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File metadata and controls

176 lines (150 loc) · 6.8 KB



Assuming you have Python and pip installed, you can simply run the following::
pip install spectrify

Basic Usage

Spectrify can be used as a command-line tool to “copy” an entire table from Redshift to Redshift Spectrum.

spectrify --user=myuser --db=mydb transform my_table 's3://example-bucket/my_table'

This will perform the following:

  • Unload the table to s3://example-bucket/my_table/csv/
  • Properly encode the data into Parquet files in s3://example-bucket/my_table/spectrum/
  • Create a table of the same name in the spectrum schema in your Redshift cluster

Note that the invocation above creates a single partition, and uses a max CSV file size of 1GB, which for our data translates into parquet files of around 800MB. By default, the Parquet files are compressed using gzip compression.

Customizing Spectrify

Spectrify can also be used as a code library to create your own Spectrum data pipeline. To give a real-world use case: say you would like to export your data weekly, with each week’s data residing in a separate partition. You would need to modify Spectrify’s default behavior in the following ways:

  • In Redshift, unload only the records from the previous week
  • In S3, store CSVs for each week into a separate folder
  • In S3, store each week’s Parquet files in a separate folder
  • In Redshift Spectrum, Add a new partition instead of creating a new table

A full code listing for this example can be found in the repository.

Unloading a Subset of a Table

In Spectrify, the class RedshiftDataExporter responsible for unloading records. By modifying the SQL statement used to perform the unload, you can instruct Spectrify to export a subset of a table. In the scenario above, it might look like this:

from spectrify.export import RedshiftDataExporter

class WeeklyDataExporter(RedshiftDataExporter):
    """This class overrides the export query in the following ways:
       - Exports only records with timestamp_col between start_date and end_date
       - Features a smaller MAXFILESIZE (256MB)
    UNLOAD_QUERY = """
    UNLOAD ($$
      SELECT *
      FROM {table_name}
      WHERE timestamp_col >= '{start_date}' AND timestamp_col < '{end_date}'
    TO %(s3_path)s
    CREDENTIALS %(credentials)s

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.start_date = kwargs.pop('start_date')
        self.end_date = kwargs.pop('end_date')
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_query(self, table_name):
        return self.UNLOAD_QUERY.format(

Customizing S3 Data Locations

In order to perform operations involving S3, Spectrify requires you to pass in a S3Config object. At its simplest, an S3Config simply points to directories where the CSV and Parquet/Spectrum files should be stored. You can specify these directories easily by creating a SimpleS3Config as shown below:

from spectrify.utils.s3 import SimpleS3Config

csv_path = 's3://my-temp-bucket/my-table'
spectrum_path = 's3://my-spectrum-bucket/my-table'
s3_config = SimpleS3Config(csv_path, spectrum_path)

Creating New Partitions

In Spectrify, the class SpectrumTableCreator is responsible for creating Redshift Spectrum external tables. If you already have a table created, you can modify the class to create a new partition instead. It might look like this:

class SpectrumPartitionCreator(SpectrumTableCreator):
    """Instead of issuing a CREATE TABLE statement, this subclass creates a
    new partition.
    create_query = """
    ALTER TABLE {spectrum_schema}.{dest_table}
    ADD partition(partition_key='{start_date}')
    LOCATION '{partition_path}';

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.start_date = kwargs.pop('start_date')
        self.end_date = kwargs.pop('end_date')
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def format_query(self):
        partition_path = self.s3_config.spectrum_dir
        return self.create_query.format(

Incorporating Customizations

The classes above describe how to modify individual aspects of Spectrify. The following class demonstrates how you can bring these pieces together with the rest of Spectrify’s functionality. The class TableTransformer encompasses all pieces of the conversion from Redshift to Redshift Spectrum. Here we override the export and table creation steps with our own partition strategy:

class WeeklyDataTransformer(TableTransformer):
    """The TableTransformer does 3 things:
      - Export Redshift data to CSV
      - Convert CSV to Parquet
      - Create a Spectrum table from Parquet files

    This subclass overrides the default behavior in the following ways:
      - Exports only last week of data (via WeeklyDataExporter)
      - Adds a partition instead of creating new table (via SpectrumPartitionCreator)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.start_date = kwargs.pop('start_date')
        self.end_date = kwargs.pop('end_date')
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def export_redshift_table(self):
        """Overrides the export behavior to only export the last week's data"""
        exporter = WeeklyDataExporter(

    def create_spectrum_table(self):
        """Overrides create behavior to add a new partition to an existing table"""
        creator = SpectrumPartitionCreator(