How to Correct a Knowledge Base from the Edit History (WWW 2019)

Apply rule mining

  1. Predicting ConceptNet Path Quality Using Crowdsourced Assessments of Naturalness (WWW 2019)
  2. Typing Errors in Factual Knowledge Graphs: Severity and Possible Ways Out (WWW 2021) [Paper]
  3. Triple Trustworthiness Measurement for Knowledge Graph (WWW 2019)
  4. Efficient Knowledge Graph Accuracy Evaluation (VLDB 2019) 🌟 [Paper]

📝 Knowledge Base Freshness

  1. How to Keep a Knowledge Base Synchronized with Its Encyclopedia Source (IJCAI 2017) [Paper] [Notes]
  2. TimeMachine: Timeline generation for knowledge-base entities (KDD 2015)
  3. Outdated Fact Detection in Knowledge Bases (ICDE 2020, short) 🌟 [Video]
  4. Learning to Update Knowledge Graph by Reading News (EMNLP 2019)
  5. Summarizing Entity Temporal Evolution in Knowledge Graphs (WWW 2019) [Paper]
  6. Learning Sequence Encoders for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion (EMNLP 2018) [Paper]
  7. Context-Aware Temporal Knowledge Graph Embedding (WISE 2020)
  8. Efficiently Embedding Dynamic Knowledge Graphs (arxiv 2019) [Paper]
  • Seems this is the first work that studies dynamic embedding updating in KGs...
  1. EvoKG: Jointly Modeling Event Time and Network Structure for Reasoning over Temporal Knowledge Graphs (WSDM 2022) [Paper]