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It is not that exceptional, that different time-series libraries have different interaface towards data, way how their models are fitted, how the prediction is made, which functionality happens at models initialization and which happens somewhere along the way. Each library has specific needs for handling holidays, seasonalities or exogenous variables.

If you are facing a task of using best models, that python eco-system provides, you would most probably bring different notebooks with specific data preparation for each of the library you plan to use.

Later for each of the use-case, or data partition, you would need to adapt your code to fit the library's needs.

Also, searching for optimal model parameters and data preprocessing steps might become tedious task in such setup.

Main building block of hcrystalball, that further enables such large scale cross validation, is a layer of wrappers, that bring models from fbprophet, exponential smoothing (from statsmodels), sarimax (from pmdarima), tbats and any sklearn compatible regressor to time-series compatible sklearn API compliant nature.

Usage of such wrappers is for people who are familiar with sklearn straight forward

Most wrappers

# fbprophet, pmdarima, statsmodels, tbats
from hcrystalball.wrappers import SarimaxWrapper
# from hcrystalball.wrappers import ProphetWrapper
# from hcrystalball.wrappers import ExponentialSmoothingWrapper
# from hcrystalball.wrappers import SimpleSmoothingWrapper
# from hcrystalball.wrappers import HoltSmoothingWrapper
# from hcrystalball.wrappers import TBATSWrapper
# from hcrystalball.wrappers import BATSWrapper

model = SarimaxWrapper(order=(4, 1, 5), seasonal_order=(0,0,0,0))[:-10], y[:-10])

In majority of the cases above, you simply import the wrapper and have a combination of helpful custom made parameters and wrapped model parameters.

For example SarimaxWrapper allows you to initialize the model with automatic finding of Sarimax parameters with init_with_autoarima, but you might also directly instantiate a SarimaxWrapper with custom order - parameter, that wrapped model is exposing.

Sklearn compatible regressors

from hcrystalball.wrappers import get_sklearn_wrapper
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression    

# sklearn compatible regressors
model = get_sklearn_wrapper(LinearRegression)[:-10], y[:-10])

You might have mentioned, that there is a special factory function get_sklearn_wrapper that needs to be used in case of sklearn compatible regressors. Reason behind is that this time when importing SklearnWrapper we wouldn't know, which model is to be wrapped (as oppose to the other wrappers, where we have exact classes that we wrap).