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Independent open source project by Kristian Gundry Nielsen
Currently only working with MS SQL Server

Extension for Azure functions input/output bindings to natively use Dapper sql calls.
Azure Functions and Bindings Reference

Azure functions can be triggered from various sources, most relevantly here Http requests. As part of an Http request trigger, there can be a need to retrieve additional data from a database (additional input), and then also simply a need to update or create data in a database (output data). By doing this declaratively in the bindings, the overhead of using Dapper is hidden into a simple set of statements.

This extension allows for a native binding to retrieve or set data automatically via Dapper to a SQL source. This effectively allows the Azure function to be a remotely Http triggerable function with a declarative and simpler means of handling data.


Dapper.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions is available via NuGet:

Install-Package Dapper.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.SqlServer


dotnet add package Dapper.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.SqlServer

Using the binding


Configure the binding

[assembly: WebJobsStartup(typeof(CustomerSamples.Startup))]
namespace CustomerSamples
    public class Startup : IWebJobsStartup
        public void Configure(IWebJobsBuilder builder)

Input binding sample with ServiceBus

UPDATE [Customers] SET Processed = @Processed where CustomerNumber in 
       (select top 5 CustomerNumber from [Customers] 
         WHERE Processed is null ORDER BY Updated ASC);
SELECT CustomerNumber, FirstName, LastName FROM [Customers] WHERE Processed = @Processed;
public static void SelectCustomerSample5 ([TimerTrigger("0 */5 * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer,
                                    [Dapper(Sql = "select2.sql",
                                            SqlConnection = "SqlConnection",
                                            Parameters = "Processed:{datetime:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}")] List<Customer> customers,
                                    [ServiceBus("myqueue", Connection = "myconnection")] ICollector<Customer> outputSbQueue,
                                    ILogger log)
    customers.ForEach(x=> outputSbQueue.Add(x));

Output binding samples with Http trigger

[return: Dapper(Sql = "insert.sql", SqlConnection = "SqlConnection")]
public static Customer Run([HttpTrigger] Customer customer, ILogger log)
   return customer;
[return: Dapper(Sql = "INSERT INTO [Customers] ([FirstName], [LastName]) VALUES (@FirstName, @LastName)",
                SqlConnection = "SqlConnection",
                IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)]
public static Customer Run([HttpTrigger] Customer customer, ILogger log)
    return customer;
public static  IList<Customer> Run([HttpTrigger] HttpRequestMessage req,
                                   [Dapper(Sql = "insert.sql", SqlConnection = "SqlConnection")] out IList<Customer> customers,
                                   ILogger log)
    customers = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IList<Customer>>(req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
    return customers;
public static  IList<Customer> InsertCustomerSample4([HttpTrigger] HttpRequestMessage req,
                                    [Dapper(Sql = "EXEC SpInsertCustomer @FirstName, @LastName", SqlConnection = "SqlConnection",
                                    CommandTimeout = 60,
                                    CommandType = CommandType.Text)] out IList<Customer> customers,
                                    ILogger log)
    customers = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IList<Customer>>(req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
    return customers;

Input binding samples

public static IList<Customer> Run([HttpTrigger] HttpRequestMessage req,
                                  [Dapper(Sql = "select.sql", SqlConnection = "SqlConnection", 
                                          Parameters = "FirstName:{Query.FirstName}",
                                          IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)] IList<Customer> customers,
                                  ILogger log)
    return customers;
public static Customer SelectCustomerSample2([HttpTrigger] HttpRequestMessage req,
                                    [Dapper(Sql = "SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Customers] WHERE CustomerNumber = @CustomerNumber",
                                            SqlConnection = "SqlConnection", 
                                            Parameters = "CustomerNumber:{Query.CustomerNumber}",
                                            CommandTimeout = 60)
                                            ] Customer customer,
                                    ILogger log)
    return customer;
public static IList<Customer> Run([HttpTrigger] HttpRequestMessage req,
                                  [Dapper(Sql = "SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Customers]",
                                          SqlConnection = "SqlConnection")] IList<Customer> customers,
                                          ILogger log)
    return customers;
public static IList<Customer> SelectCustomerSample4dotnet ([HttpTrigger] HttpRequestMessage req,
                                    [Dapper(Sql = "SpGetCustomerByFirstname",
                                            SqlConnection = "SqlConnection",
                                            Parameters = "FirstName:{Query.FirstName}",
                                            CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure)] IList<Customer> customers,
                                    ILogger log)
    return customers;


sql input/output binding for azure functions



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