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Releases: helixml/helix

0.9.0 - RAG support in the UI and in Apps

24 May 13:26
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RAG support in Helix

We now support RAG in Helix. You can upload documents and perform RAG over them from the homepage:


We have also switched "inference" and "finetune" to the more generic and user friendly "chat" and "learn":


The default Learn mode is now RAG, because it's much, much faster than fine-tuning. RAG is better at retrieving specific facts, whereas fine-tuning is better at answering general questions about the documents uploaded.

You can still fine-tune, either choose fine tuning from the app homepage, or use the settings button:


Using RAG and fine tuned data sources in Helix Apps

You can now also specify RAG and finetune data sources in Helix Apps' helix.yaml to customize an assistant with a RAG data source or fine tuned LLM. To do this, run a RAG or finetune session which will now create a "data source ID". Retrieve the rag_source_data_entity_id from the info button in a RAG session, like this:

        "rag_source_data_entity_id": "c6cc22d3-23a6-4b2d-acdd-6f561158e0c0",

And place it in a helix.yaml file in a GitHub repo like this:

name: My Test Helix RAG App
description: This is a test Helix RAG app
- name: My Example RAG Assistant
  description: This is an example assistant with a rag source
  rag_source_id: 8b4ff837-b42e-41d2-a5cd-fc7f6c26e08f

Then proceed to use Helix Apps as documented here

This rag_source_id can also be overriden as an API parameter when making an API call.

You can do the same with finetune data sources, named finetune_data_entity_id in the info panel and specified in the helix.yaml as lora_id.

PRs in this release

Full Changelog: 0.8.7...0.9.0

0.8.7 - faster, more compatible docker images with pre-baked weights

22 May 12:54
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We are now publishing runner images with a variety of pre-pulled models:

  • - no pre-pulled models
  • = llama3:instruct;phi3:instruct
    • base layer = llama3:instruct;llama3:70b;mixtral:instruct;phi3:instruct
    • upper layer = adrienbrault/nous-hermes2theta-llama3-8b:q8_0
  • these images were previously zstd compressed, but that lead to instability in the build pipeline and incompatibility with openshift, so here we revert back to gzip-0 compression which is at least fast and has good compatibility

Full Changelog: 0.8.6...0.8.7

0.8.6 - new registry with cached model weights

21 May 07:28
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What's Changed

We are now publishing runner images with a variety of pre-pulled models:

  • - no pre-pulled models
  • - small = llama3:instruct;phi3:instruct
    • base layer = llama3:instruct;llama3:70b;mixtral:instruct;phi3:instruct
    • upper layer = adrienbrault/nous-hermes2theta-llama3-8b:q8_0

Full Changelog: 0.8.5...0.8.6

0.8.5 - gptscript runner, new registry

20 May 10:40
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What's Changed

New gptscript container runner for private deployments. Preparation for publishing images to new

Full Changelog: 0.8.4...0.8.5

0.8.4 - publish new docker images

19 May 09:25
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What's Changed

Now publishing -small and -large docker images containing pre-baked llama3-8b & phi3-mini, and all models advertised in the UI respectively. For ollama images only.

Full Changelog: 0.8.3...0.8.4

0.8.3 - Large docker image with pre-baked weights

17 May 15:21
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What's Changed

Publish a new docker image with pre-baked weights for


Also testing for JSON output, function calling & tools use.

Full Changelog: 0.8.2...0.8.3

0.8.2 - Phi-3, new app homepage, UI updates, add account page

17 May 10:42
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New features

Added Phi-3 model (high quality model with low memory usage), updated visual style, improved mobile views, and enabling account management page in Keycloak.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.8.1...0.8.2


10 May 12:15
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 0.8.0...0.8.1

0.8.0 - App tools & internal qapair gen

08 May 12:57
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What's Changed

API Tools in Helix Apps

You can now version control configuration for OpenAPI tools integrations and spawn embedded widget sessions from such apps. You can also use the chat completion API with the new per-app API key to get tools enabled on that chat session.

Example config:

Fork the repo above and add it as an app inside Helix. Then embed the widget in an html page, activate it, and ask it about the hiring pipeline (demo API).


Fully local qapair generation

We now also have basic support (without schema enforcement, yet) for configuring the qapair generator in fine-tuning to use fully local models.

Full Changelog: 0.7.5...0.8.0

0.7.5 - adjust ollama3-70b memory

03 May 06:55
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Llama3-70B now runs quickly in 39GB of vRAM on latest ollama build.

Full Changelog: 0.7.4...0.7.5