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File metadata and controls

136 lines (88 loc) · 3.31 KB

Linux Scripting Coding Standards

Coding standards are essential for maintaining consistency, readability, and collaboration in scripting projects.

1. File Naming Conventions:

Choose meaningful and descriptive names for your script files.

  • Correct:

  • Avoid:


2. Shebang Line:

Include a shebang line at the beginning of your script to specify the interpreter.


This line helps the system understand which interpreter to use when executing the script.


Use comments to explain complex sections, provide context, and document your code.

# This is a comment explaining the purpose of the following code

Ensure your comments are concise, relevant, and kept up-to-date with the code.

4. Indentation:

Use consistent indentation for better readability. The most common practice is using four spaces.

if [ condition ]; then
    echo "Indented code block"

Avoid using tabs for indentation to prevent inconsistencies between different editors.

5. Whitespace:

Use whitespace to improve code readability. Add spaces around operators and after commas.

result=$(command -a "$arg1" -b "$arg2")

Consistent use of whitespace enhances code clarity and makes it easier to scan.

6. Naming Conventions:

Follow a consistent naming convention for variables, functions, and other identifiers.

  • Variables: Use descriptive names, prefer lowercase with underscores (my_variable).
  • Functions: Follow the same guidelines as variables.
  • Constants: Use uppercase with underscores (MAX_SIZE).


Always quote variables to handle spaces and special characters.

directory="/path with spaces/"
file_count=$(ls "$directory" | wc -l)

Quoting ensures that the script works correctly even if variables contain spaces or special characters.

8. Error Handling:

Include proper error handling to make your scripts robust.

if ! command; then
    echo "Error executing command."
    exit 1

Check return codes and handle errors gracefully to avoid unexpected behavior.

9. Modularity:

Break down your script into functions or separate scripts to promote modularity.

# Function to backup files
backup_files() {
    # Implementation

# Call the function

Modular code is easier to understand, test, and maintain.

10. Consistent Style:

Adopt a consistent style throughout your script. If collaborating, follow a shared style guide.

  • Correct:

    if [ condition ]; then
        echo "Code block"
  • Avoid:

    if [ condition ]
    then echo "Code block"

Consistency in style makes the codebase more cohesive and readable.


Adhering to coding standards in Linux scripting ensures that your code is maintainable, readable, and collaborative. Choose a style guide or create one for your projects, and always strive for consistency in your coding practices. This enhances the quality and longevity of your scripts.